söndag 1 november 2009

Inlägg 833Veronica Nord (Norway) skrev:den 25 oktober 2009 kl. 13:41

Translation of this article from the Norwegian magazine "Her & Nå" from Tuesday 20.10. The interview is done with him in the context of the TV-action for CARE.

Headline :
Alexander Rybak refuses to turn down the speed. - I almost fainted on stage.

Then everything began to spinn around, I managed to creep away to a bottle of water - and got some liquid in me ! says Alexander Rybak. Twice the MGP-star has been close to faint on stage.

- It was hot, and I was so tired and stressed. That was the explanation to that I suddenly felt bad and was about to faint, "says the MGP-star. Few have had a higher workspeed than just Alexander the last couples of months. But he refuses to turn down the high speed. - I give everything and have no understanding for those who complain about how hard it is to be a artist. Think how much we experience and think how much we earn! We have no right to complain, says an outspoken Alexander to ”Her & Nå”.

He was one of the main attractions at Sunday's magnificent TV-collection to CARE. In NRK-studio he met, among others, the presenter Dan Børge Akerø, which Alexander gives the credit for that he got a flying start on his career - when he won the "Kjempesjansen". During the show the Grand Prix fiddle was auctioned. Alexander did, however, need some time before he decided to gave it to the auction- Not because I would not support a good cause, but because I was afraid someone would buy it for ”en tier” ( Norwegian expression, means something like ”a dime”) and then crush it!! reveals Alexander.

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