måndag 19 oktober 2009

Inlägg 603Du skrevden 21 september 2009 kl. 08:35
Translation of Skavlan

-Now we will get in Alexander Rybak, he's had an incredible time the four months since he won Eurovision, just look at this

Clip from Finland

-Welcome Alexander Rybak.
--Hey, Really nice.
--You know I almost don't dare (leans backward), because as soon I relax I get ill.
-Then you get swineflue immediately when you relax.
-You have had four months that have been pretty chaotic, we could see that here, you have become rich and famous.
--Yes, I would like to say that in the chaos there has been control. You understand what I mean i have had a good team
around me, so I have been lucky in all ways. Bur I enjoy the chaos that is.
-But how do you feel when these young girls stands there and screams in that way everytime you go somewhere.
--Aaah, I wish they were a little bit older.
I'm happy for every person that shows, that shows energy and warmth. Then someone can tell them how can you be like that
he is serious musician you should listen to the music not howl. But that is nonsence.
-You think they should howl?
--Maybe not those over 30. No forget that I like howling everybody should howl.
- I have to say to you Jon Nesbö you are a pop artist with a long career in Norway, you have had a big hit called "Girls that
come, girls that go", that is Rybak's life now.
- I have understood that.
- Do you recognise that feeling of joy for some reactions from the female part of the audience?
-Yes definitely... If you are going to be totally honest as a musician, when we started diderre we were asked
- Diderre is your band?
- It's my band , we were asked in a lot of interviews why we started this band, and we gave a lot of clever answers about
the music and the lyrics and so on. But four single boys that start a band, come on.
--Yes yes but it's a really good song it describe exactly. Girls that come girls that go actually there aren't many that goes
most just comes.
-But now when you achieved so much as you have done, is there anything that you still dream about?
--That I dream about? Well now I try every day not to forget that this is a dream that has come true. But ofcourse I try to
think that in eight to ten years will I have the strenght to go on and make my third CD or should I quit when ahead, that's
what I'm wandering about, I'm enjoying this 150% because I think and hopes that in a few years I will ave a little bit different
-So you don't think this will last very long?
--No, even if I wanted to it wouldn't be very realistic. Imagine if I settle down with a beautiful wife and then I suddely have
to travel to Europe and then she stays there.
-So you dream about finding this beautiful woman.
--YES, are you crazy? Yes yes it is very important. Maybe, maybe I have found her without knowing.
- But you have been dating a bit.
--I have been very lucky.
-How much dating are we talking about here?
--I don't know, I think it would have been direspectful to say
-It's so high
--There are persons we are talking about.


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