söndag 1 november 2009

Inlägg 835Sara Anja Ruske skrev:den 26 oktober 2009 kl. 01:38
Another nice review from Østersund, Sweden:



Rybak charming mixture drowned sometimes in lavish show
Music | Östersund
• Alexander Rybak

• Band and dancers from the Frikar

• Old Theater, Saturday

Outside the theater about ten minutes before it is almost deserted. But when the doorman than to the side reveals itself a street life worthy of a rock star.

The phenomenon in itself, with hordes of screaming fans, hundreds of phones in the air by fans who want to immortalize the moment and a slight hysteria after completion of each track, is probably not in the scale occurred before in small Östersund.

It would probably not notice any difference if Robbie Williams was on the scene ...

Besides the music going in a completely different direction.

What makes Alexander Rybak to a unique artist, his charming mixture of Belarusian sadness, optimism, Norwegian, Irish / Scottish folk music stuk and especially pop melodies with choruses that sits on the brain.

He should have an ear for writing the following year's summer plagues, although he has not done anything in the class with "Fairytale".

He has intense presence in the songs, and is good at capturing the audience. Talking between songs is both easy and humorous, even after the second number he draws into laughter when he exclaims in "Have you time for a very very last song?".

He is very talented violinist, something that could only perceptible under Contest.

Among the classic elements I am very fond of the sad lullaby "Kupalinka", touching the hot play and sung.

The texts tend to be well-trivial in some of his own songs. As in "13 horses", the text is reminiscent of a Scottish sailor show, it gets too småfånigt and catchy at the end. Too bad, because melodically it is a great rock ballad with big hit potential, but unified, difficult to engage in.

Likewise is the case of the Dolphins.

But I think the pieces appealed to the young audience more.

It gets a little too much show and too little substance sometimes, when Rybak, dancers from the group was acquitted and the musicians are drowning in a sumptuous sound and light show.

Dancers, I do not really function with, they are talented, but does not add anything special until the "Kiss and Tell", which illustrates the message of the song with good choreography.

Rybak could usefully scale down on the attributes around, and still have a good show that is.

Jenny Isaksson

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