söndag 9 januari 2011

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The Irish Times, 29-05-2010

Norway is afraid to win again - financially it is impossible to be the host again.

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Borttaget inlägg
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Mel Bluebell
German Show "The best Grand Prix Hits"
with subs

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Tessa La
From todays Magasinet in paper Issue of Dagbladet 29.5.2010

Translation part 1. The norwegian text is in the Norwegian tekt thread.

When Alexander Rybak (24) don’t think of pretty girls, he writes music. About pretty girls.


When it comes to girls, I’m much more calm now. Under the makerked brows, the clear deep brown look serious. Last year was a little, well, what shall we say? Flamboyant?Hectic? Wild?
When there are eight girls outside my hotel in Russian and almost flashing everything they have, I just go to my room and send an SMS to her I'm interested in at the moment. She is the one I want to convince that I'm serious. But if it goes three or four hours and I don’t get an answer, then ... Rybak gestured with his hands.

Then you take advantages of your offers?
No, you're crazy! The reason I have been so good in Russian the recent months, is that I have been a lot alone in hotel rooms and watched TV.

"Years ago When I was younger, I kind a like a girl I knew ......"

Yes, we all know that one. Through the "Fairy Tale" and the other hits from Alexander Rybak, we realized that girls standing in front of, behind, under, above and on the sides of the artist's universe. . Now also the fitted Frikar-boys is replaced by a trio of violin-playing beauties, and Rybak wrote amorous songs to all the three girls. And in reality? Is the man Alexander Rybak equally single-minded? Of course not. Nesodden’s big son has other interests than the volatile loves pretty girls. At least one.

Outside the Rehearsel Hotel on Schous Plass in Oslo hums the construction machines. But inside the soundproof little rehearsal room rhythmic despair fills the air.

"And everybody knows your name / You 're driving everyone insane / I saw you laughing thing with That Guy / It made me Jealous, do not know why"
Rybak is singing. But the band not quite follow. Rybak explains, but when words fall short, he lets the bow slip across the strings. And then they start again. There is no doubt about Rybak musical talent. There is no doubt of his natural stage charisma and with a facial expression that only Ivo Caprino could have done better, he is a winner when it comes to charm.The verbal talent is more limited - some critics have noted that more than once.

The album "No Bounderies" is right around the corner, and the entire summer, there will be performanse both at home and abroad. The line of text above comes from the song "Why not me", which is dedicated to Kathrine Hvinden Hals, one of Rybak violin-playing girls. As usual, the text is based on his own experiences. Just like the ballad "First Kiss" which is tdedicated to Maria STrøm Slyngstad and the ompa-song "Oah", which is the 18 years old Moa Meinich, Circus Rybak's youngest member.

I've been in love with all three of them, "said Rybak and smiles.

Is he kidding? Or has he just a slightly different definition of what being in love means than others? Haven’t you just begun to play together with them?
No, I have known them a long time.
We have gone to Bølgen and Moi on Tjuvholmen, and Rybak rodent satisfied on a sugar cube.
They have all gone on the Barratt Due Music Institute. I think people understand that I do not have a harem . Rybak makes no secret that it is one of the girls in the trio that occupy him more than the others. Who? It takes no Einstein to find out. The annoying catchy chorus on the new single "Oah!" Is namely this: "Singing o-ah / i love you, Mo-a/You 're way too young for me / But I do not mind."
But before Rybak continues with his girl talk: A little bit about tonight's big happening, this crazy event that is directly sent to 125 million viewers from Telenor Arena. What do he think about Norways chances?I think it's a chance that we have to arrange the final next year too. We have the best ballad, and Didrik is able to make an okey song sound totally amazing.

So all the talk about that Didrik Solli-Tangen and you are not friends, are just nonsense?
Rybak smiles, nods and swallows the last remnant of the sugar piece..

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
Alex at the opening of the ESC tonight
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Simone Schmidt
coool thank you yannis... here is an article, not a lot of the smurf but .. of course.. the pic with the kiss ;-)

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Irina Kuvaldina
Video-interview in Russian during ESC with google-translation:
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Alexander and Didrik after the ESC final seher.no 30.5.2010



för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
Better quality of the performance at the final

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Tessa La
Part 2 of the portret in Magasinet Dagbladet 29.5.2010

It was in Belarus, that time part of the Sovjet Union, that Alexander Rybak was born. The Soviet Union was not the best place to live for people that put freedom high, and during a tour in Norway his violin-playing father stayed behind. There was a lot of drama and secrecy, but with the help of good help and diplomacy it nded well. When Alexander was five, he and his mother moved to Norway, and the three settled in Nesodden outside Oslo. One should early hook (an norwegian phrase, mean that you should start earli to be good) and with a violin-playing father and piano-playing mother, the kid early showed talent for music.

To what extent were you pressured by your parents to play?

They don’t¨call this pressure in Russia. It's just the way it is. But I'm not bitter at all. If I had a strong enough desire to play rugby, I had certainly been allowed to do so, "he said.

With his convincing play Rybak won the talent competition "Kjempesjansen" on NRK 2006., And last year ESC with the self-composed song "Fairytale."
The album of the same name received international release and sold around half a million. Norway had a new superstar, with everything that comes with both ups and downs.

On 18 February this year, fans and others read the following on Rybak's own Facebook page:

"Dear facebookies, please give me a break. I am in deep shit right now. Yesterday I Had a nervous breakdown and started two Hitting the wall (!) till my hands were bleeding. The big guys are against me, while you demand the whole world of me. Trust me, everything will be all right. "

So it had thus happened. Well-a-half years after the overnight success the star had crashed with such force that it sent shock waves through the newspapers and online forums far beyond its borders. Had he, who was known for his solid ground contact, lost footing?
Had the artist, who answered thousands of letters and wrote autographs for hours, been tired of his fans? What happened really?

It was a lot of people who sent me messages. "What is it with you? You have been so reserved lately" When I wrote that they had to stop bothering me and that I would come back strongly. It was just what I would say, and it worked. What I did not think about was that everyone around me was called by all the the newspapers, "he said.
The young man who had landed in the middle of the butter eye, was simply tired. There were concerts, TV shows, interviews, release tours and numerous hours on the road, on rails and air. And now he felt that "The big guys" didn’t understand the situation. I said, "Please, I need to sleep", but the mamagement did not listen to me, "he said, and take a little break. That's when I found out I had to do something.

It was an early morning at the airport, and Rybak was exhausted. And this time he didn’t bother to pretend otherwise. The first item on the schedule was an interview with TV2.

My manager said I didn’t lookgood, and we therefore could drop the interview. But I wanted to do it. I wanted to show everyone how I really felt. It was a cry for help. You say that the management did overexploitation of you?
They probably ment well. But what eventually it had to be,was that the reality came on TV.
So facebook message was because you were pushed too hard?
I was in the midst of management change then, yes. I could not live with a company that saw in a way that I worked for them, and not vice versa, "he said.

Since that Kjell Arild Tiltnes have had primary responsibility for the practical in Rybak's career. Tiltnes is used by businesses as motivator and speaker, and he has known Alexander since he was a kid. Whether it is due to Tiltnes capabilities or not, Rybak seems to be in good shape now. He is pleasant and seems relaxed. That despite the expectation pressure on him is greater than ever.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
Alex is jumping in the air after giving Lena the ESC Trophee in Oslo.



***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.budstikka.no%2Fkultur%2Frybak-stormet-scenen-da-tyske-lena-vant-1.5335132&sl=no&tl=en
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Venche Mellemstrand
Today Norwegian internet newspapers are full of small videos from yesterday, Alex is everywhere:
End of this interview:
R: You kissed Lena.
A: Yes when she won I had to do that
R: Is there any sweet music between you?
A: She's got very sweet music and I'm listening to it, that's how it is.
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Venche Mellemstrand
- We started the party in the "green room"
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Venche Mellemstrand
VgTV Alexander Rybak comforted Didrik:
I'm glad to see Didrik in a good mood in spite of low scores that he really didn't deserve
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
"Germany wins 2010 Eurovision Song Contest"
Associated Press - 30.5.10
A.R. referred three times


Spanish article
"Alexander Rybak gives the green light to the final"
Público, 29.5.10

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
"Alexander Rybak snogging - We have been together for 3 years Lena jokingly says"



The same in German
Rhein-Zeitung, 30.5.10

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Ingegerd Claesson

Didrik: Alex I want to take a photo with you.
Reporter: Did you vote for Norway Alexander ?
Alex: I voted for Norway with my Belorussian number and then I votedt for Belorussia with my Norwegian number
R: What do you think about that Didrik, hat he voted for you?
D: It's so good. Thank you Alex. But Alexander has supported me the whole way so it's very good. I got a pep talk......?......
A:...?-..... He is much more profesionel than me because every time I'm having a hard time, and I have many more hard times than he had, I always become very childish while he just gets more including with people. That's what makes a great person, That's the thing with Didrik.
R: Are you going to perform together?
A: It's up to him.
R: What do you think of the result tonight?
A: I got a bit late I said it just two minutes ago. [I had hard understanding this]
R: Didrik I was aking if you two will stand on a stage together?
D: I'm sure we will.


R: How is it?
A Besides that Germany won and it was a good song I'm irritated becaus it's a balade year this year and people don't recognize the good balades.
R: So you are feeling with Didrik?
A:Yes, but the worst thing is that he is happy anyway, he is much more profesionel. I take set backs like this, I become childish, I get really iritated but he just becomes nicer. That's the difference between me and Didrik, He's cool.
R: How was it to stand on the stage at the international final again?
A: It was wonderful, wonderful to see Oslo 2010. Then I thought wow.....?.....
R: Are satisfied with the event overall?
A: Overall I am.
R: Alexander would you take part in Eurovision again?
A: In that case it would be to promote another artist I would not do it alone, maybe for Belorussia.
R: We have talked with your mother and she said she was very proud over you.
A: Ofcourse she is proud I'm really good.
R: Are you proud over yourself?
A: I'm proud over mother, it's mutual.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Ta bort inlägg
Venche Mellemstrand
Today the norwegian internett news sites are all full of small videos from yesterday, so I suggest you take a look, mostly in NOrwegian of course:

NRK eurovision:




för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Irina Kuvaldina
RussianTV channels about ESC final, a little bit Alex in the end of these videos:

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ingegerd Claesson
Alexander isn't pleased with NRK.

Google translation:

NRK is not god
Alexander Rybak in big trouble with the Norwegian TV
OSLO. Eurovision star Alexander Rybak advice to this year's winner is:

- Decline in the title!

Before the finals, he ended up in trouble with the TV channel NRK on the opening number tonight.

Tonight is last year's winner of the usual opening number in the final.

Yesterday, told Entertainment blade that Alexander Rybak, 24, broken a bone in his right hand when he suggested in pure anger in his hand wall after being disappointed with the sound technology at a gig a week.

But a broken hand is not the only controversy before the handover of the pop throne. He and the Norwegian television channel NRK has had a hard time accepting.

Alexander did not make the song he wanted.

- I wrote a song for the whole of Europe I would sing this year, but the rules say that I only get to play "Fairytale".

Also wanted to NRK that he would fly onto the stage, just as the 2008 winner Dima Bilan made the final in Moscow 2009th

- NRK likes to imitate others. They are good at one thing, children's entertainment. This is noticeable in everything they do. I did not want to fly, "says Rybak.

"They're childish '
He refused, which led to internal discussions on NRK.

- NRK is no god. They are childish if they are sour about that. I have been black sheep in the industry. I do not like to do everything in accordance with tradition, without telling him, everything in Norway is so "by the book".

Alexander Rybak winner has been tough and his advice to this year's winner is to decline the title. Pressure became so great that he got earlier this year a nervous breakdown.

- I broke up with my girlfriend and manager at the same time, it became too much, "he says.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Ta bort inlägg
Anglesina Est
Have we seen this longer Russian interview? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsm7MkVMwHs
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
Smurf dances OPA! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xh1PKgXAgW4
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Yannis Papadopoulos
Another report with Alex and opa, aired minutes ago
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
The Greek TV STAR claims Alexander and Lena had a fight after the awarding ceremony, because of his kisses.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
The Italian "Corriere Della Serra" makes references to the alleged affair between Alex and Lena.


för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Mehtap Ergen

This is in turkish. But one Part is important. Alexander Rybak refused the friendly, lovely Group and 2. Place of ESC 2010 Manga from Turkey. Apparently was wanted to make a Photo together with Alexander and Manga. But Alexander refused that. That's rude and unfriendly.Apparently was Alexander Rybak too busy because of Lena....
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
Greek TV gossip about Alex & Lena:


They use footage from Stefan Raab and the video was banned from Youtube due to copyright, so I had to set up a Greektube (local Youtube variant) account. Nothing worth of translation.
för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ulli Cologne
Before the show TV Total on monday

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Olina Novikova
Alexander Rybak in the Belarusian news program, 29.05.2010


Reporter: Aker Brygge is the most noisy and the most cheerful district of the whole Oslo. And exactly in this restaurant Alexander Rybak appointed the meeting with our program. Here he is – without bodyguards but surrounded by female fans already. Though today it’s not a good time for the autographs – a day before Sasha has broken a bone in the right hand.
(To Alex) How are you? How is your hand?
Alex: Well, it’s OK.
R: What are we gonna do? It’s cold. What are your plans? Where can we go? Going for a walk or what can we do?
A: No, no going for a walk. Well, let’s go there where is sun.
R: Do you often go out to the city for a walk or you have too little time for that?
A: What is it to walk around the city? I like to watch TV!
R: Indeed!
R: Tell us, where are we now? Is this a central place of Oslo?
A: This is the most open square here in Norway, Rodhuse Plassen (by ear). Rodhuse is a name of the belfry where the mayor is sitting. And over there are ferries which are going to the half-island where my mom and dad live.
R: There is his new apartment here nearby. Though he does not invite us for a visit so far.
A: No, seriously, I didn’t move there yet. Though I also had a lodging over there, a couple of kilometers to that side. There I had a tiny ascetic lodging. And now I have moved, well, half-way moved, to the apartment. Though there is no TV there yet, so what’s a point to live there?
R: The semi-final of Eurovision where the Belarusians performed, Rybak was watching together with his parents. (it’s no true as we know). The whole family was supporting Belarus.
A: You have the real singers, not the showmen but the singers. But from many other countries they were singing so much out of tunes, ohh!
R: Did you remember our song?
A: (sings Butterflies) It’s like a butterfly running through the sky… flying trough the sky! Butterflies are flying, of course.
R: And right after that the sensational statement followed.
A: If I participate in Eurovision ever again then it will only be for Belarus. With Koldun (participant in 2007), Any Lorak, we’ll make a band. Kind of from Russia but actually from all the Slavic countries. (very funny…)
R: I should say! Good idea.
A: Yes.
R: Now all his life is touring and free time is concerts. Eurovision 2009 has made cardinal changes.
A: A year ago I was like this rapper.
R: You performed on the stages like that?
A: Mm!
R: Yes?
A: On small ones like that. But actually this is like you need to start if you want to be an artist. You need to start from little things. But I started straight from the biggest arena in Europe.
R: The private life of the artist is also very active but mostly turns against him.
R: Are you dating someone? Are you alone here or not? It worries your female fans a lot.
A: Well, I’m never alone. Well, I was in love, and I’m actually still in love with a girl. But she left me, so… It happened how it happened…
R: What a stupidity! (she means of the girl)
R: To the question – is Oslo his city, he without any doubts answered – yes, it is. What is the most valuable here?
A: The apartment. I just bought the apartment here, so I would say – the apartment.
R: But when he realized that the question was about immaterial things, he corrected himself right away.
A: A park Vegeland (by ear).
R: A park of sculptures.
R: Now he thinks often about Minsk and wants to come to Belarus again.
A: I hope very much that I will manage to come to Slavic bazar.
R: With each day his speaking Russian is getting better and nostalgia for the motherland is getting stronger.
A: Hello, my dear fellow countrymen! I love our country more and more (hmm, isn’t it too much?) I’m sending you all my love. I hope we’ll meet each other soon. So, see you! Yours, Sasha.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Transaltion of the portrett in Magasinet in paper issue of Dagbladet. part 3.

In the showbiz jungle there is a law of nature that the faster and higher one flies, the more brutal the landing will be. The fact that Norwegians are fond of both build up and tear down, Rybak has already experienced. The single "Fela igjen" received unanimous slaughter earlier this spring, and "Oah!", the first song from the new album, also has got very hard criticism, with dice 1 in Dagbladet as the lowest.
How do you handle criticism?
Under the heavy, brown fringe, a couple of wrinkles are seen in the forehead.
Last year I was given dice six for the album in Dagbladet. Then I was scared. "Shit, that doesn’t happens with good artists," I thought. Then I got dice 1 in the Swedish Aftonbladet, which strengthened the belief in my own musicality. Then I realized that I actually am that musically that it irritates some of them.
How do you think the new album will be received?
The reviewers are probably not going to like it. If this had been the last thing I did in my life, I would probably spent a long time to make a lot of noice. To get revenge on people and stuff. But now I only think "yes, yes". You always go up in life. Although it sometimes goes down, you ending up on top sooner or later.
You have to explain that some more.
Yes. Or .. now I have talk me out of that, "he said before he again starts talking about his favorit topic.
I'm not sure Grand Prix victory was the highlight.
No. The highlight for me that night, was to get the girl I at that time was in love with. Or very interested in, at that time. During the two weeks I was in Moscow accordning to the final, I met the prettiest girl I had ever seen. And when I was on stage I thought: "Can’t I just hurry to win, so I can go out on a date!" Ha, ha!
How many of the girls you meet are concerned about the person Alexander Rybak?
There are of course some girls who find it exciting to try to get hold of me. When they realize that I’m not the "stright in to bed" guy, they say "no, he's too serious." I'm not that cool artist they thought I was. And then there are some suitors who never gives up. There are some girls around Europe that sends me messages every night.
Isn’t that a little uncomfortable?
At first I thought they were totally psycho. Especially a girl from Sweden. But now I start to get a proper sense of her. Because she dare and she don’t give up. And now I know that she is not completely co-co. It’s probably people like her, I'm going to have a coffee with about ten years. Not the one I tried to get in touch with in a bar, but who said she wasn’t interested, just to make herself “hard to get”.

But attempts to check up strange women in bars is history now. The bachelor and fiddler claims that he will slow down. Is that good or bad news?
Rybak flashing the smile that make girls from Vladivostok to Barcelona soften their knees.
It is good news for those girls who really try.
And now you are sure that it’s all about only one girl?
Yes. There is someone special I'm trying to understand now. The problem is that I get too excited. When I fall in love, I want her to share everything with me. And I do not understand why she should keep doing her thing without say something about how much fun she have with me. You know what I mean?
What happens every time I fall in love, is that I end up feeling fussy. Most girls think it is too much.
It’s too much?
Yes. I have to change if I’m going to get a girlfriend. My approach not works in this world. We live in individually time ... Oh, that was a long word for me. He says, looking genuinely surprised.
Will you ever find love?
I think I found it with Ingrid, the one "Fairytale" is about. It was very, very true love. So if I die now, I've certainly experienced it.
At age 24, is it not possible that you may experience something similar again?
Yes. I hope so. I hope that I will find the one and truly love.

för ungefär 7 månader sedan · Anmäl

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