lördag 8 januari 2011

Visar inlägg 2161-2190 av 3466.FörstaFöregående7172737475NästaSista.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Alex new lawyer..and member of his new management. Pedro Fasting


And his facebook-page

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz

Recording of the interact-medley of Norway vs. Sweden.

Alex and Frikar is on from 9.58

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz

Alexander giving the norwegian points!!

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Venche Mellemstrand
INterview in God kveld Norge, 13.03.2010
.... after an intense year with Fairytale and great success. According to himself the adventure is already about to end. A tired and stated Alexander RYbak speaks out in God kveld NOrge

He has been the favourite of the press and the favourite of the audience for a year now, but it has been a strain on the young fiddler.

A: I will take another round with screaming teenagers, but it's a strain, especially when I have decided to stay for 2 or 3 hours until the last one has left.
You always hurt someone and you always want to please someone more that you can.

D: Therefore it's nice for ALexander Rybak to do other things. No he's actual as the voice of Hikken in the film How to train your dragon which has premiere on the 26th of march.
And Hikken is rather like Alexander Rybak, both in the way he looks and personality.

A:In the film I am a rebell, but I don't bother to fight with the big Vikings, so I rather wait until I can prove that there is an other way, just like it was before ESC.
99% of the people I knew were against me joining ESC, and all the branch people were against me trying to getr Fairytale on the radio.They said that people would never bother hearing it. I waited and I proved that people voted for it, and then suddenly all the bosses were there, like ok let's do it like that then Alex. It's sad that it should be that way.

D: It's important to have self confidence than.

A: Yes, but I would have wished for those with more authority to also have self confidence, and more balls. They are just following the stream.
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
The performance in swedish eSC-final. Fairytale only!!

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Viola Aleksandra
Swedish newspaper Expressen about Alex's performance at Melodifestivalen (på Svenska, but use translator)

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Anglesina Est
Viola's article in googlish:
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Have we seen this before?? It is from an Eurovision-page and it is a very positve and nice article about Alexanders year. Also more links in the bottom of the page

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
If this is a reposting, please say so. It is Kjendis, digging deeper in the break-up with management.

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
13-03-2010, 18:08 hrs. CET

Also Aftenposten now writes about Alex breaking up with his Management:

***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aftenposten.no%2Fkul_und%2Farticle3563247.ece&sl=no&tl=en
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
The whole ESC-final from Sweden, now on SVT.play.

Alex is on at 01.15 and 01.27.30

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Patrycja Pajor
Nice note about Alex's rehersal on Saturday:
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Irina Kuvaldina
Info about new album and concerts in Russia


för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
Catalina made this video (Europe Skies, Fairytale and at 5:09 strange interview) from Alex & team in Sarajevo (14-03-2010):

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Julia Bezbakh
Iterview in God kveld Norge, 13.03.2010 with English subs by Petronella.

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Jitka Holanová
Old interview about Kjempesjansen, maybe it is here already but I didn't see it yet..cute surprised smile :-)..translation in inbox

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Jitka Holanová
oooohhhhh looooolll!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Hi friends. This is not news from the media, but I opened the facebook-profile of Pedro Fasting ( Previous posting from me here ) today and sent him a fb-message! He is not a member of this page and he does not have Alex on his friends-list.

Since Alex spoke very warmly about Pedro, over lunch in Prague and since Pedro ( who is the lawyer of Alex ) is now part of his new management, together with Kjell...I thought it could be fun, if he would add me as fB-friend.

Here is our conversation.

Marianne Mata Hari Saietz 15. marts kl. 19:42

Hi Pedro! On behalf of all of Alexander Rybaks fans, connected through his official facebook-page
( http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=14349&post=200153&uid=183104285643#!/alexanderrybak)

I wish to say HI!! ( hugs ) and WELCOME to the management of Alex. Some of us are " The facebookies " .We met Alex in Prague and he spoke very warmly about you, so we have known about you for some time, but kept our mouths shut!
Have fun and good luck!

Pedro Fasting 15. marts kl. 20:43
Dear Marianne

Thank you for that warm welcome.

I only use my Facebook for personal things more or less, to see what old friends and colleges are doing. (Overall I spend very litle time on Facebook)

I hope that you and the rest of the facebookies accept that I reject requests of friendship on Facebook for this reason.

Take care.

All the best

Marianne Mata Hari Saietz 15. marts kl. 20:47
Sure!! I respect that! I was, of course, just hoping to use you as a tool, to spy on our beloved fiddler and get some juice gossip, but thats okay:-)) ( Just kidding )
We ARE very glad, he changed his management and we will follow the development with interest!!
Best wishes!
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
New article. Alexander feels guilty because of the increased costs to host the Eurovision..????

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Release dates of " How to train a Dragon" in all countries. It is only in Norway, that Alexander is dubbing the voice of Hikken. Rumors say, he was going to do the russian version, but he refused, because he thought his accent was bad.


Sorry, the release dates: http://www.howtotrainyourdragonintl.com/intl/releasedates/
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Zuzana Ok
@ Marianne : LOOOL, this was very kind step and try of you - to contact a lawyer of him:-)
but Pedro´s attitude seems to be kinda typical for lawyers and also familiar to me (because of the same profesion as mine is? :))
...and this is maybe more suitable for off-topic thread but I just can not help myself:-) :
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Dvora Swiss

My source: http://www.eurovision.tv/page/home

Albania: Juliana Pasha - Nuk Mundum Pa Ty


Armenia: Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone


Azerbaijan: Safura Alizade - ????

the song will be chosen on 19th march!!!

Belarus: 3+2 – Far Away


Belgium: Tom Dice – Me And My Guitar


Bosnia & Herzegovina: Vukašin Brajić – Munja I Grom


Bulgaria: Miro – Angel Si Ti


Croatia: Feminnem – Lako Je Sve


Cyprus: Jon Lilygreen The Islanders - Life Looks Better In Spring


Denmark: Chanée & N'evergreen - In A Moment Like This


Estonia: Malcolm Lincoln & Manpower 4 - Siren


F.Y.R. Macedonia: Gjoko Taneski - Jas Ja Imam Silata


Finland: Kuunkuiskaajat - Työlki Ellää


France: ???? - ????

to be announced, no date found on the webpages

Georgia: Sopho Nizharadze - Shine


Germany: Lena Meyer-Landrut – Satellite


Greece: Giorgos Alkaios & Friends – OPA


Iceland: Hera Björk - Je Ne Sais Quoi


Ireland: Niamh Kavanagh – It's For You


Israel: Harel Skaat - Milim


Latvia: Aisha – What For?


Lithuania: InCulto - East European Funk


Malta: Theao Garrett – My Dream


Moldova: Sun Stroke Project & Olia Tira – Run Away


And of course Norway: Didrik Solli-Tangen – My Heart Is Yours


Poland: Marcin Mroziński - Legenda


Portugal: Filipa Azevedo - Há Dias Assim


Romania: Paula Seling & Ovi – Playing With Fire


Russia: Music group of Peter Nalitch – Lost and Forgotten


Serbia: Milan Stanković – Ovo Je Balkan


Slovakia: Kristina – Horehronie


Slovenia: Ansambel Roka Žlindre in Kalamari - Narodno Zabavni Rock


Spain: Daniel Diges - Algo Pequeñito


Sweden: Anna Bergendahl – This is My Life


Switzerland: Michael Von Der Heide - Il pleut de l'or


Netherlands: Sieneke - Ik ben verliefd (Sha-la-lie)


Turkey: maNga – We Could Be The Same


Ukraine: Vasyl Lazarovich – I Love You


United Kingdom: Josh - That Sounds Good To Me


för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
In "God Kveld Norge" Alex said that he feels guilty because of the Eurovision victory, resulting in the public having to pay money to host the contest in Norway. From the TV2's site.


Translation: http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&ie=UTF-8&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tv2underholdning.no%2Fgkn%2Fnaa-har-rybak-daarlig-samvittighet-3161025.html

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Irina Kuvaldina
Some cute pics from Estonia (March 8th)
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ika Ikaika
today articles:


för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Helen Juvik
In this aricle Aftenposten says the Spellemannspris to Alex was highly deserved


för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Helen Juvik
More about Alex`s bad conscience for winning ESC


för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
This is interesting.

I found the webpage of the YLA-studio, belonging to producer Amir Aly in Malmö.
On the news-page of it, there are a lot of comments on different artists...and Alexander!!

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Much interesting stuff on that webpage from YLAstudio. The price of one day in the studio is 4000 Skr...= app. 500 euro.
But for longer appointments, they make special deals..

för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
About the free gig Alex will do on May 6th (20:00 hrs) in "Sandvica Storsenter" in Sandvika, Norway:


Thanks Gesine, Milena and Vigdis!
för ungefär 10 månader sedan · Anmäl.FörstaFöregående7172737475NästaSista.Skapa en annons

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