söndag 9 januari 2011

Visar inlägg 3331-3360 av 3472.FörstaFöregående110111112113114NästaSista.Sonya Luzina
Kozlowski and Rybak haven't divided fans


för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
About Kiev, Ukraine, a 'gathering' of articles:

***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fstars.glavred.info%2F%3F%2Farticles%2F2010%2F10%2F21%2F134820-19

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för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
Post 3333 :-)

Alex is happy to travel together with Maria... and Kathrine.

***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftiger-news.info%2Fshowbiz%2F9709-aleksandr-rybak-predstavil-svoyu-vozlyublennuyu.html
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
@ Milla, please use this thread, only for new stuff. Comments on new stuff, has is own thread.
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Milla Levoszky
@ Marianne I'm sorry!
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Venche Mellemstrand
I was checking NRK's webpage, and I see a picture of Alex and some other people on their front page. It's about a charity tv sending that will take place on sunday, but I don't know if he will be in that program or if it's some pre recorded that can already be watched. Maybe someone else knows. Might even be old news to you
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
GREEK article about the cancellation in China (short reference to Alex).


From a left-wing party, which is however very critical of Beijing.
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
24-10-2010, NRK, 20.27 hrs:


***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pd.no%2Fbreviksposten%2Farticle5357221.ece
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
About X-factor. 22-10-2010

Alex, Kathrine and Maria.


***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dagbladet.no%2F2010%2F10%2F22%2Fkjendis%2Fx_factor%2Ftv_2%2Ftv_og_medier%2Falexander_rybak%2F13966907%2F
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marit Olavsdatter
I wonder if this has been shown before? Alex has a short part in a show:
It starts at 24.30 and continues at 29.00
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Alexander and Kathrine has performed today at a memorial-concert for their deceased violin-teacher Piotr Janowski at Barrat Due. Some of us knew, but we agreed, it would not be appropriate if Alexanders fans dominated at this concert, so we agreed, not to spread the news.


Piotr Janowski memorial concert 23 October
Saturday 23 okotber at 1900 we remember the violinist Piotr Janowski with a concert in his spirit.

Many of Piotr former students and colleagues will play, and his wife Joanna will come from Poland especially for this event. The concert held in the Chamber Hall of the Barratt Due and we hope as many as possible of Piotr acquaintances will come.

Piotr influenced many students and master classes held regularly at the Barratt Due, he also had small classes with full-time students. After the concert are all invited to the lodge for a gathering after the concert with a drink and bite in.

The concert is free

Please notify the torfinn@bdm.no if you come, so we know approximately how many to come.

Concert Program

Artists who want to play: Stephan Barratt-Due, Soon-Mi Chung, Gunnar Flagstad, Christian Ihle Hadland, Amelie Lied Haga, Guro Kleven Hagen, Kathryn Hvinden Neck, Susanne Hvinden Neck, Henning Kraggerud, Joanna Maklakiewicz, Kristin Fyrand Mikkelsen, Wolfgang Plagge , Adrian G. Selfjord, Alexander Rybak, Margolzata Milewska Sundberg and Miriam Helms Ålien

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
3 CD: The best of Nordics.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.James Scott Rotramel
A very well reasoned defense of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, written by Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee for the New York Times : http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/23/opinion/23Jagland.html?_r=1

(I'm sorry, no mention of Alex in this one)
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Erika Jasiūnienė
hello, if anyone interesting you can see how Lithuanians to sing by the alexander music "fairytale" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI1-zSq1Ft8&feature=related
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Romanian article about Europe Skies

för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
The Greek telereporter who has been making harsh comments on Alex during the last two Eurovision contests recites her "top-moments" with celebrities in an interview, and she includes Alex:

«I was telling Alexander Rybak about Sakis and he was getting more and more jealous».


[Not endorsed]
för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Colson Sophie
Without interest for me! :D
för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos

This thread is for LINKS ONLY, not for COMMENTS!
för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Mari Andersen
About the concert in Miami for the benefit of the new Seamen's Church in Miami


Google Oversetter

för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Tessa La
From Amta.no -ALexanders DVD was buried in a time capsul in a cornerstone for a new municipal at Tangenåsen (Nesodden)


för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Sonya Luzina
Article from ukranian newspaper "Твои кумиры" ("Yours idols")


Ukrainian vacation of Alexander Rybak

He's favorite of millions of girls across Europe and despite on his the big popularity, adores strawberry cocktails, looks at the world childish naive eyes, and smiles so sincerely and openly that you start to believe in fairy tales!

The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest - 2009 Alexander Rybak continues victorious procession across Europe. And Ukraine doesn't remain aside. Despite a busy schedule. Sasha has visited here already, at least three times, and even the small vacation has spent not somewhere and in the Ukrainian capital. The artist in secret has informed "ТК" [The Ukrainian magazine] that prepares a pleasant surprise for the Ukrainian fans this autumn. What? He very much asked not to tell, therefore we only will hint: ahead of Sasha's big tour.

- Sasha, you any more the first time in Ukraine, not the first time in Kiev...
- And feeling such that this the first time. How many time I came? Three? Last year in the autumn I had tour across Ukraine, but the schedule was a very busy: interview, shootings, performances, and weather didn't favor - was very cold. And in the summer came on performance only on three hours. There was no time even to look at Kiev. And now warmly, all smile, girls in skirts.
- This time on a city has taken a walk?
- Yes. Here so beautiful buildings and architecture! Kiev strongly differs from Moscow. There too it’s very beautiful, but, probably, even with an overabundance. And here and buildings, and historical monuments there where it’s suitable, therefore you estimate their beauty much more.
- You were born in Belarus, live in Norway, often now have to tours in the different countries of Europe. You have the favourite city, the favourite country?
- The favourite country - Norway. Because I very well know culture of this state, this nation, it is my family. And in the CIS countries, in Baltic a very interesting to me. I’m inquisitive, to me all is curious: culture, architecture, history monuments. Besides, there people especial, very honest. In Norway, for example, to you always people smile, but it most likely because so is accepted. And at you all goes with all the heart, sincerely. And it is visible an unaided sight. And still, besides Norway and Belarus, I would allocate Finland. Very much I love this country.
- Why this country you like?
- Finland something is similar to Russia. There the same discipline, the same openness and honesty, but thus still the European standard of living and especial, inherent, probably, only to Scandinavians, a positive. Therefore I consider Finland as one of the best countries of the world
-I know, you weren't wished to be approved as the candidate on Eurovision. And you not only have won first place, but also have typed record quantity of points for all history of competition!
- I think, the matter is that people always think in the same way. Think about someone the thought up, nonexistent format. And first of all, it is those "the big bosses", musical producers. When I have presented them my song, they have unanimously declared: «Such by radio now don't broadcast, Sasha! It is all not that. You're a talented guy, of course, but it is too experimental. And if you also will play a violin, it in general will be silly to look. You would better a ballad any perform.» But I haven't listened to them and went with the song Fairytale - and won. And in National selection for Eurovision in Norway I too had an absolute record: I have received 900 thousand voices, and at the girl who have taken the second place, received 80 thousand And I very much respect such competitions as "Eurovision" because thanking to it discovers many talented artists. And why? Because there decides the viewer, not producers.
- Last year you were a guest at the finals of competition...
- … «Got talent Ukraine's»
- Right. Did you like it?
- Oh, yes. I was amazed. When flying to Kiev has looked in the plane at some releases of this program, and then came up to each participant and told my opinion on their perfomance. And they were surprised, whence I know them. I really liked the girl who draw sand. But her performance,more likely,admired than touched me. And else the guy was ridiculous which copied me.
- You very much were surprised that need to sing to the sound recording (phonogram), and even have openly told about it from a stage.
- Well, yes. But, as far as I know, only I had to sing to the sound recording, all other participants were singing live.
- You're against the phonogram?
- Of course, I prefer to work with live sound, but sometimes teleshows ask to sing with phonogram, and I don't see in it anything terrible. It’s practiced. Just think that an artist need know exactly how to work, with phonogram or without it. I was told before the performance: «Sasha, excuse, but we don't have time to check up your voice, rebuild a sound, so it will be the phonogram.» I had nothing against, here only when sang, except the my of voice in phonogram, distinctly heard the second voice, because the microphone has appeared included, and it is very strange and wrong. That's why I asked the presenter: "And how I all the same sang? Live or with phonogram?" (laughs)
- Was rumored that you recorded a duet with Dima Bilan. Is this true?
- Nothing recorded. At least for now.
- Are you planning?
- Maybe. It would be nice. But, honestly , I would like to sing a duet with Ani Lorak much more. I like her very much. She's such fine fellow. She has an amazing voice. She's wonderful artist. However, I still have other plans.
- And after your victory at the Eurovision you have repeatedly said that you wanted to be like Dima Bilan. Why?
- I any more don't remember, why so said...
- I can remember. "Because he's 100 % European artist."
- Ah! If so, then yes. I would like, the same ambitions For example, I currently "settled" in Scandinavia and the CIS. My second album was released in 25 countries, and for me it's enough. I have enough fame and popularity, and fans. On something more just no time. But Dima continues to conquer new territory. Now he's in America seeks to become popular. I very much respect it.
- Lena Meyer after winning the Eurovision Song Contest - 2010 stated that you have a romantic relationship for 3 years and she has taken from you a marriage proposal ...
- No-no-no (laughs)… It was necessary to see, how she it has told, with what face... She joked. I too sometimes joking, and the press accepts all my words for truth. I have met Lena for the first time this year on "Eurovision". Almost in love ...
- Why "almost"?
- Because she's only four days there was. Lena asked at me advice. I certainly tried to help her: said how to look at the camera, how to behave on stage and so on. We close rub shoulders with her in time of Eurovision days and on a TV show for the German channel even performed together one of her songs: Lena sang, and I played a violin. I liked her very much, but no more.
- Sasha, in Sweden on the entertainment TV show "Lotta på Liseberg" directly during your perfomance you ... broken violin. Why?
- (Laughs). Yes, it was. Last months were for me very difficult, the working schedule has been loaded to a limit. Sometimes in day it was necessary to perform on some concerts, and this all nerves, an overabundance of emotions. I would not go into details as to why this happened: let bygones be bygones. Just that day I have accumulated a lot of problems. You can consider that it was a nervous breakdown. By the way, when I smashed the violin, I immediately feel better, and the problems have receded.
- Hence, the Japanese are right that in their offices equips special rooms where to relieve stress can beat...
- … violins (laughs)?
- No. Dishes.
- It’s a very correct practice.
- Sasha, the main character of the animated film " How to train your dragon" speaks your voice...
- Yes, but in Norway. I was offered to voice it, and in Russia, but I refused. I very badly speak in Russian (he's obviously modest! – Note of «TK»). I immediately said: "Thank you very much for your suggestion, but what I'm a popular man does not mean that I am suited to this role."
- Nevertheless you tried done it?
- In Norway the cartoon voiced for 3 days, although were given three weeks. In Russia the plan was the same, three weeks too. But for day we voiced a maximum of 5 minutes because of my accent. But even after 20-30 attempts the voice became correct only mechanically. Wasn't no soul, no intonation. In general, if me to ask on what language I speak most easily, then I would answer that, first of all, in Norwegian, then English, and only then ... but no, then in Swedish and then in Russian. So it was necessary to refuse.
- And the main character of an cartoon, Hiccup, is similar to you.
- Yes. I know. And who is ultimately in Russia voiced his?
- I don't know. We had a Ukrainian dubbing.
- You see, it's good, that I haven't voiced it, you would not have got it with my voice.
- You recently recorded a duet with Norwegian rappers on the song Fela Igjen. Who was the initiator?
- Who? It’s my song. At us in Norway it isn't accepted, that someone offers, you need think of themselves yourself. I invited them [rappers]. They are my friends. They are still unpopular . We've recorded together, not only song but also video.
- Which, judging by the internet, shocked your fans…
- I don't know how here, but in Norway, I lost part of the fans, it's true. But I've also got new fans. You can hide some of your sides, to work in the style in which all used to see you and hear, but you can also strive to something new, develop, experiment. Yes, I lost part of my fans, but now I know for sure that those who remain, truly love my work.
- In what style would also like to try yourself?
- In my new album «No Boundaries»,every song – a special style. There are songs in the style of rap, musicals, hard rock, pop, country and ballads. I just realized that my audience is not young - they are very young, and I want somehow develop them. And I can do this by showing different kinds of music through my songs.
- You acted in the high-budget film in Norway «Yohan – Barnevandrer». Did you liked to work at movie?
- I played the gipsy fiddler, and my father was the ex-soloist of group A-Ha, Morten Harket. Always such roles find me: the gipsy, the Jew, the Moslem. Why? Enigma! (laughs) So when to me have suggested to play the gipsy, I was not surprised. I was curious not only get used to the character, but and to supplement it with something interesting from myself.
- Admit, that you never would began to do?
- To risk life.
- Are you not an extreme person?
- Why. I love extreme. With pleasure I am engaged in windsurfing. But I think that in extreme you never must lose your head. When I know that my mom can now be deprived of her only son just because he took it into his head to jump , say, from a height of 20 meters with a snowboard, I definitely say no. For me the more interesting live than to risk.
- Do you know any words in Ukrainian?
- Yes (smiles). Last year I learned bit Ukrainian. I know how to say: « I am very pleased to be in Ukraine» and «thanks». I can else read in Ukrainian, but the talk is not very good.

In the red box:

Interesting facts about the musician:
- Was born in a musical family: mother Natalia Valentinovna - the pianist, father Igor Aleksandrovich - the fiddler, grandmother Maria Borisovna - the teacher in musical school.
- Idols: Michael Jackson, Sting, Blink 182.
- Mascot of Sasha - cufflinks with an image of his violin.
- Except a victory at the international competition Eurovision - 2009, is the owner of awards: Hedda, «Сrystal Globe» [Russian Compatriot 2009], «God of ether»,«Muz-TV 2010», Scandinavian version of Grammy and many others.

Sorry for my bad English :D

för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Olina Novikova
"Alexander Rybak has revised his relationships with women" (not very fresh interview from the Ukrainian magazine Polina but posted on the site only today)


Bad Google translation:
för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Danka Čolláková
New review of No Boundaries on Slovak Music-server.
Very, very interesting! Although the author mixed some facts, it is really unique - and the author surely listened to the album and is informed quite well !!!
(since the google does not allow me to translate the page and the google translation of the text sucked a big time, I tried to correct it a bit to make it a bit more understandable)


26. 10. 2010,
Alexander Rybak - No Boundaries
Probably the sweetest Norwegian on the globe is back. We met him in May 2009 when he won Eurosong and in the history of the competition he enrolled with a record number of points. At that time, however, he had consecutive appearances in theatrical performances in Fiddler on the Roof, Operahouse in Oslo, and the Norwegian received the highest theater award. Such a big prize, at such a young age? No wonder. Alex grew up in a family of musicians - his mother played the violin, and the father is a pianist and after the family moved from Belarus to Norway, young Alex Rybak started the music fully.

Perhaps Rybak would be still a local star, if not Eurosong. But his "Fairy tale" changed his life in a real fairy tale. Dozens of concerts, many enthusiastic fans, great sale of his album, which was distributed to 25 countries (a pity that it did not find the way to us), and this spring his debut brought him the "Norwegian Grammy” in the category Artist of the Year. At the end of August Rybak presented home in Norway, his second album, which should confirm his qualities and the fact that everything that has happened after for Eurosong, was not only a coincidence washed by the competition.

After a series of his music fairytales, Rybak comes with a virtually no boundaries album. He is already far from the fearful and shy boy, who enjoys slow songs, because in them he can hide behind his feelings. Those ultimately did the most damage. On his debut plate there were too much of them and although his thundering voice sounds perfect in them, listeners expected something else. Fortunately, I am pleased to note that Rybak comes in his “two” with much more dynamic and more mature material, which not only confirmed his star status, but mainly confirms his talent, professionalism and the fact that this boy might not benefit from his sweet face, which at least for some time the whole world succumbed, but that he can sell himself as a singer, musician, composer, producer and arranger.

Probably with a sign of his second album, Rybak comes with really no-boundaries album. As some of the songs have a "geographic" character, I thought it was a reference to this fact. Immediately after the first hearing it was clear that in this case it means more boundlessness of musical genres, as Rybak presents really many of them on his second album. And fortunately, dare I say that from eleven cases the boy slashed only twice, or more precisely, two songs on this CD are useless, but I would not dare to say, that it is just cotton. Rybak´s second one is very powerful, very emotional and very good album.

At the beginning, the singer launches a dose of waltz-style rhythms and song First Kiss becomes more serious excavation of pleasant surprise and maybe a little confusing, but nevertheless very successfully leads the listener to the next song. Very, very good start. Europe's Skies is the second single from Rybak´s second one and it had its premiere on 13th October. Readers of musicserver.sk were among the first hundred who could see it exclusively. This song is a confession to the countries that Alex loves and its foundations arose at Crimea. There is even a Russian version. It's a very good tip for a single, because what the listener's catchy ear concerns, this is a clear favorite and it is a song that has the closest yet to the greatest Rybak´s hit Fairytale. If not those below-average female vocals, we could talk about top 3 best songs on the album.

However, it is wonder how a musician can slide from the heights of the great hit to the bottom of slushy ditch. The third song on the album is the song I'm In Love, which is actually a cover version, from which Rybak, as an arranger of the whole his album, tried to make a great dance hit. Unfortunately, it was of very abortive German dance refrain from the end of the eighties, or kitschy style 'disco polo' - our northern neighbors would be able to tell about it. This is simply wasted chance. This song should appear on the enlarged version of the album in the bonus section, or even better as the last B-side single from the plate. It is the first of three songs on which Rybak did not participate as an author and also the first song in which Rybak did not use his beloved violin.

Probably no harm to clarify that Rybak´s guides in the infinite path are three violinists and vocalists Moa Meinich, Maria Slyngstad and Katherine Hvinden Hals and Norwegian singer devoted a song to each of them. Moa enjoys song Oah, which also became the first official single and it is accompanied with nice and funny video clip from school benches. Little unpleasant surprise (but one can get used to it) is fantastic vocal onset and subsequent transformation of the song to song with a lot of clearly country elements, what is quite shocking, because after acoustically perfect chorus there comes American cotton and this is precisely the moment when the listener begins to wonder if the young Norwegian did not apply too many ingredients into his new album.. We are not even in the middle, but now I can say that he did not.

After that, Rybak tries to stabilize. Although to the fifth position he set the letter he had received from a fan, and he let the little Norwegian girl read it and even so tricky, that although it is fifth track, it starts at the end of previous song and ends at the relative beginning of the next song, but after that comes series from another genre yet.

With songs 5000 letters, Dare I Say and that further one Rybak pleases those, who are used to his slow songs from his previous album, where there were really plenty of them and prevailed other creations.
In this case, Rybak in fact changed the style; he is much more dynamic and tries to balance fast and slow songs. The series of three slow songs comes after panoply of fast songs and I have a feeling that it is eagerly awaited.

The song 5000 letters is a beautiful slow song, in which Rybak´s phenomenal voice sounds perfectly and it is perfect song, which I would play as a lullaby, and I mean it sincerely and in good. In the same vein there is the song Dare I Say, in which the perfect listening experience spoils only girls-vocals who neither solo nor jointly are good enough to assist to Rybak´s voice. The young singer must realize, that the three blond girls, although they are cute, they can play violin, they can even sing, but their voices are not stronger than of crowing hens, are not necessary for him.

Trinity of slow songs concludes perhaps the strongest, the best and just TOP song of the album. I confess that when I first heard Suomi, I shivered down my back and completely out of everything I remembered Tom Cruise, but his daughter is still called Suri. When listening to text I realized that Rybak does not pay tribute to any woman, but to the country he loves and I suppose the Finns, whom this song is devoted, will love the boy forever. Suomi is a beautiful ballad, which slow part passes into a dramatic chorus, which is arranged as Dieter Bohlen did it in 1986, but it does not hinder, because I feel like it was the intention. If you listen to the parts around the chorus, it is clear to you, that Rybak would easily manage to arrange it as a “non-roundabout” chorus. And it is exactly not a “roundabout”- It is more the way of expression of the artist and his expression of ravine. Suomi is definitely my favorite.

And there is still not the end of genres, because Rybak in the next song Why Not Me? shows himself as a rocker, or more punker, who seems to get along with those raving artists, as the band The Offspring and many others. Guitars, one rhythm and a lot of fuss. If nothing else, it's certainly cute. Moreover, rock simply suits to this "Norwegian shepherd”. I do not understand only the final applause, which is a kind of bridge to the next song. It's an instrumental song Barndance and it's actually an instrumental country, which I would definitely not miss on Rybak´s album.

The end of the album is romantic and sweet. To the song Disney Girls the singer borrowed motives from Disney fairytales, to which he stuck on the music and created almost fairytale-single Disney Girls, which closes the album.

And we have come to the end of the analysis of the new album of Alexander Rybak. The boy has really matured through the year, he has organized in his head, what he wants to do and he tries to transform it into songs. It depends only on him and on the skills of his management, how they manage to push him forward, how they manage to sell him. Because this boy has a potential to become a star and his new album is a clear evidence of it. To make this work, however, it could not be such a chaos around him – I do not understand by now, why his album is issued by another publisher in some countries than in other countries, and definitely not, why our market behaves so skeptical to the winners of Eurosong, and in fact they are not distributed for us. Rybak is a unique appearance, who without doubt will enter the group of such stars as ABBA or Celine Dion, who shone on the festival and who are stars by now. Alex is not that one-year-star, who when he is replaced by some German-girl next year, must necessarily die.

If you want to make sure about it, you do not need hunt for foreign music stores. I found one in Slovakia and the album is offered in a relatively decent price and with a surprisingly short time of delivery. You can find the album cheaper abroad on the net, but you have to count the more expensive postage. Otherwise, I thank to that Slovak market and I want to believe, that it is the first sign, that when Rybak starts the tour to his new album next year, he will stop on his way, for example from Poland where he has become a real star, also in Slovakia.

Label: Universal Music, 2010
Links: www.alexanderrybak.no, www.supershop.sk

02. Europese SKIES
04. OAH
05. Related thereto LETTER
06. 5000 LETTERS

för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Laila Ulvseth
According to the review of Didrik Solli Tangen's album "Guilty pleasures" in todays VG, one of the songs is written by Alexander Rybak - "You". I haven't heard the album yet, so that's all I know.
One paragraph of the review translated: - The most bouncing song on the album, "You" is written by Alexander Rybak, and both the naive lyrics and the melody is a tell-tale.
för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.James Scott Rotramel

Thank you so much Yannis, for posting Matilda Sevelin's video of Alex performing the Liebesleid of Fritz Kreisler at the memorial for Piotr Janowski - and please forgive me for explaining at some length why it is so moving to hear this example of the lineage of great violinists carried down to the present day.

As I am sure Yannis knows, Piotr Janowski was an incredibly talented Polish born violinist, and we are very proud that he was a citizen of the US as well as Poland. He was a young prodigy, and came here to Los Angeles when he was about the age Alex is now, to study violin with the great Jascha Heifetz at USC. Janowski went on to perform and teach master classes all over the world before dying far too young, at the age of 57.

The famous Jascha Heifetz took Piotr Janowski as a private student in 1975, but his own solo violinist career had started much earlier. Heifetz was a child of twelve playing violin to great acclaim when Fritz Kreisler first accompanied him on the piano. Kreisler himself was one of the most beloved of violinists, and composed Liebesleid as a showpiece for himself on violin, with piano accompaniment.

The song Liebesleid was published 100 years ago in 1910, and we can trace a direct line from the composer Fritz Kreisler, to Jascha Heifetz, to Piotr Janowski, and now to our Alex.

Hope you all enjoy this little story behind the scene, and happy 140,000! :)))
för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Over here it says something about this "krem top" award that I often see discussed on this page.



Sorry for breaking the rules now, but I need to comment here.

@ James: Thanks, James! This is simply incredible! Thank you very much for sharing this info here, since its truly "New Stuff" to us.

@ Laila: Thanks for the handmade translation. To be honest I found that too in the morning with Google News but I was afraid to post it here, since there is apparently a person who doesn't understand that when I have to post a bad article, I do NOT necessarily endorse it.
för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Statements of A.R. from the Ukrainian media:


Very positive short review about Alexander in Russian.

för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Jorunn Ekre
I shouldn`t be commenting either,but thanks for the interesting info James :)
för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Didrik released his first album today and in this interview, he expresses lots of thankfulness to Alexander, both for writing one of the songs, but also for helping him for a long time.

för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.Victoria CAn
A bit of a news from Miami New Times - a promo for the concert in Miami, November 13, 2010

för ungefär 2 månader sedan · Anmäl.

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