lördag 8 januari 2011

Visar inlägg 2101-2130 av 3466.FörstaFöregående6970717273NästaSista.Grete Strub
Trailer from Yohan Premier Match 26
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Jitka Holanová
My dear friends, Alex says only a few words in the trailer, but can you translate it, please :-)?..
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Hilde Målsnes
He speaks in very broken norwegian:
Why are you alone outside in the night ?
Hvorfor er du alene ute på natten ?
But our horse will die, not enough hay
Men vår hest vil dø, ikke nok høy
Young man, you are a very good person
Unge mann, du er ett veldig godt menneske
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
I found this article on sweedish google. It seems, Alexander is taking part in a swedish TV-show about music on friday the 16th of april.

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Alexander's father is still worrying for his son. From 9.3.10

Norwegian: http://www.amta.no/lokale_nyheter/article5012876.ece

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&ie=UTF-8&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amta.no%2Flokale_nyheter%2Farticle5012876.ece
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Mel Bluebell
Movie Yohan, short article including trailer.
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Mel Bluebell
About Alex being in Tallinn...


Last night was Eurolaul Alexander Rybak transmission "Ringvaade interview. The young man was obviously tired and unhappy, and at times seemed to break out crying as soon as ...

Usutluse already been examined at the end of Anu Välba presenter has become quite concerned about whether Rybak has a cold? "No, I am freezing all the time ... Unfortunately, I have a concern, which I can not publicly talk about ..."... See More

The audience looked Anu Välbalt, Rybak impression of what it did? "He was just a moment. Obviously, he did not know myself well."

Välba acknowledged that it was one of emotional interviews, which he has done. "But there are still others. There have been situations where people will cry, and the broadcast must be stopped."

Also read: those of Congestion? What plagued Alexander Rybaki "Ringvaates"?
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
The news for the Spellemann award have reached Finland.

Finnish: http://elisa.net/uutiset/viihde/?id=44475

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Felisa.net%2Fuutiset%2Fviihde%2F%3Fid%3D44475&sl=fi&tl=en

Notice that the Google Translator and agglutinative languages (=Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian and Turkish) simply don't match!
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Viola Aleksandra
@Yannis. A better translation (I hope)

Rybak and Röyksopp were awarded

Norwegian recording and music industry has granted the annual awards. The event is called Spellemann. Norwegian Eurovision Song Contest winner, singer-violinist Alexander Rybak was awarded as the Norwegian artist of the year.Winning the ESC with his song Fairytale was only a beginning. His popularity spread abroad and created a snowball effect.

Donkeyboy was awarded this year's newcomer. The band's singles and tracks dominated the Norwegian charts for several months last year.Their popularity has gradually spread to Sweden, Denmark and to Finland.

Norway's perhaps most famous rock band Röyksopp was rewarded this time for their musical work and electro music. Swedish star Robyn, whose record has sold Platinum, was there to give her support to the band as a fan and a colleague.
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Mel Bluebell
Video from Tallinn:

Funny Little World


Hungarian Suite
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Asya Katsarenko
Interview from Tallinn
Skip to 54:00
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Mel Bluebell
Video from Tallinn:

Roll With The Wind
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Vigdis Ar
One whole page about Alexander in paper Dagbladet today. They have talked with Igor, Per Sunnes and Kathrine about Alexander. Many times the papers only refer a short part on web, but today it is mostly the same as here:


för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
The TV-interview from estonian TV..I can´t see, if it´s been posted already..It starts at 54.40 and he is really not cheerful...He more or less says, he had bad trouble with his management..( " shifting people, I work with " )...and some trouble with his love-life too..

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
I have been searching on BBC one and BBC player, but unfortunaltely, it doesn´t seem possible, to watch the performance in London on friday the 12th by an online-link, if you are living outside the UK!! I hope, somebody will tell me, I am wrong, though!!
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Mel Bluebell
I am just finding this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00rfq7d

over and over again, maybe we have to check 2 or 3 days before again.
I asked via mail. Hope to get answer.
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Good news about swedish ESC on march 13th. It LOOKs like it is broadcasted online on this page..scroll down to the 13th and see...but I don´t know for sure..

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Norma Piestrak
Thanks for checking, Marianne. You are soooo good!
It figures that the one show where I could understand what they are saying won't be broadcast. Oh well, I sure hope the English Facebookies who go to it will do us proud. At least the Swedish ESC is the next day.
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Linda Clueless
Translation of Yannis' post over there, from Finland..

Rybak and Röyksopp got awards

Norway's recording- and music industry has given annual awards. Happening is called Spellemannen. Norwegian Eurovision winner Alexander Rybak rewarded as year's Norwegian artist. His Eurovision winning-song Fairytale was just the beginning for him. That became a snowball effect that reached to foreing countries too.

Donkeyboy rewarded as year's newcomer. The band's singles and tracks ruled Norway's list for several months las year. The band's popularity has spread little by little to Sweden, Denmark and Finland too.

Norway's maybe best known rock-band Röyksopp rewarded this time because of composing work and electro music. Swedish platinum star Robyn had arrived there to support band as a fan and as a professional friend.

Then there's just little list of others that got awards. I don't mind to translate it 'cause this is thread about new stuff on Alex.

I try to look for another articles about Alex' prize if possible 'cause now I feel veeeery embarrassed because Yannis, greek man, find that article before me *blush*
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Anglesina Est
My translation of one of the Estonian newspaper article about the concert in Tallinn on March 8th:

Rybak's stunning concert

The last year's winner of ESC gave on Woman's Day after an exhausting autograph session an inspiring animated concert. The concert hall was so brimfull, that some extra chairs were needed to bring in. The mostly female audience was attracted by Rybak's cute and a little boyish smile. The active stage show with jumps, acrobatics and violin-guitar duels brought fiery ovations. At times Alexander even roamed on the floor with the dancers without losing a rhythm.
And the photo gallery bt the article: http://www.elu24.ee/?g=990&art=234514#38675
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Anglesina Est
My translation of one of the Estonian newspaper article about the sadness of Alex:

The sadness is over-dramatized

"It was evident, that he didn't want to talk about his private stuff", sayd the press agent of the BDG, Margot Holts, who was in charge for organizing the concert for Norwegian musician Alexander Rybak, who was caught the eye with his morose condition.

Holts sayd, that it was obvious, that he had some troubles and sorrows. "But as an artist, he was still excellent: on the stage he was as shining and cool as during his performance on ESC, giving the best of himself, despite of what he looked like on backstage", told Holts.

Though she thinks, that Rybak's sadness was a bit overdramatized. "It wasn't like dragging feet and shredding tears on backstage. But all that day was very exhausting for him - from one interview to another and then this signing session in Solaris", explained Holts.

Yesterday morning he already flew to Norway. According to Holts, he went directly to the studio, to work on his new album. "There is sure hope to see him in Estonia again, because he had a very good impression of Estonia and Estonians. He sayd, that he will come back as soon as possible", sayd Holts and told, that Rybak had only good words about Estonia. "In the morning he was already rather positive, because returning to Norway is going to be like a little holiday for him, since he has been performing for quite a while".

On Monday evening's broadcasting "Ringvaade" he was rubing his eyes as though he were about to cry. But maybe it was because of his contact lenses? And on the way to that broadcast, he asked the photographer not to take any pictures of him, because hes eyes were sore of all the flashes. Maybe the contact lenses were the reason for his morose condition, which made him rub his eyes all the time?


för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Victoria Aregger C A
ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Due to some "logistic reasons" Irena will be gone from Planet Rybak for an indefinite period of time. She can't be gone for that long! NO WAY!!!! Emergency measures required!!!!! ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Olina Novikova
Interview in Tallinn, 08.03.10
I have no time for love


Host: Alexander, how has your life changed after Eurovision?
Alex: Now a lot of people want to meet me and I feel like I’m obliged to give out smiles to them all the time. But it’s very pleasant. I know that in couple of years I’ll be bethinking about that and I will be very glad… Also I have less time left for love, don’t have time for love at all. But on the other hand I love all my… how to say?...
Host: Fans.
Alex: I don’t like this word, I say – public.
Host: What chances has Petr Nalich (the winner of the Russian Eurovision final) on Euro 2010?
Alex: Well, I think if he and his band will be playing with camera as well as they did in Russia then they have big chances. We’ll see. I liked them very much.
Host: Thank you.
Alex: Never mind.

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
His ex-girlfriend says she doesn't believe he will cease from being a singer.


Googlish (slow): http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&ie=UTF-8&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tv2underholdning.no%2Fgkn%2Frybakeks-haaper-takketalen-var-slutten-paa-eventyret-3156585.html
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Anglesina Est
My translation of one of the Estonian newspaper article:

Rybak was forbid to give autographs

Rybak, giving autographs on Monday evening before the concert, was draged away from the crowd: "Enough, no more autographs!" announced the regulator. "I want everybody to get an autograph!" claimed Rybak, tired. Instead of a planned 3/4 hour, he was already been giving autographs for 2 hours and he never managed to the soundcheck.

In girls faces, who were richer by his hi, hug and autograph, was shining pure happiness. Somebody, who couldn't believe, what has happened, was even shaking, half-laughing and half-crying.

Yesterday, before 17.00 Rybak started with signing autographs in the atrium of Solaris-center. The queue filled the entire ground floor, the first floor was also filled with wonderers, mostly teenagers. Fairytale was playing, but Rybak didn't find it pleasing. “Turn it off!” he pleaded. Although there were brought red armchair and table to ease his tough job, he preferred to stand, while communicate with his fans, explaining, that in this way the contact is more direct.

According to Rybak, he was able to get a well rest between arrival and meeting the people. He also told, that he didn't expect so many fans. Actually the autoghraph session was set till 17.30, but then lots of people would have to leave disappointed.

“I want everybody to get an autograph!” he announced and was thus ready to drop the soundcheck. Meanwhile he was expected to the studio of the broadcast “Ringvaade”, but after that he returned to the crowd and continued to give autographs.

And the gallery: http://ohtuleht.ee/galerii/pildigalerii/2033#1
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
I don't know if you have found any solution to watch Alex on BBC live, but this may be useful.




- You need to install Silverlight from Microsoft.
- You need a registration, which is free.

>> Notice I haven't tried it yet (some problem with my browser refrains me from registration). IT MAY BE A FRAUD!!!

The following links are not likely to show the final live, but you never know. So:

BBC NEWS - LIVE LINK (works guaranteed)

BBC WORLD NEWS - LIVE LINK (works guaranteed - it shows an advert first):
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Anglesina Est

Rybak wished backstage lots of bananas.

What does Alexander Rybak eat, that he is so beautiful?
"The artist wished to his backstage rooms only healthy snacks and lots of fruit - bananas, oranges, nectarines", lists the BDG Music press represantive Margot Holts the menu of the fiddler and musician.
"From the refreshments the preferences of the musician are rather healthy as well - water, organic juice and soft drinks, coca cola light, organic tea and a quality coffee."
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
I got a message from Terry, that confirms, what I have found so far:

Hi Marianne

BBC claim they can only broadcast throughout the uk because of rights agreements. You will be able to see podcasts when available.
So I guess we are out of luck!
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Helen Juvik
From TV2

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Anna Grygorowicz
Some more informations about Alexander's new flat

and in english
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.FörstaFöregående6970717273NästaSista.Skapa en annons
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