söndag 9 januari 2011

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*Finaly ♥ so I'm happy:)*
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Part 2 of the interview in Stjerneklart on NRK P1 :

R1: Yes, we hope that you use your mobile phone or PC, and send questions to Alexander who waits for the strangest questions from the listeners.

AR: Absolutely.

R1: now we come to one of ours permanent parts, as you said in the old days, in Stjerneklart where we present our guest CV. And I've tried hard to put together a resume for this young man's relatively short life . Here are Alexander Rybak's CV:

Alexander Rybak was born on 13 May 1986 in Minsk in Belarus, the son of Igor Aleksandrovich Rybak and Natasha Valentinova Rybak. When Alexander was 4 years old, the family moved to Nesodden outside Oslo, where Alexander grew up. Igor and his wife Natasha plays an old Russian romance. Natashja, the 5-year-old son Sasha, and Igors' mother came in March by train and with tourist visas. One year after he came to Norway, Alexander began to play piano and violin, teached by his father who is a violinist and his mother, a pianist. Violin became the main instrument, and Alexander had his father as a teacher, until he was a teenager when he began studying violin with Professor Isaac Schuldman at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. In a period Alexander played in Vivaldiorkesteret, who was led by his fatger, and the Barratt Due children orchestra. He began at the Barratt Due Academy in the age of ten. From he was 14 until he was 17 he was a student of violinist Alexander Alf Richard Kraggerud. Then, by Eileen Siegel Oslo Philarmoniske orchestra. And with Lena Rist Larsen who is also the Norwegian champion accordion. Summer 2002 he received a scholarship that brought him free in the course of Stephen Shipps, New Jersey and a master class with Pinchas Zukermann. He did participate in several Norwegian festivals and seminars, where he was a musician, concertmaster or soloist. And he was on tour, both in Chicago, Spain, Russia and Poland. In autumn 2005 he premiered Daniel Thornhill's Violin Concerto Musica Avventurosa together with Young Symphony in the Kors Church in Bergen. In 2003 he joined NRK's Kjempesjanen, but the presenter Dan Børge Aakerø considered him too dilute and too young. Alexander joined the Idol in 2005, but broke out early.

AR: It was fun just to get on TV, I think ..
R3: It's a long way from Idol to Seterjentenes Søndag. You have to explain.
AR: One can rather say that it is a long way from Seterjentens Søndag to Idol.Because it is classical violin I am doing.

The CV continuing.

The following year he was participating in Kjempesjansen, and won. In the summer of 2008 he traveled around the islands Valderøy, Vigra, Giske and Godøy outside Ålesund and offered to play house concerts for food and accommodation. Demand for concerts increased after interview in Sunnmørsposten. On Giske, he wrote a song he called Fairytale. He contributes on children plate Magiske kroker og hemmeligheter, produced by Linn Skåber and Jacob Young. In 2007 he played the lead role in Fiddler on the Roof at Oslo New Theatre, and was Hedda award for his efforts.
It was a genius tick to obtain the winner of Kjempesjansen Alexander Rybak, who has been a significant position in production, making it a beautiful violin playing and lots of charm. Last fall, he starred as Ketil Moe in a performance in Lillesand as 10-year celebration of Ketil Moe's death, and he played the violin player Levi Yohan film which premiered in March of this year. In 2009 he participated in Eurovision Song Contest with his song Fairytale. Won the competition with more than 600,000 more votes a 2nd place, and went gold with the release plate. The album Fairytales got very good reviews. In the international final in Moscow, Alexander got a new points record, 387 points, an average of 9.44 points from each country. After the victory in the Eurovision Song Contest, Alexander toured with the dance group Frikar, both in Norway and elsewhere in Europe. His second single was called Funny Little World, and when released, it was for the first time in history that two singles with the same Norwegian artist topped the charts at home. He was awarded as "Årets Spellemann" at G rammy 2009. Now he has been working on a new album to be released this summer, and the single Oah! Is already on the market. Alexander Rybak live in an apartment newly bought at Aker Brygge.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
BAD REVIEW about Alex from Greece


"Alexander Rybak: As if no time passed..."

It seems we still live in the previous year. Poor Rybak went on the Eurovision stage wearing the same clothes, playing the same violin, without even a single revision in his song. He just reminded Europe that he never managed to evolve into the star everyone had expected one year ago. "Stardom potential" is something you just have it or you don't have it. But even if you happen to have it, but you don't know how to light it up... you better ask the fortune teller for an advice...
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Rybak ran for life, yesterday. Actually, he ran for Unicef at a school and signed 450 autographs with his bad hand.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
The upper link doesn´t work for me anymore, but here is the link to the original article.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
"Rybak accused of plagiarism in Russia" - VG 3.6.10


för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Copy of my posting on the fansite, containing 2 articles about Alex´run for Unicef, translated by me. The links to the original articles are also posted here.

Rybak ran for life – Supported UNICEF. June 3th, 2010

Rybak ran for life - Hamar Arbeiderblad 3.6.10, by Anne Bergsengene

Translation by Marianne Saietz

Original article: http://www.h-a.no/Nyheter/Nyheter/tabid/72/Default.aspx?articleView=true&ModuleId=82522

Alexander Rybak was main attraction yesterday, when the pupils of Fagerlund school, ran for children in Africa.

Brumunddal: The spirit was high and the autograph-hunters were eager, when Fairytale-Alexander spent some morning-hours at Fagerlund School yesterday. And even though, the artist couldn´t play fiddle, because of a injured hand, and insisted that he couldn´t sing either, the children were very happy, to have him as visitor. After a rude false start, Rybak paced up the speed of the race, on the first round of the campaign of this year, “ Run For Life”. But after that, one could ask, if he contributed with anything else, but to slow down the speed, cause wherever he was in the race, the other participants gathered around him, to get an autograph on their Unicef- “ passport “. Got sponsors:

All the children had found sponsors before the race. Mostly parents or granparents, who had committed themselves to pay an amount of money, for each round, the pupil could run. Documentation was a decal in the “ passport “, for each passing of the finish-line. How much Rybak and the others at Fagerlund School, ran and raised yesterday, is not all clear yet, but it is certain, that it became a campaign-day out of the ordinary. Schools, allover the country, run the Unicef-round. Last year, 25.000 children participated and raised more than 2.3 million NOK. ( 250.000 Euro )

Wanted to run, himself:

Among the schools, who take part in the Unicef-round this year, one will be chosen by lottery, to get a concert with Alexander Rybak, in the last week before the summer-holidays. But Alexander Rybak wished to do more, than just give a concert for the winning school. He wished to run himself and in this way, motivate the children to do an effort, to provide education for children in Africa.

“ I volunteered for the race, because I am amazingly good at running…No, really, I haven´t been running for 2 years and besides, I get ache very easily. But Unicef is involved for children in Africa and we are allowed to contribute”, Alexander said, before the start.

To this paper he told, he is very concerned about two issues. One is, that children should grow up in safe surroundings and the other, that no child should be victims of assault or rape.

“ This is a nice way to show concern for children and contribute to raise interest for the issue. And I think, it is fun!! Besides, I was the best, at least in the first round ”, says Alexander Rybak.

Diploma from Solskjær:

It is Ole Gunnar Solskjær, who is the noble protector of the campaign and when Fagerlund school gets its well-deserved diploma, it will be with his signature and a special greeting from the most popular participant of the day.

“ I thank you very much, for putting all your soul into this”, Alexander Rybak said, before he left the school.


Article about the run for UNICEF, from the website of UNICEF, Norway.

Alexander Rybak participated in the UNICEF-round, together with Fagerlund School in Brumundal.

Link to original article: http://www.unicef.no/Forsiden/Alexander+Rybak+deltok+p%C3%A5+UNICEF-runden.9946.cms

Translation by Marianne Saietz

Fagerlund school in Brumundal had, wednesday, a visit from Alexander Rybak, in relation to the running of the UNICEF-round.

The race was opened by pupils from the school, who wished Alexander welcome, followed by a seance, focused on childrens rights, especially, the right to education. Alexander said, he felt, it was a great way to contribute: ” Everybody runs and contributes a little – UNICEF takes care, so that it becomes a help to many children”. Project-leader Ellen Sandsøe from UNICEF said, that she thinks it is brillant, that norwegian children, who are looking forward to their summer-holiday and time off from school, takes the opportunity to help other children to fulfill their greatest wish, of being able to go to school. Alexander Rybak was impressed of the childrens efforts, which resulted in several rounds, followed by a splash of water, to get chilled off in the burning sun. Naturally, all the participants got an autograph each, before they ended a school-day, they won´t forget very soon.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
A little interesting interview with Alex in Russian newspaper: http://translate.google.ee/translate?hl=et&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fnovostey.com%2Fsociety%2Fnews228891.html

Looks, like the link of google translation don't let to paste - copy-paste it yourself from original: http://novostey.com/society/news228891.html

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Thanks Anglesina. I have the same problem all day. The links to translattions can not be posted properly...don´t know why.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
No Abbie, once you have posted it, it does not work anymore.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Milena Windmill
About his appearance on 11.June at Muz-TV awords, he is going to performe "I don´t believe in miracles"



för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Venche Mellemstrand
About the link to translations. It looks like Facebook makes a bit of the link into plain text and not a part of the link (you can see that not all of it has blue link colour). But if you copy the whole link text and paste it in the address field on internet explorer or whatever, the link works.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Татьяна Домашевич
Hi everyone! Marianna Mata Hari suggested that I put here my article about Alex, which came out in one of Kazakhstan's newspapers. Perhaps someone will be able to translate into English. Because a Google translation is even worse than my own. I would be very grateful if someone will translate my material.

24 мая 1956 года в Лугано (Швейцария) состоялся первый конкурс Евровидения. Целью конкурса было и остается - выявить лучшую песню Европы. В том самом первом конкурсе приняли участие исполнители Италии, Швейцарии, Нидерландов, Бельгии, Люксембурга, Франции и Германии. А самой первой победительницей в истории Евровидения стала Лис Ассиа из Швейцарии. Со временем количество стран, желавших участвовать в конкурсе, намного увеличилось, и их одновременное участие в конкурсе стало невозможным.
Тогда было принято решение отстранять от конкурса, проводящегося в следующем году, страны, показавшие наихудшие результаты, а страна победитель теперь автоматически становится местом проведения следующего конкурса. Выступления участников «Евровидения 2010» пройдут с 25 по 29 мая на стадионе "Теленор Арена", находящемся в пятнадцати минутах езды от центра Осло – столицы Норвегии.
Билеты на финал были раскуплены еще в декабре прошлого года в течение двадцати минут с момента открытия касс.

Норвежский эльф с волшебной скрипкой…

Местом проведения «Евровидения 2010» Норвегия стала благодаря ошеломительной победе своего представителя с белорусскими корнями Александра Рыбака на конкурсе, проходившем в прошлом году в Москве. В ходе зрительского голосования Рыбак получил 387 баллов и установил рекорд, неслыханный до этого в истории Евровидения.
В одночасье он стал национальным героем Норвегии и кумиром миллионов людей из разных стран мира. Когда самолет, на котором Александр возвращался домой, приземлился в международном аэропорту Осло, четыре пожарные машины окатили лайнер водой со всех сторон. Так в Норвегии приветствуют только самых заслуженных пилотов. Встречали победителя более трех тысяч человек.
«Faitytale» («Сказка») - песня, которая и принесла Рыбаку победу, стала практически вторым гимном Норвегии, и теперь часы на главной ратуше Осло вызванивают ее мелодию шесть раз в сутки.
Его жизнь после Евровидения – это сплошные перелеты и концерты. Его выступления собирают многотысячные залы, а среди его поклонников люди всех возрастов, национальностей и вероисповеданий. За прошедший год он объездил с гастролями всю Европу, а также побывал в Штатах, в Японии, часто выступает в России. В качестве гостя посетил почти все национальные отборочные туры, чтобы поддержать новых конкурсантов «Евровидения», несмотря на то, что это не входит в обязанности победителя. При этом Рыбак успевает писать новые песни, сниматься в клипах, участвовать в благотворительных акциях и записывать новые альбомы. Его первый альбом «Fairytales» во многих странах стал золотым, а в России в первые же дни после выхода даже платиновым. За прошедший год он стал лауреатом целого ряда премий и наград, в числе которых «Лучший скрипач 2009 года» в Норвегии (а Александр в первую очередь классический музыкант – скрипач-виртуоз, играющий на скрипке с пяти лет) и «Соотечественник года» в России («За вклад в распространение российского искусства за рубежом»). Сейчас на него возложена почетная и ответственная миссия - принимать гостей и участников «Евровидения 2010».
А недавно, 13 мая, Александр Рыбак отметил свое двадцатичетырехлетие. Его фанаты со всего мира, объединившись, приготовили ему, пожалуй, самый необычный подарок. Они собрали и перечислили деньги на счет благотворительного фонда «Играй для будущего», созданного школой Valdres Sommersymfoni для обучения музыки талантливых детей из самых бедных стран мира (этот проект очень много значит для Александра, и он сам не раз принимал в нем активное участие).
Этим летом Рыбак планирует большой гастрольный тур по странам СНГ, в число которых входит и Казахстан. Его поклонники, которых в нашей стране тоже немало, ждут его приезда с огромным нетерпением.
Татьяна Домашевич.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Spasibo Tatiana!!!

A new album from Bobbysocks gets a bad review. Alex is performing on one of the songs.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
THIS IS OLD STUFF, but I chose to repost it today on fans wall, cause it is a very good and funny article. From May 20th 2009


Translated by Marianne.

Meet the landlady and flatmate of Mgp-winner Alexander Rybak

In the living room of Karin Madsen, Ljan, is the piano, where Alexander Rybak worked on his song Fairytale. Megan Sørlie (20) have followed the process from the first tone. ...

LJAN: Not everyone knows, that Alexander Rybak has rented rooms at Karin Madsen, Birgitte Hammersvei, for several years. Here, he lives as a son in the house along with the other flatmate Megan Sørlie.

Megan and Alexander use the kitchen, bathroom, living room and the rest of the house as if they were raised here. Karin makes demands on the tenants. All must keep tidy, wash, organize and contribute to the community. In return, follows much cosiness.
In this house everyone is talking about everything. And Alexander Rybaks music has absolutely made its mark on their lives.

Loves the piano
- I remember when he came here first and saw my piano. He needed a quiet place to live, closer to the Barratt Due institute, than Nesodden. He has often lessons in the evenings and is unable to catch the last ferry, says Karin.

He immediately saw my piano, and asked me, if he was allowed to play on it. This is a Carl Mand-piano, a beautiful instrument I inherited from my grandmother. Alexander loves the sound of it. Here he has played, hour after hour. We have heard many songs, taking form here. Fairytale, we have followed and discussed with him since the first time he had the idea, says Karin.

The world's nicest.......
Megan moved in later than Alexander. She is not particularly concerned with the music. She studies to be a doctor. And feels she has much in common with her flatmate.

- We are both very dedicated within our fields. Sometimes, he asks me to come and hear something new, he has made. And I say, I do not have time because I must read. But I have great pleasure to listen to him playing, and to discuss his ideas even though I'm not an expert. He is an incredibly grounded guy, "says Megan.

She believes Alexander Rybak is exactly as you see him on TV. Honest and straight forward. She thinks it is strange that the girls all over the world are now so concerned about her flatmate. At the same time she is not surprised, by the amount of letters that dumps in the door, or the enthusiasm he rises, wherever he comes.

- He is very special. That I see, even though we live here as siblings, "says the girl who is studying right down the street on Sjømannsskolen.

- Here in the house we are living a simple and sober life. It fits both me and the tenants well, "says Karin. Sure, Alexander has now been given disposal of an extra room for all the new clothes he has received in connection with the styling and the shows. But the clothes, has not been used, if we are to believe Megan.

- I've probably seen him use two of the jackets. Otherwise it is all in stacks with the price tags on. He is the same as before this took completely off. I texted with him late yesterday. And I look forward to see him again, says the girl.
When she and Karin watched the Grand Prix together they had plans to celebrate with a bottle of champagne, contrary to Alexanders sober line. But they forgot the sparkling drops for the excitement of winning.

Forgot the violin.......
Megan and Karin are by the front window with views over the fjord, right by the piano. Here they have spent countless hours, talking with Alexander.

- He might be slightly absent-minded, says Karin. She recalls the time a few months ago, when he came home without the violin. He had forgotten it and left it on the train. He hurried back to Ljan station, where he was indeed presented his beloved instrument again.

- People are so fond of him, says Karin. She admits that she has talked a lot with Alexander Rybak about the time that is now coming.

- I can be a part of life's many pages, also about economics. I am financial, so to speak, and he is not he, though he is very sensible. I know he listens to what I have to say, "says Karin.

Not tired of song....
Although Karin and Megan has heard Fairytale in many versions, and listened when Alexander Rybak worked up variations, and rendered techniques, none of them are tired of the winning song. They think it is great. And they believe we have much more to expect from his hand. They know his versatility.

- When Alexander had finished the exam, he chose to celebrate, by giving me a concert as a gift. I could invite who I wanted. I invited my sowing club, and of course Megan here, and some other friends and family. Alexander held a great concert, and he was even toastmaster. Everyone thought it was a great experience and was impressed, "says Karin Madsen. In gratitude, Alexander had a wonderful large towel with his name engraved.

- We are practical, you understand, she smiles.

Much grain.....
She reveals that Alexander eats very healthy. She knows, from sharing the kitchen and meals. And all must help to keep it neatly around them.

- Megan has taught Alexander to clean the bathroom.
I am careful about who I rent to. Not everyone fits in here. These two who live here now thrive together, and they thrive with me, Karin points out.

Megan Sørlie confirms that they enjoy living together. The two see movies and play Playstation and X-box and everything else, he has in his room.

- He is very social. Typically, he calls me when he comes home from the train in the evening and wants tol share a new song or something he has thought of. He has always much to tell, especially lately, "says Karin.

Megan adds: - He can play the violin in the living room for eight hours. We all like to listen, it's super nice. I'm glad, he does not play the drums!

Feet on the ground.......
- It's almost frightening to see how great this grounded boy I know from quiet weekdays, has become. At the same time, I'm impressed with how he is able, to stay himself. I think anyone would have been changed. But not him. I have talked with him on the phone after the victory, and he is the same, "says Megan.

Alexander Rybak moved out for a short period, living together with a buddy in the centre of Oslo. But it did not work completely. Suddenly, he called, a night after bedtime. He stood on Ljan station and wondered whether it was possible to get the room back. Then it was only minutes before he was back again in his regular bed, "says Karin.

She can not praise her tennant enough. He is as good as Megan to do their duties and participates in everyday life, he adheres to all rules, and helps in all.

- Him, we can safely, send out in the world, the two ladies laugh.

Published Wednesday 20. May 2009 kl. 13:
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
Frikar comes to Estonia on July 23th!!! They will perform on our folk-festival, which takes place 22-25.07 - that's the homepage of the event: http://www.folk.ee/festival/en/Program-2010

Google translation still doesn't work: http://www.maaleht.ee/news/uudised/kultuur/viljandi-folgi-tantsuteatris-astuvad-lavale-alexander-rybaki-taustatantsijad.d?id=31483273

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
Vertele.com looks back at ESC 2010.
Advice: read all of it.


***Googlish (copy & paste): http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=nl&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvertele.com%2Fnoticias%2F27233%2Fque-ojo-vio-festival-eurovision
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Vigdis Ar
The rest of 4th video, from 4:10 until 10:51

F: As the messages that are flowing in indicate, you’ve had a fantastic year. There have been a lot of ups but in the beginning of February 2010 something happened. What really happened?

A: Was this a question in message?

F: This was from me.

A: There were too many messages, too many people who wondered what happen next. So I couldn’t handle more. And it was in the middle of change of management and I tried to become a nice guy regarding girls. And it all boiled down to… It did not boil down, it unfortunately boiled up – it boiled... And I was boiling, and I just put a stop to it. I just had to say directly official “please don’t bother me the next weeks”.

F: But why do you choose to publish it on Facebook?

A: Because it is stupid to have a VG interview about it. Facebook is where you have your friends, and instead of sending a lot of messages it is better to tell everybody. And what happened was that they stopped sending me anything at all on Facebook or messages, until they saw me in shape again. So I am surrounded with wise people. Unfortunately, I am the less wise one of them. Of course I did not understand this message would result in that even though I got peace, the people around me; the closest and family, got much more to do.

M: What does it do to you, that so many get involved in what you try to bring up as a message. Do you get sad?

A: Yes, I get sad first and foremost because I was so stupid and did not understand this would affect the people around me.

F: Perhaps it shows how much pressure you got in the middle of everything?

A: Yes, and luckily you learn from it. This is one of the things I have learned and have not forgotten.

F: Shall we take one more question from the listener before we play a song from Maria Haukaas Storeng?

M: There is a girl named Ida... (It is already translated)

M: Three years ago, Alexander played in the musical “Fiddler on the roof” in Oslo New Theatre. There he portrayed the lead role Tevje’s thoughts through his fiddle. And Tevje was performed by the actor Dennis Storhøi, who through this production became well acquainted with Alexander. And this is what Dennis thinks about Alexander’s great talent.

DS: Well I was... To be honest, in the beginning when I met Alexander, I understood that this man had the potential to reach outside Norway’s borders.

M: What would you say is his strongest side?

DS: Maybe the searching for love, I think. There is not a day on the internet, without noticing him all the time looking for the love of his life. This really has to be his strongest side. The most important, I think, was to teach him patience in relation to that you can work for ten weeks without understanding anything about what you are doing. He looked like a question mark at least eight and a half of these weeks before we finally could start to work together. He was as fiddler on the roof, the thought of Tevje. It was genius of Svein Sturla to finally have a fiddler. In stead of having him sitting on the roof in the start and the end of the play, he let Alexander play the thoughts of Tevje as an invisible character. And when Alexander understood how important he was for this role, I think both he and I understood that the play was interpreted in a completely new way than it usually is done. We could not be one single day at work, just before the curtain went up, without kicking each other on the leg and have our codes together. We have our internal humour I think, we got it through hundred performances. He is like very many of us in this job; we are original in our way of meeting each other. The only weak side I noticed is that he came in to a theatre where you work in different ways than you do in concert context. If I were Rybak, I would ask just as many questions. For my part, I can not see that he has any basic weaknesses. But then, love makes you weak.

M: What is the funniest you have experienced with him?

DS: It is our lunches. Then we eat sushi and Chinese food and talk about things which are not written about in the media. Now it only remains to concentrate about what are his goals. But we have an unbelievably great talent in the country, which I am going to follow all the time to the end of the road.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Stjerneklart on NRK P1 31.5.2010 part 3

R1: Yes, Alexander, what do you think about your CV?
AR: Very nice. Thank you. You get it to sound so impressive.

R1: It is really impressive. As I said, you have lived a relatively short life. You have manage to do a great deal in your 24 years.

AR: I have tried.

R1: But it's not entirely true that you live in your apartment at Aker Brygge. You have not moved in properly yet.
AR: No, not yet. I have not had the "moving in party" with friends either.
R2: Why would you stay there?
AR: It's not that far from my mom on Nesodden, so I can only send up a SOS-rocket.
R2: Are you a mommy boy?
AR: Absolutely I would say not really. No, I'm not really that. I have lived in a suitcase in the past year, without that having complained abort. But when I first get home, I get a completely inhuman treatment of my mom. Inhumanly in a good way. It is truly amazing how much she has in the fridge at all times.
R1: Washing your clothes too?
AR: Among other things.
R2: Mothers usually have full refrigerators.
AR: And wash clothes.
R1: My mother did that for me too.
R2: I washed my clothes myself. But Alexander you lived in Belarus until you were 4-5 years, even if you do not remember much from that, how has your cross-cultural background influenced your life?
AR: Very, very much. It's a ---. If I take the short version, I have kept the nostalgia and melancholy of the Slavic roots. While I have thrown away everything else, like that you should drink plenty of vodka and start fighting and stuff. So far I have managed to only strike the wall.
R2: Yes, you sit here with plaster.
AR: Yes, I do. That's a completely different story. But from Norway, I realized that it helps to smile. One should take care of the good moments. The only thing that Norwegians are not that good in, is that when if it first rains you are in the basement and see a sad movie, while the Belarusian in me likes to go out to talk to the birds and create a song. The sadder the better.

R1: You have in my view, practicing something completely insane on your violin up through childhood and adolescence. How did you manage to be able to have such discipline to practice.
AR: I have great discipline? I have a father who had big ambitions. It's not that hard to have discipline when you're in one room, and both your parents are in the next room. And if you stop and practice as they would hear it right away, so -
R1: Were you neverbored?
AR: Sometimes, they rewarded me. As I realized that all the other kids at Nesoddtangen school not had to practice four hours every day, I began to require some extra lego blocks and stuff.
R1: So you were not thinking of calling the Child Welfare?
AR: No, no. And I am very happy that I didn't.
R1: Are there some of the Belarusian from your background that turns into the discipline and the way to see it with goals and disciplined practice to be good?

AR: You want me to be disciplined. I have never been. But I do not know. Perhaps I'm disciplined now with all the people around me. If you consider how many people I need to respond to, so right I never hurt anyone, certainly not on purpose then. And everyone says I say stupid things me so stupid in the newspapers and stuff, but if you think about - have I ever given other criticism? I'm like not to. But self-criticism and show my bad sides, I gladely do
.For than one is just a little more exciting as a human being. That's what makes a human being.

Playing Sting

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Vigdis Ar
The fifth video

DS: I have played Turgenev, Dostojevskij and Tsjekhov and all that exists of writers and they have a mind of their own. We know that from Russia, that they are special both sensitive and very tough people who work and work, sort of, and they have not always come easy to all things in the world. His attitude, I think, should be the motivation for all Norwegian artists.

M: Yes…

A: Wow.

M: You sat and listened very attentively.

A: My man Dennis, I would say…

M: What do you thing about his characterization of you?

A: He sure gets it right. It is embarrassing to talk after this because he expresses himself so good.

M: He is an actor though.

A: Yes, yes. And then I come, who are not an actor and shall begin to thank... You feel so fuzzy... What did you say?

F: It is rare that a guest has been so quiet when we play a feature about them.

A: Oh. That is the way it should be. They talk about me, of course I have to listen.

F: He says your strongest side is the searching for love. What do you think he means about that?

A: I know exactly what he means about that, and I will not elaborate it too much. But it is simply that I want to have a whole in my life. I do not want that… When I am sixty years old, I do not want to have to gather 40 or 100 girls around a table to remember about the last thirty years. I want one, who I give everything to, and who give everything to me. I understand it is a little unrealistic, but...

F: Is it?

A: Yes. Every time I tell a girl that, well I am an artist and all that, but really I want to move to the country side eventually and get children and all that. And at once, I get very un-interesting, I'll tell you.

M: But love will come to you too eventually Alexander, I am sure about that.

A: Me too, actually.

M: That’s good, and then we are at least two. What is the most important you have learned from Dennis Storhøi?

A: Ho... Well, everything.

M: He talks about patience for instance.

A: Yes, yes. No, that is far from the most important. I have never managed to be patient. I have learned to listen and I have learned that it is not all about authorities and people who have lived longer than others. It’s only about that if you add a bit of goodwill, everyone could learn a lot from every single person on earth. You just have to try to understand the other, in stead of... Because, what good is it about bragging about oneself? If the others ask, there you go, but it is so much more important to try to understand a person. Because, yourself you have understood a long time ago, hopefully. And if not, you have to search within.

F: He also talked about some codes between you. Which of them have you taken care of?

A: A part of the game there is that if I talk about them, I have not taken care of them.

M: Ok, I think it was a wise answer.

F: Yes, it was wise.

A: Thank you.

M: But what happened during your lunches?

A: That is the thing about him. Sometimes in your life you meat people you don’t have to do anything with to have fun. You could just talk. God gave us a tongue, and it is not only there to make out with girls.

(So at 4:30 we have my previous quick translation. At 5:18 the name of the girls I could not figure out then, I found at Catalina’s video. They are: Mirela, Ionela, Alina, Daniela, Mirela, Pisicutza, Nicolae, Darjan and Cristina.

At 7:44 he asks: By the way, is it Øre-svik or Øres-vik?

M: We have to figure that out eventually. But I think it is Øres-vik.
(They joke about the pronunciation.)

A: But Øre-svik, you know like øre-sus. (Tinnitus in English)

M: A bad place to have a concert, in that case.

F: Good luck.

After next question, it starts again at 8:26.

F: One of those who may know you best is your dad Igor. And here is what he has to say about you.

I: A very normal boy. A little too much talented, maybe. He started to compose very early, plays several instruments and sings. Strengths; Understanding perhaps, understanding about people. He is kind and he is polite. I think that is his strongest side. I appreciate that in other people. Weak sides, he is young, that is it. I do not know, I can not say objective, being his father. I think he is a sweat and nice boy. I must say he is very patient. When I demanded him to practise, he never complained and said he was tired. He never said that, he just had to play and practise. It was of course very, very huge when he became known in Europe and the world and got a lot of attention. That was very, very big. The most difficult part is the pressure and mass media which want too much information, not negative but about strange things and private life. Paparazzi information, we don’t like that. Of course they call from different countries, and many fans can call in the middle of the night at 01:00 am and ask about Alexander.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos


What is with Lena and Alexander Rybak?
05th June 2010 17.16 clock, Caroline Rosales
Alexander Rybak, the Grand Prix winner of 2009, about his dreams and plans with Lena Meyer-Landrut.


She is the show and he her biggest fan - that vision last year's winner Alexander € Rybak ("Fairy Tales") of our Lena is hopelessly, it was the smart Belarusian never a secret. Now he talked about his feelings and the narrow band, since the two Lenas time in Oslo connects.

Photos of the Two adorn his Facebook profile, during the interview the heartthrob comes again and alone on the theme "Lovley Lena back". "Of course we have contact. I must soon take wiedersehen.Ich have a dream with Lena, for a song to them and to write with my producer in Sweden him. I will pay the studio, getting here - Lena has just come and just sing, "Rybak announced euphoric.

The idea came to live in Norway, pop singer and son of the famous pianist Natalia Rybak Valentinovna already in Oslo in advance of the "Grand Prix", as he Lena together in Stefan Raab's "Oslo Special" show on a rooftop singing a duet with. "A happy moment," recalls Rybak. Even in rehearsal, he was often at Lena's side. "I did not want to be pushy. She has such a pure soul, "enthuses the singer.

Not entirely seriously Rybak have them "thank God" the kiss was taken, he her at the awards ceremony at the "Grand Prix" in front of millions of viewers stage was. Alexander laughs. "For Lena, it would not have been surprised if they had a reingehauen me."
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Good review of concert in SLUSEROCK.


Andreas Soltvedt

Lørdagens Sluserock i Lunde ble en solid publikumstreffer. Saturday's Gate Rock, Lunde was a solid audience hit. 2.300 besøkende innenfor portene gledet seg stort i selskap med artister som Alexander Rybak, Karpe Diem, Pony The Pirate og Aspera. 2,300 visitors within the gates enjoyed much in the company of artists such as Alexander Rybak, Roxette, The Pirate Pony and Asperen. Den rusfrie musikkfestivalen tiltrakk seg i år også mange tilreisende deltakere fra Sommarland Cup i fotball som blir arrangert i Bø denne helgen. The clean music festival attracted this year, too many visitors participants from Summerland Cup soccer being held in Bo this weekend.

Se reportasjer fra musikkfesten i Lunde i mandagens Varden. See reports from the music festival in Lunde in Monday Varden.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marion Weber
Alex talks about his music plans with Lena

google translation:
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
Dear Marion, look two posts back :)
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
Alex wants to write a song for Lena.
{I can already imagine it: «I am singing "enah", cause I love you Lena»!}



Eurovision Song Contest-Sieger
Alex Rybak will Song für Lena schreiben
last updated: 06/06/2010 - 14:45
Berlin (RPO). Alexander Rybak, last year's winner of the Euro Vision Song Contest, dreams of a song for Lena Meyer-Landrut to write. They "must only come and sing," said Rybak Studio How would he - and pay.

Alexander Rybak has a dream - he wants to write a song for our Lena. Photo: AP
"I have a dream with Lena, and indeed for them to write a song and him with my producer to be incorporated in Sweden," said the 24-year-old of the Berlin newspaper BZ.

How to pay studio and he would, "Lena has to come and sing." Meyer-Landrut Rybak and have met at this year's Euro Vision Song Contest in Oslo, the 19-year-old on 29 May became the first German since 1982.

Rybak Lena had seen prior to the competition as his successor. After her victory, he picked up a cheeky kiss from her.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Zhenya Russian
Yannis that'd be funny ))
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
From todays paper issue of Varden 7.6.2010:

First in Norwegian, translation below:

Da Alexander Rybak kom til Lunde lørdag, var det en varmt sjarmerende opplevelse som ventet.

Veldig søtt, sier en begeistret Alexander Rybak til Varden etter å ha blitt mottatt på mest sjarmfulle vis i Lunde tidlig lørdag ettermiddag. Rybak er nemlig på ingen måte den eneste som kan tolke sangen ”fairytale”. Det kan så menn også fem- og seksåringene i Sluseparken barnehage.

Aim in låvvv vid a!
I etterkant av Rybaks Grand Prixseier I fjor gjorde barnehagen “Fairytale” til sin egen. Lørdag var det duket for ny storslått framføring med hallingskast og en ”felespillende Rybak” som del av troppen. Stian Jensen (5 år) stilte med Rybak-klær så vel som fele, da den ekte Rybak kom på besøk. Og selv om deler av sangtroppen muligens var noe preget av alt oppstyret det medfører når en stjerne plutselig dukker opp, var det liten tvil om at sangen satt som et skudd, noe også Alexander Rybak merket seg før det var tid for autografskriving og fotografering.

Lot seg imponere!
Er du redd det blir konkurranse om hvem som synger ”Fairytale” best heretter? Nei, konkurranse er jo bra det, smiler Rybak etter å ha hilst på mange av Lundes yngste innbyggere. Selv hilste han ikke med høyrehånden. Et nylig oppstått brudd i hånden gjorde også sitt til at han måtte forandre litt på repertoaret han fremførte senere på kvelden.
Du skjønner, jeg slo litt hardt i en dør, forklarer Rybak som også lærte noe nytt under lørdagens Sluserock. Ja, for hva er en sluse egentlig, spurte han Vardens utsendte da anledningen bød seg. Det samme lurte også Madcon-guttene for to år siden. Nå vet de svaret alle sammen.


When Alexander Rybak came to Lunde Saturday, it was a warm charming experience as expected.

Very sweet, said an excited Alexander Rybak to Varden after being received in the most charming way in Lunde early Saturday afternoon. Rybak is in fact by no means not the only one who can interpret the song "Fairytale". That may indeed also the five and six year olds in the Sluseparken Kindergarten..

Aim in låvvv vid a!
After Rybak’s Grand Prix victory last year the kindergarten made "Fairytale" their own. Saturday the stage was set for a new great performance with Halling roll and a "Rybak fiddler" as part of the group. Stian Jensen (5 years) participated with Rybak-clothing as well as the fiddle, when the real Rybak came to visit. And although parts of the song group was probably somewhat influenced by all the fuss it causes when a star suddenly shows up, there was no doubt that the performance would go well, as Alexander Rybak noted before it was time for autograph writing and photography.

Was impressed!
Are you afraid there will be a competition about who sings "Fairytale" best from now? No, competition is good it, Rybak smiles after having greeted many of Lunde's youngest citizens. Although he did not greeted with the right hand. A recently encountered a break in his hand, made him change some of the repertoire that he performed later in the evening.
You see, I hit a bit hard in a door, said Rybak, who also learned something new during Saturday's SluseRock. Yes, for what is actually a “slues”, he asked Varden when the opportunity arose. The same question was asked by Madcon-boys two years ago. Now they all know the answer to that.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
An article from Cyprus, counting the highlights of this Eurovision. It lists Alexander's kiss to Lena among them. The (female) journalist worries why Lena didn't faint on stage when she was kissed. Nothing new otherwise.

“Signa” – 7.6.10
By Eve Charalampous

Greek: http://www.sigmalive.com/lifestyle/subjects/273310

Translation (handmade by me):

“Eurovision 2010-It had everything!”

It was a shiny night, but not like previous years. Low budgets were plaguing the missions and the hosts themselves.

Germany, Jimmy Jump, the kiss and the video will be what ought to be remembered from this year’s Eurovision – the otherwise “legendary” musical event. The 19 year old Lena managed to finish 1st with 246 points, thanks to her incredibly sweet presence and her pop song “Satellite”, leaving a big gap to the 2nd Turkey (170 pts).

We will not forget the Spanish performance, when a man, the widely known to football fans Jimmy Jump, invaded the stage, thus expanding his fame over the Eurofans.

On the other hand, we saw a shy girl receiving her trophy, losing her words, feeling happy. The top moment was when Lena received a kiss from the previous winner, Alexander Rybak; we all thought she would fall unconscious on stage. Journalists were running after her, but she was shy –and snobbish- enough to disappear immediately from their sight after the contest.

Her image was harmed one day later, when a video showing her playing naked in a pool was leaked from a German series. It’s not very “sensual”, but still it’s the first time a Eurovision winner is seen in such daring shootings. Finally, Giorgos Alkaios (Greece) managed to enter the top-10. Jon Lilygreen (Cyprus) made us proud with his performance, even if he finished 21st.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Hildebjørg Haugan
Article from today’s paper issue of the newspaper TA 7.6.2010

First in Norwegian, English below.

Ungt folkehav
for Rybak og Karpe Diem

Det ble publikumsrekord på Sluserock i Lunde lørdag. Både Alexander Rybak og de nye publikumsfavorittene Karpe Diem fikk straks god kontakt med det unge publikummet.

Vi gleder oss mest til å se Karpe Diem, sa Mathilde, Hannah og Herman Köller som fikk slusockbilletter i julegave av bestemor, Aud Köller.
Bestemor, som selv er med barnebarna på festival, ble veldig overraket over responsen ved gaveoverrekkelsen.
- Jeg tenkte jo på Rybak da jeg kjøpte billettene, men de unge får jo raskt sine favoritter, sier hun.
Og det var ikke bare tenåringene fra Tønsberg som hadde skiftet idol.
Da sola skinte ned på de over 2000 publikummerne ved Lunde sluseamfi, var det ingen tvil om hvem brorparten av de unge publikummet ventet mest på. Det var Karpe Diem.

Rybak er en ekte spellemann. Han har bevist det før, og beviste igjen. Med stor entusiasme og musikalsk tilstedeværelse, snudde han hele den unge opinionen til sin fordel. Han serverte en lett blanding av låter fra sine to utgivelser. Både kjente og ukjente toner gikk rett hjem hos publikum.
Rybak har uttalt til pressen at han nok må forandre seg hvis han skal få seg en kjæreste. Fra scenekanten har han i hvert fall ikke noe problem med å sjarmere damene. Både unge og eldre damer ønsket seg en liten bit av Grand Prix-yndlingen.
- Kyss meg på kinnet, være så snill, bønnfalt en ung jente som hadde sikret seg plass på første rad. Og etter det påfølgende skriket å dømme, fikk hun det nok som hun ville.

Sluserock bød på et variert og musikalsk spennende festivalprogram.
Før Rybak gikk på scenen hadde Sluserockveteranene Aspera fått æren av å spille mellom Rybak og Karpe Diem [journalistens skrivefeil].
Og det var flere publikummere som hadde tatt turen på konsert nettopp for å høre sine hardtslående favoritter.
- Aspera er best. De har så kul musikk, sa Martin Hermansen, Mads Kvien, Martine Boyesen og Vetle Schie Bjerva mens låten ”Ripples” strømmet ut av høyttalerne.

For mange ble det en lang dag på Sluserock. Flere av festivaldeltakerne kom nemlig direkte fra Sommarlandcup i Bø.
Men tålmodig og entusiastisk holdt de ut.
Mørket hadde lagt seg over amfiet da Karpe Diem endelig entret scenen.
Hip-hop duoen startet med å spille sin nye storhit ”Har du aldri solgt en løgn”. Så kom gruppas kjente låter ”Stjerner”, ”Regnvær”, ”Piano”, og ”Ruter” som perler på en snor. Magdi og Chirag kom også med et ekte slusefrieri.
De fikk publikum til å synge ”sluserock syng” for deretter å få publikum til å hoppe opp og ned foran scenen. Men det var ingen tvil om at klokka tikket mot sengetid. Midt i amfiet var det en gjeng som var klare for alt annet enn senga.
- De lager god stemning, musikken er kul. De gjør at man får lyst til å danse og røre på seg, er begrunnelsen fra Karpe Diem-fansen.

[Bildetekst under et av bildene:]
MED STORM: Alexander Rybak tok over 2000 tilskuere med storm da han sang på Sluserock i Lunde lørdag kveld. Fra scenekanten tok sjarmerte han kvinner i alle aldre.

- - - - - - - - -

Young crowd
for Rybak and Karpe Diem

It was an audience record at Sluserock in Lunde Saturday. Both Alexander Rybak and the new crowd-pleaser Karpe Diem got a good relationship with the young audience from the start.

We look most forward to seeing Karpe Diem, said Mathilde, Hannah and Herman Köller who received tickets for Sluserock for Christmas from Grandma, Aud Köller.
Grandma, who is with her grandchildren at the festival, was really surprised over by the response of the gift ceremony.
- I thought of Rybak when I bought the tickets, but the young people quickly find new favourites, she said.
And it was not just the teens from Tønsberg, who had changed their idol.
When the sun shone down on the 2000 large audience of the Lunde lock amphitheatre, it was no doubt who the majority of the young audience awaited the most. It was Karpe Diem.

Rybak is a real “spellemann”. He has proven it before, and proved again. With great enthusiasm and musical presence, he turned the opinion of the young audience to his advantage. He served a mix of songs from his two releases. Both familiar and unfamiliar tones went straight home with the audience.
Rybak has said to the press that he must change himself if he should get a girlfriend. From the stage he has certainly no problem to charm the ladies. Both young and older women wanted a little bit of Grand Prix favourite.
- Kiss me on the cheek, please, pleaded a young girl who had secured a place on the first row. And after the following scream to judge, she got what she wanted.

Sluserock offered a varied and exciting musical festival.
Before Rybak went on stage the Sluserock veterans Aspera had the honor of playing between Rybak and Karpe Diem [journalist’s error in writing].
And there were several spectators who had made the trip to a concert just to hear his hard-hitting favourites.
- Aspera is best. They have cool music, said Martin Hermansen, Mads Kvien, Martine Boyesen and Vetle Schie Bjerva while the song" Ripple" poured out of speakers.

For many it was a long day at Sluserock. Several of the festival participants came directly from the fact Sommarlandcup in Bø.
However, patient and enthusiastic, they held out.
Darkness had settled over the amphitheatre as Karpe Diem finally entered the scene.
The hip-hop duo started to play their new hit "Have you never sold a lie". Then the band's famous songs "Stars", "Rainy", "Piano" and "Compartments" came like pearls on a string and Magdi and Chirag also came with a real lock proposal.
They got the audience to sing "sluserock sing" and then get the audience to jump up and down in front of the stage. But there was no doubt that the clock was ticking towards bedtime. In the middle of the amphitheatre, it was a gang that was ready for anything but bed.
- They create a good atmosphere, the music is cool. They are doing that you are inspired to dance and move about, the reasoning from Karpe Diem fans.

[Text under one picture:]
BY STORM: Alexander Rybak took over 2000 spectators by storm when he sang at Sluserock in Lunde Saturday evening. From the stage he charmed women of all ages.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Vigdis Ar
The 6th video, until 5:22.

I: It is a bit rude sometimes, but we have to live with that. He has a great sense of humour. For instance one time we went skiing in the wood with my mother, his grandmother. He wanted to pee and we had to stop on the way and go away from the ski trails. He was a little boy, I think he was eight years old. My mother went on and said we could come later. Afterwards I shouted to my mother in Norwegian; Mother, where are you, I called out in the woods. And he said; don’t ask in Norwegian, you get the answer; it is quarter to four now. Such public comical situations we had to laugh about, it was very funny.

F: Yes, Alexander Rybak..

A: Yes, he uses a long time to explain. It is very nice; he takes it easy when he tells stories. There I have something to learn.

F: A good story needs time, that's the way it is. Do you remember the story he talked about?

A: Yes.

F: How did he react when you said that?

A: He was honest now, in all his sincerity when he said he laughed. He did that, he laughed.

M: Are you usually so quick in reply? Even now?

A: No, you can hear me now. Some times I have my moments, really, when I always have some comeback. But most times, I think we all are alike, especially when we are a little humiliated by people, we go there and think two minutes later; no, I should have said that in return. Then you think, next time the person says that I will answer something very smart. And you go there with the comeback in your pocket, and then they suddenly say something else you know. And you think, no, shit!

F: You are like a person from Trøndelag, you are spontaneous when you have thought about it?

A: Yes!

M: You were a little too talented when you were little, said daddy Igor. What do you think he mean about that?

A: He said it straight afterwards, didn’t he? No, maybe he did not. We have something called the law of Jante. What dad does not understand, like most people, is that the law of Jante is good. It is a paradox, because we do all the time complain about it, and that is stupid. Because when it was made, it was just a bit harsh said; you shall not think you are better than others. But I think the main point you can learn from it, is that you should not think you are more worthy than others - because you never are. And you know, the funny thing is that; oh, you should condemn this law at once and the way of living. And no, no, some should be allowed to be much higher than others. And then you are very Jante, when you are watering the law of Jante because it has much good to come up with too. Not that much, it has ten phrases, right? But a lot of what is written there is correct.

M: But do you think it is more unusual for your father with the background he has, to accept the law of Jante than it is for you?

A: I think, with the background he had, he was nevertheless absolutely overjoyed. Regardless what would happen with his or my career and with his family, because the standard of living in Belarus at the time he moved out was absolutely horrible. You could not become much there. I have said it before, and I say it again. It is ok that we call him a bad guy and a dictator and all that, but Lukasjenko has done a lot for Belarus and many are satisfied.

M: It is not everyone who agrees with you on that.

A: No, and it is those who have not been in Belarus.

F: We can talk much and long about it, but we will not do that.
Your only weak side is that you are young, your dad says. What do you have to say about that?

A: Oh, he is very kind. But there are many other weaknesses as well, which are not in the time dimension. And I come with them in public in time to time. Perhaps that is my biggest weakness. No, you know what; it is my biggest strength that I like to show my weaknesses.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl

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