söndag 9 januari 2011

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Dagbladet do not like "Fela igjen"..... Grade 2.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Article on seher.no 30.4.2010


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
It seems that we are all WRONG!!!

Alexander has been in Turkey at the opening of the Ice Museum. At least that's what this French article claims today (30.4.10).

«Le musée de la glace a été inauguré le 23 avril dernier à Istanbul par le gagnant du concours de l'Eurovision Alexander Rybak.»

Who are we to disagree??? :D

Source: http://www.businesstravel.fr/201004304767/newsflashes/newsflash/istanbul-ouvre-son-musee-de-la-glace.html

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.businesstravel.fr%2F201004304767%2Fnewsflashes%2Fnewsflash%2Fistanbul-ouvre-son-musee-de-la-glace.html&sl=fr&tl=en
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
The new song with Timoteij and Alex is on Youtube ( pirate )

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Rybak took revenge...in TV thursday. Video-clip from the show.


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
FRIKAR is a part of Alexanders performance in ESC 2010 but they are dancing on the Eurovision Wave

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
FINALLY A DICE 6 FOR FELA IGJEN..But I don´t know this page...They are right though


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
Fela Igjen's rather peculiar premiere on the Greek Radio.

The song was featured in a mix of a Greek radio satire show, mocking the politicians. The station used it apparently because it sounds funny (as intended, of course).


SKAI 100,3 FM Athens
«Hellenophrenia» show
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Vigdis posted here yesterday, that Alexander will be again on TV2.no saturday at 21.40 in the program God Kveld. I ask for confirmation of this, cause I can´t find any. If it is certain, I might make a posting on Alex wall, but only if it is confirmed.
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Hilde Målsnes
Alexander will be on the morning show on this radio station Monday morning at about 09.00. Elisabeth Andreassen was on this show today and she left a question for Alexander
on Monday: "What are you afraid of?" Hi hi, she also said she thought she knew the answer: Women ;)

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
The arrangers of Giske Summer Fest has asked Alexander to join again this year. He hasn´t answered, but IF he accepts, it will be 30th or 31st July, close to the Tønsberg Concert July 31st

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord

The newspaper VG gave "Fela igjen" 1 one the dice. Now VG let YOU be the judge.
So far the song has got a 4 in average from the voters. The voting works for people living abroad too. Follow this link, your vote/comment doesn't appear immediately, it must first be approved.


Googlish :
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord

Alexander supports the "UNICEF- run".



Translation of the video :
1 text: Take part in the "UNICEF-run/race" and then maybe Alexander Rybak will visit your school?
2 text :Through the "UNICEF-run/race", you can learn more about children's rights.
3 text : In the same time you help (the) African children to get an education.
Alex: The "UNICEF-run/race" is a very nice and creative initiative. Where one allows ... See Morechildren to contribute as much as they can and want to."
"I definitely encourage everyone to take part in this, because it takes so little to make a difference."
"YES, the last week before summerbreak I am so lucky that I'm allowed to visit one of these great schools that contribute. But anyway must all the schools have fun with the "UNICEF-run/race."
4 text: Join the UNICEF-run/race.
5 text: For more information : www.unicef.no/unicefrunden
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Vigdis Ar
Frikar dancing on the Rybak-wave.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
News of Alexander on the page ESC-today

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
GodkveldNorge - 2.5.10 "Now Rybak stops dating several girls at once"

Norwegian - http://www.tv2underholdning.no/gkn/naa-har-rybak-sluttet-aa-date-flere-jenter-samtidig-3197169.html

Googlish - http://translate.google.gr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tv2underholdning.no%2Fgkn%2Fnaa-har-rybak-sluttet-aa-date-flere-jenter-samtidig-3197169.html&sl=no&tl=en
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
The radio-show from this morning with Alex and Opptur in Norwegian

On 3 Youtube-links. Hope they work

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6Px49HlWZ8 - part I
http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Doyrb0oCHrdA&h=8b649 - part II
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTLsORANAk4 - part III

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Irena Bay
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
Is this new? http://translate.google.ee/translate?hl=et&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aftenposten.no%2Fkul_und%2Fmusikk%2Farticle3634936.ece
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Transletion af the interview on P3 Morgen yesterday. There is a smal part at the end who is missing. I will do that later to day:

NRK P3 - P3 Morning 05/03/1910

R1: We heard Donkeyboy with the song "awake. . And by the way, "awake", Alexander Rybak is visiting us in the studio. Hey!

AR: Hi, johoi! Good morning!

R1: Hi, You were very awake today. Also present are Thomas and Morten from the group “Opptur”

O: That's right.
R1: Is it a good morning?
O1: yes
O2: no
R1: Morten and Thomas is slightly disagree, Alexander?
AR: I would like it to be a nice day, so we have to start with a good morning. But it is verrryy early (9:00).
R2: You are out with a new single together.
AR: Yes, but it is not so new.
R2: For us it is one week old, fairly fresh.
AR: mmm
R2: How is the musical collaboration?
AR: It’s mukis, it’s misuk (AR is fooling a lttle bit with the word), the musical is very good, yes absolutely. We have most of the genres, at least folk music, in this case, fiddle, and rap.
R2: Yes, there are rappers, Morten and Thomas, and the group "Opptur", and how did this collaboration start?
O: We got a call from Alexander, where he said, "Hey you, I have a song, which I would like to have you on with me.
R2: Okay
O: Amd we actually had to accept it.
R1: And you are old childhood buddies.
O: Yes, and there is another one of us too, but couldn’t be here.
R1: Oh, he was too busy sleeping or?
O: Almost
AR: He has kids you know.
R1: Ah, children, yes.
AR: Yes, we all are responsible people. Thomas here is a copywriter and Morten soundman.We are very responible.
R2: So you do some adult stuff on the side.
AR: If you had only known where mature we are. We operate with proper adult stuff.
R2: You don’t do anything in your spare time Alexander?
AR, No
R2: You just ---
AR: Im only do rap.
R2: Have you been good on rapping after this?
AR: no
R2: Can we listen to the song? It's called the "Fela igjan (The fiddle back)”
R1: Let’s listen to it.
AR: But you have to say, Fela igjen (with press on igjen)
R2: Why?
R: Because now it's like: Alexander and the fiddle again.
R2: Again! It should be like “not again” ?
AR: Yes, but then comes Opptur and then people see it.
R2: Fela igjen!
AR: yes
R1: We allow you to advertise it yourself.
AR: Yes, this is Opptur, and I'm strictly Alexander Rybak, and here comes the "fFela igjen"
R1: Fela igjen, Opptur and Alexander Rybak. Fiddle Music and Hip Hopp. Now the whole gang is in the stuido, except for one, because he has children, so he could not. Alexander Rybak, Morten and Thomas from the Opptur. You did not get a good criticism for the song in VG.
AR: What! Haven’t we? We have not read it. Didn’t we get really good criticism?
R2: I'll read it here.
O: I thought we had a 6.
R2: VG wrote about the song, that it is the worst thing one can impose himself as an artist. How do you react, or Alexander, or you other, when you get so harsh criticism?
AR: Who wrote it.?
R2: It was VG, or did you mean who in VG?
AR: Was it Thomas Talseth?
R2: Yes
AR: But he gave me bad criticism last year too.
R2: He did, yes.
AR: It's a bit poorly done by VG when they know that there are many who likes me in VG, it's very bad done by the desk to send him Thomas Talset to for me. It’s the same as --- It is youth music, for kids. And he is well, strictly speaking, not very young.
R2: He's passed 30
AR: It is the same as hiring Jesus to announce Marilyn Manson album. It's a bit bad.
R1: Yes, they do it all the time, hire Jesus to review records. But Alexander, you are you mad at reviewers who write like that.
AR: No, no. But are we not agree that a 1, is actually better than a 3
R1: Yes
AR: I think so.
O: Attention-wise, anyway.
AR: So it's very clear that it has created, as my boss says: it has created a sensation on VG-NETT..
R1: In the music video you kidding about that it does not go so well with the ladies for you, is it correct?
AR: I do not know - Are you good with the ladies Morten?
Morten: Yes, it goes well with the ladies.
AR: Yes, you're with somebody and how long have you been together?
Morten: almost 5 years soon ..
R2: Morten has been dating a woman for 5 years, what with you Thomas.?
Thomas: No, I have only seen women on the Internet, as real women are a bit beyond my league.
R2: Alexander?
AR: When we have well established that it goes well with the ladies.
R2: So it does.
AR: And what is your next ?
R2: No, there've been some woman speculation around you. You flirted with Lena Endre in Skavland, so we are curious about where in the course you are now.
AR Yes, it was the first time I change from flirting with younger to flirt with older people.
R1: And so much older too, 31 years older than you.
AR: What?
R1: She is 31 years older than you.
AR: Yes, but she is amazing. If she had asked me out on a date, then -
R2: So you would have said yes?
AR: Yes
R2: It's Lena of course. Is rumored thatyou are followed by a bunch of girls on Nesoddbåten is that correct?
AR: On Nesoddbåten I actually get most peace. There is only a little autograph writing and stuff. There, I’m just the boy from Oksval.
R1: But I think it's a little fun that you work together and you are actually childhood buddies.Thomas and Morten, a funfact about Alexander that we don’t knew about before?
O: You are not the first to ask.
AR: I belive that , but then you should have been prepared.
O: He has as very little “pigs in the forest”. DO you say it - pigs in the woods? He has not. He has not done anything really, really stupid.
AR: Pig in the woods? - It is the same as not having hair on the winky? Or what does it mean again? Aha!
O: He has not done something really stupid.
R2: So you say that Alexander is fine?
AR: Thanks!
O: Maybe, or at least properly
R2: In what way?
O: He do like to appear as a regular guy, not on for too much nonsense.
R2: You appear as more decent than the other two hip hoppers Alexander, as you have a knit sweater and glasses.
AR: If you think about clothes yes
R2: While these guys have hoodie. So it is perhaps those who are rebels of you three?
O: Yes, the hoodie I got from my mom for a birthday. It's very gangster-like, I'll admit, so she has gangster style.
AR: But they got the best out of it now when it's so cold outside.
AR: I went like that, but s they were sturdy fellows. I'llbuy such a hoodie afterwards.
R1: Good plan. Send msg to “morgen 1987” if you want to ask questions. Are you ready for some questions? Send the “morgen 1987”, and now we are listening to Life and the Future here at P3.

R1: Life and the future here at P3 morning. The time is 20 minutes past 9, Let you go was the title. We have a visit from Alexander Rybak and childhoods buddies here in the group Opptur. You are out with a new single - Fela igjen – Did I said that right now?
AR: Yes
R1: But Alexander, before this song you were you best known for the Fairyfale.
AR: Yes
R1: Did you count how many times you've performed it live '
AR: No, but it there a lot, but I will not get tired of it, because there are so many other songs I use to play.
R1: But just Fairytale.
AR: I’m not tired of it yet, because there are so many different audiences like small children who claps Their hands when I sing it, so there are pensioners who smile and have fun and fans with his hands. Then there are teenagers who sing along.
R1: So you've therefore never once thought of as: Fairytale again!
AR: Well, before I go on stage, but not when I first stands there.
R1: Are you playing it on you CD at home?
AR: Nehei!. No way!
R2: We get questions from our listeners with a code word 1987. Here's one who asks, "Hey, Alex, how did it go in Russia, was there any candy there? Candy in quotation marks. Heard of a real nice and hungry women there, greeting Larsern. "It seems that Larsern sitting on a story, and childhood pals smiling.
AR: Yes, no, I'm not in any history. There are many nice ladies in Russia, but it is not - I would not call them candy.
R2: here is the nicest ladies?
AR: Norway
R2: Norway, that was fast
AR: When I look at you, I will say that.
R1: Alexander Rybak flirts with Live Nelvik!
R1: That someone flirts with me on a Monday morning. Tha’s nice.
AR: It is not flirting
R1: only compliments?
AR: Morning Facts
R2: You, how many phones have you received from unknown women so far today?
AR: No
R2: None today.
AR: I have a hidden number.
R1: Congratulations
AR: Thank you, I got it yesterday.
R1: Is it true
AR: Yes, I could not manage to answer everybody any longer
R1: But you have responded to all?
AR: Yes, until yesterday. No, I did not. But now I have done something about it. You can get it later.
R2: Another question: Will Alexander releasing music, it was in the media that he would give up? It was yes, and you would become a lawyer. What happened to that?`
AR: People need to stop only read headlines. And begin to read what's in the article itself.
R2: What was it in the article then.
AR: That I would become a lawyer. No, no, ha, ha. That I will provide me with pop tours and stuff in about one year, and that I focus on a new round.
R 2: And then you put your music on the shelf?
AR: No I'll be doing even more on music, but not necessarily butt wiggling and young audience.
R2: What do Thomas and Morten think about this?
O. It is a bit sad, not to hear Rybak on the radio all the time. It is cozy and nice music. Oh no, you have to in a way to follow the man -
AR:Need to get on --
O.: No, but it is clear it is the very tiring for him, keep on going with concerts and recordings all the time.
AR: The audience not at least. It will be tiring for them.
R2: So you are going to be a lawyer?
AR: NO! Did you read it ---
R2: What was the lawyer thing then?
AR: Did you read it?
R2: No, I just-
AR: If you have not read it, why are you interested now?
R2: No, I was not very interested. I just asked the question.
AR: It was not a listener question, it was you who asked.
R2: Yes, it was in the newspaper about the attorney-
AR: If you are interested, why not read about it?
R2: I was not mega interested
AR: Why do you ask me about it now?
R2: Because it says something about a lawyer.
AR: It is very unproffesional of you I think.
R2: Damn
AR: That is extra unproffessianal of you to swear on the radio.
R2: It is P3, you know, that's what's so wonderful to work this. You are allowed to swear on the job.
R1: It goes well. Final pop stuff, start with something else, but not be a lawyer.
AR: Good suggestions
R2: So good!
R1: Good suggestions?
R2: A question for Thomas and Morten. "What do you think about the song" Fela igjen "? Is it the start of your career again, that you will go back up and running music career?
O: I think that if I had started with the fiddle playing for about 20 years, no at least 15 years, so I could actually have been the subject of the song.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
Thank you, Tessa! Huge work done again! And such an interesting interview. :)
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
"Rybak's Facebookies help young musicians"

► Valdres, 4.5.10

Norwegian: http://www.avisa-valdres.no/nyheter/2010/05/04/rybaks-%C2%ABfacebookies%C2%BB-hjelper-unge-musikere.aspx

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.avisa-valdres.no%2Fnyheter%2F2010%2F05%2F04%2Frybaks-%25C2%25ABfacebookies%25C2%25BB-hjelper-unge-musikere.aspx&sl=no&tl=en

"Alexander Rybak "fiddle back" is a small, successful attempt to blend traditional music, fiddle and rap." (Review)

► Osloplus, 4.5.10

Norwegian: http://oslopuls.aftenposten.no/musikk/article375601.ece

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Foslopuls.aftenposten.no%2Fmusikk%2Farticle375601.ece

An interview of Alex is coming to the GREEK TV at the end of May!

► The best news, 3.5.10

Greek: http://www.thebest.gr/news/index/viewStory/15260

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&sl=el&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thebest.gr%2Fnews%2Findex%2FviewStory%2F15260

Norway hosts 55th Eurovision Song Contest

► From NewsAhead, 25.5.2010 (these people try to "predict" the news from the future)

English: http://www.newsahead.com/preview/2010/05/25/oslo-25-29-may-2010-norway-hosts-55th-eurovision-song-contest/index.php
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
It has been in Valdres avis today: I made a better english translation than google, with the help from Lene Hagen. If you post english translation, please use this one. It is also in its own ( new ) thread in discussions.

People from all over the world helps Alexander to support young musicians

People from the whole world helps Alexander

There is a little more than a week left to Alexander Rybaks birthday the 13th May, but already now, he might know about one of the presents, he will receive.

In honor of Alexander, the "fan club" on his official Facebook page started a donation for "Playing for a Future", an aid project that supports young musicians in developing countries under the auspices of the Valdres Summer Symphony. And the money is already rolling into the account.

The group behind the donation idea, calls themselves "Rybak’s FaceBookies”. On Alexanders Facebook-page, there are nearly 70,000 people from about 77 countries. The most active, is a smaller group of approximately 500 people.

Marianne Saietz from Copenhagen is among the active.

- We share a huge joy for music, and we are delighted that Alexander has been capable, of building a bridge between classical music and folk music, and that he has contributed, to inspire a lot of children and young people to take interest in playing violin, "says Saietz.

She, and the others, are also happy about the fact, that they, with inspiration from Alexander, and by using Facebook , have managed to communicate and build friendships between people in Europe, Asia, North and South America, across language - and country- borders.

This is perfect for the project “Playing for a Future”, which was initiated in 2009 by Alf Richard Kraggerud, who is the artistic director of the Valdres Summer Symphony.

- For children in poor parts of the world the dream about getting to experience music as performers, might continue to be just a dream. It isn’t only expensive with the tuition, but also the purchase of instruments may make it impossible at all for these children to try out. Valdres Summer Symphony would therefore like to make it possible to share the dream of music with children and young people in poor countries. We aim to become an international meeting place for children and adolescents in the classical music scene, independent of parental economic status, says Kraggerud.

Each year an ambassador is selected, who will play a concert for free in conjunction with Valdres Summer Symphony, and allow the income from the concert, to go to Playing for a Future. Alexander Rybak was the first ambassador in 2009, and the income from his concerts made it possible for three young people from South Africa and two from Bolivia to participate in Valdres Summer Symphony in 2009. In addition, “Playing for a Future” could send 60 000 kroner to South Africa to pay for music lessons for several children from the town-ships in Cape Town during the year.

Once an ambassador of “Playing for a Future” – always an ambassador
This year, Alexander is accompanied in the Ambassador line, by clarinetist Felix Peikli, who did well in Kjempesjansen in 2006, which Alexander won. Currently Felix is studying at Berklee College, Massachusetts, USA. This is one of the world's leading education places for jazz musicians. The two ambassadors will be heard during the Valdres Summer Symphony, from 23rd til 28th June.

In addition to revenues from the concerts of the ambassadors, all applicants to Valdres Summer Symphony will help “Playing for a Future” with 200 Nkr. of the registration fee, and besides, a CD will be made, of the annual concert with the Norwegian Children's Symphony Orchestra, where the income goes directly to “Playing for a Future”. This year, there will be children and young people from Vietnam, Brazil and Jordan in addition to Bolivia and South Africa present in Valdres. The concert with the Norwegian Children's Symphony Orchestra ends the festival 4th July.

The donated money comes as extra addition and will particularly benefit the young people from Bolivia this year.

Marianne Saietz explains, that the reason, that the FaceBookies chose “Playing for a Future" for their donation, was that they wanted to give Alexander a real gift for his birthday 13th May.

– We figured, that he already has got so many teddybears and other things that he did not need anymore of that kind. A girl in Siberia, came up with the wonderful idea that we could start a collection for a charity, which he himself, would like to support. After a long discussion and even a voting, the choice fell on “Playing For a Future” as to be the perfect project to support, she says.

- We are so grateful that Alexander's fans on Facebook, chose Playing for a Future for their collection, says Alf Richard Kraggerud.

Do you want to know more? Look here: www.facebookies.org

Do You Want to Contribute? Use this Account information:
Account-holder: Nor-Aurdal kommune (municipality)
Account no.: 6182.05.39523
Bank address: Nordea Bank Norge Asa, postboks 1166 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo.
Swift/bic: NDEANOKK
IBAN: NO6361820539523
Mark the payment:«Donation for Playing for a Future»

Llink to original text on Valdres homepage:

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Alexander and opptur in the paper:


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
Fresh Smurf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYJ96OL_km8
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
Another article about Alex beeing not happy to sing only half of the Fairytale at ESC:

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
Aftenposten, just updated.

Alex talks about his 2nd CD, coming in June.


*** Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aftenposten.no%2Fkul_und%2Farticle3634936.ece&sl=no&tl=en
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
"Alexander Rybak entered the ESC behavior" (??)
NRK 4.5.10


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Hilde Målsnes
Google had some problems, the meaning would be "Alexander Rybak is disappointed with the ESC performance"
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord

Pictures from a interview in the paper edition of Dagbladet 30.04.10



Translation of the article:

Rybak's opptur.
(double meaning,the word opptur is the rappers group name, but you also can read the headline as "Rybak's way up again")

- Alexander Rybak is on the rise again after a downturn. Now he thanks the volcano in Iceland and good friends for that he has it better than in a long time.

"It has been incredibly good to be breathed out a bit", says Alexander Rybak ."The flights have been on the ground, and I have had to be at home in Oslo. It has been amazingly wonderful".
In the last and obviously difficult time he has worked hard with his new album which he believes is his last pop album. "The recent weeks have been the best I've had the past year", says Rybak, who together with the Nesodden trio "Opptur" has made the song and music video "Fela igjen", which is out this week. "I've been a lot together with three of my best buddies while working with the song, and we have had a incredible great time".
"Fela igjen" is a so-called stunt-song, where Rybak together with his childhood friends Anders Krohn, Thomas Wærnes and Morten Friis Lund are making fun of Rybak's own women experiences.
"I'm on a wave these days, where I like to do a little fun of myself. I see it as self-therapy. It's boring to just be serious all the time, so I'm trying to become a little more like a comedian".

On tour.
In one of the verses sings Rybak about one girlfriend who was making out with his best friend. "It has actually happened to me three times in reality", Rybak says with a smile - and doesn't want to deepen it further. In mid-May, he goes on tour with three of his co-students from Barratt Due, Marie Strøm Slyngstad, Kathrine Hvinden Hals and Moa Johanne Meinich.
It has for a long time been speculated whether Moa is Rybak's girlfriend. "How is it with the ladies these days? Are you in love?" "I can't say actually is Rybak's only comment. The three violinists are contributing on the new album. The tour lasts until the end of August, then there will be two following tours in Russia. "I have been warned that it can be difficult to go on tour with three girls, but we are very professional", says Rybak and smiles.

Tough times.
The Eurovision winner has not hidden the fact that the time after the victory in Moscow has not only been a dance on roses. In January he wrote a dramatic post on his Facebook page where he said he had had a nervous breakdown and hit the wall with his hands until they began to bleed. "I was very down/ run-down. I wanted a break from all those who had my e-mail address and mobile number.
The message worked out fine for this purpose. I got peace", says Rybak, and admits to have learned something during the last year. "I've learned to not say yes to everything, and that you should never give up! "Were you close to give up?" "No, but in the middle of the chaos I wasn't totally adapted. I asked myself the same question every day: How long can you stand this? Fortunately it's easier to remember the good and positive days than the negative ones. I haven't chosen the easiest way for myself, always being this "smiling and happy guy".

Interview by Trine Høklie Jonassen.
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl

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