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some interview... I'm not sure is this new one, but it seems to be :)
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Tessa La
Translation ofthe interview on NRK1 -Nitimen 11.5.2010 - releasing the singel Oah!
R: Here in the studio have come into a person who stretched his arms and takes a morning yawn, Alexander Rybak.
AR.: It is very early. Good morning
R: Good morning and welcome to Nitimen. How is it for you now in the month of May? What are you doing this days Alexander?
AR: Now, I have had some thinking time. I've been at home, and then I'm finished with an album, and this time it was not so stressful. Last year was a bit like that in a hurry, as I had to manage to make an album. But now I really experimented and found out what I think is fun to work with. It has been a album which is in very, very different genre so to say. Very many different directions. I have the blue grass, musicals, one punk song and a rap song.
R: All of it?, The classic too, or what?
AR: I don’t think it’s possible to like every song and also understand every genre. But there is something for everyone in the family.
R. It will be difficult to not to find something you would like.
AR: Yes, for God sake.
R. What is the title of the CD when it comes? Do you have specific album title?
AR: No, not yet.
R: no
AR: But it should be quite neutral I think.
R: And how is it really like that with --- now that Norway is a bit nervous in relation to the Eurovision. What are you thinking in relation to it in these days when it is approaching?
AR: It is wonderful to simply be in the audience. I look forward to not having to deal with bookmakers and the people who will create practicing schedule for me for Eurovision. So now it is just, , .. okay then, I'm supposed to rehearse for the opening song then, but it is just a little bit. And then I'm done.
R: It's just fun.
AR: Mmm!
R: So, but other than that, you are not so busy according to ESC this year?
AR: According to that, I’m not so busy.
R. But apart from making new album, Alexander, what are you doing now?
AR: It's concerts and events, and I try to ensure the quality of everything I do and when I first come with something, it is because I want to tell you something, a funny story or something. And the coolest thing I've done in a long time is to make a music video with three rappers from Nesodden. You nod, yes, you heard it?
R: Have read about it.
AR: You must hear it too, and you must see this video.
R: The video I have ever seen.
AR: You must do. I worked with Norway's coolest music video producer, he makes a lot of different things actuellly, Lars Christian Flemmen. He will create my next next music video too.
R: By the way, being in a music video. You're in the feature film Yohan Barnevandreren.
AR: Yes
R: Did you get the ignition on it being a film actor Alexander?
AR. Mom whispers me constantly in my ear that I am not an actor. She thinks that I should keep on to the song, because that is what I can. But it is exactly the same she said 5 years ago, that I should not begin to sing, but keep on to the violin, because that is what I can.
R. So you take what she says with “a grain of salt ". Because you want to do more.
AR: Yes, but the thing is that I understand what she means. I think actually I just play myself, if you see what I mean. I do not think I can go to play a macho guy or a very, very romantic guy. I have to play myself in a way.
R: I can see you before me in a romantic role, but the macho role, I agree with you in.
AR: Exactly.
R: Not so, maybe a bit like fightsports arts.
AR: Maybe when I'm 50 years old. But I think it's much more fun to be with the Dragon Coach. As a musician, it was much better to dubb. You should see it. Bring the kids.
R. So you want more?
Ar. Mmm.
R: Because you are in other words, for those who do not know it, the voice in the film. We will now talk about music, Alexander, since that's what your mom says you should stick to.
AR: Yes
R: And we have a very fresh singles here, so fresh that it has not been played before, so-
AR: I've heard it before.
R. Yes, you've hopefully heard it before, and I've also heard it before, but now we play it for our listeners. Will you tell us about what it's all about?
AR: It's about that I am a very, very insecure boy, and if I become infatuated with a girl, I do not hide that I am not sure. And I try to do the song as much detailed as possible about how insecure I am.
R: And there are also clear who this song is about?
AR: Yes, poor woman. But last time I asked her, it was okay. It is one of the three girls that I have with me in the band this year. She called Moa. She plays violin, and I try to tell her that I am not that bad boy, that everyone say I am.
R. Then we play it, shall we call it a tribute toMoa? Alexander Rybak, we speak a lttle bit more afterwards.
AR: Yes
Playing Oah!
R: We danced on either side of the table here in the studio. Congratulations with Oah!, That is the title, but it's about Moa.
AR: Yes
R: You sing "You are too young to me." You told me that this is about a specific woman, who plays violin with you. How young is she really.
AR: She is 18 years, so it's Ok. But the thing is that I have three violinists with me this year, instead of Frikar, and they are actually in the midst of school and stuff. But they are so sporty and said yes to come along, so I promised each of them a love song, and I have written a song to Kathryn and Maria too. It may be very tacky to say, but I have certenly been in love with all 3 of them. I will pay back for all the inspiration I have received. But it was Oah!, that becomes the single.
R: I think it's a fine way to pay for that you have been in love with them.
AR: They get paid too.
R: They are getting paid too? They get double up?
AR: Yes, we were in Monaco together actually.
R: Glory, I think I will start working for you Alexander Rybak. If it is so well paid. But now I'm thinking of that today is the 11th May, and about two days it’s your birthday.
AR: Yeah, what do you think about that?
R: I think that I'm very concerned about birthdays. What about you?
AR. No, and you know what, there are so many around me who say "We must organize a party, etc.", but I try to feed it into people that I really just want to get some spare time.
R: Spare time - it's that best birthday gift?
AR: Yes, a little breathing space.
R: Then the message is out.
AR: I hope so.
R: So people. Let Alexander alone for a little while, especially on his birthday in 2 days. That's what he wants the most.
AR: It's cozy with a nod, if there is someone who knows me and greets if they walk past me on the street. But to arrange an entire party, it's really bad, if people expect me to do it because I have birthday.
R: But we try to respect that all of us who had thought --- Now it sounded like I had thought -
AR: You were not going to fix anything? Then you should not make a party anyway?
R: Sorry!
AR. He, he
R: I drop it. But you are supposed to celebrate a little now that it is ESC. Indicate that Norway is the host country. But when this is finished, what do you do then?
AR: Then I'm done. Imagine how pleasant it is for me to present the award to the new winner, especially if I get to keep mine. I hope there is another price. I hope there is another statue. There must be, hello!
R: We think so. Of course there will be.
AR. They cannot expect for example that I havn’t ruined mine.
R: And if you are afraid of it, you can just say that you have destroyed it, then you can keep it.
AR: But the one I got in Russia, was actually broken after 2 seconds.
R: And you got a new one?
AR: No, they are so efficient.
R: Aha! But I'm sure you get to keep your price, and I am also sure that you are going to get many awards forward Alexander.
AR: Thank you
R: So we will see you in the studio again a lot.
AR. The biggest prize is that everyone is just happy around me. I do not want to step on somone’s toes. That’s the only thing want. Then I’m satisfied.
R: Thank you for coming here.
AR: It was fun to be here..
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
And the YT- link to the Interview translated above:
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Lillian Llewellyn
Thank you for the translation Tessa, and I think I'm starting to learn a little Norwegian, as I did recognise some words. ;o) lol
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ika Ikaika
about Oah, Moa & co :)
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
One more article about "Oah":
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
Alex about his fiddlerettes & flirting.
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Translation of the interview on NRK1 Morgennytt 11.5.2010:
The video is made by Milena Windmill!/video/video.php?v=418981201182&ref=mf
R: Welcome Alxander Rybak
AR: You have so much text to handle.
R: Yes, there's a lot to keep track of.
R: This song is played for the first time today, you played it in "Nitimen", half an hour ago. How do you feel listening to it?
AR: I've heard it before. What did you say?
R: How is it to listen to the song?
AR: I've heard it before.
R: What do you think about it?
AR: I think it is very important to tell other musicians that they should mix their knowledge, and use it in other genres! I'm classically educated. I use notes to, I don’t know if you heard it, but there were vocals, and I use notes to make better vocal voices, rather than it’s being random.
R: What have you done different on this album from the first one?
AR: Oh! Now there is much more spirit. There are almost entirely tempo songs on it, and you shouldn’t be afraid to play it at a party. If you, of course, like that kind of music. And there is a lot of different genres, it's not a single red thread on it, except for my violin! There is a blue grass song, a rock song, and there is the rap song, musical. There are many different genres, and I am of course very proud of it.
R: Do you often hear your songs at parties?
AR: Ha, ha. No, I've only heard Fairytale too many times at parties. My first album wasn’t suitable for parties. There were too many ballades. But this one, there is a lot of spirit. Spirit and good mood.
R: Fairytale became a hit last summer. Do you hope that Oah! will be on everyone's lips this summer?
AR: Yes, I hope that everyone will dance a little, and having a good time when they listen to it! I try to spread happiness.
R:It’s already a year since your hugh victory in Eurovision. How has the past year been?
AR: A lot! I fortunately learned very quick that even I have a bad day, on tour, I just have to go through with all, and do them with a smile on my face. Because about two years I will not remember the condition I was in, that I was really tired, and didn’t get enough sleep. I will only remember all the things I have experienced, you know what I mean, and all the celebrities I met and the presidents, and played for hundreds of thousands children. Get many cool gifts, and visiting all the exciting places.
R: Did you learn anything?
AR: No, yes, I started to learn a lot, but then it was too much, so now I'm back on scratch again.
R: This new single, which was released today, can you tell what’s it all about?
AR. It is one of, hold on to it, three love songs to the three girls that I have with me on tour, they play the violin, and because they were so cool to join, they got a love song, each of them. And this song is about Moa, or it is more about me, about how unsecure I am. But I tell her “please believe me, I’m not that bad that everyone says.
R: And you are also contributing at the Eurovision final on Fornebu. But you have said that you are halfway lukewarm with singing during the break?
AR: Oh, like that! It came out wrong, because what I ment was that I preferred to do anything at all. It's not because I’m not allowed to sing the whole Fairytale, it's really not why. Even if I been allowed to sing a double Fairytale, I still have think it would be better to not -- I feel I have done my part now. But of course, I’m sure it will be fun to get people to sing along.
R: Good luck, and thank you for coming Alexander.
AR: Thanks to you too.
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Laila Solum Hansen
Dagbladet - slaughter again...
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Alexander in "Fin Fredag" on NRK super on Friday 14th of May:
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
New CD will be released 14-06-2010
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Olina Novikova
Yesterday's interview on NRK1 Morgennytt on youtube with English abd Russian subtitles. Thanks for the translation, Tessa!
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
From 18-05-2010 you can buy the Alexander Rybak STAMP!
Info on how to order:
General info:
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord
Translation of this video :
I: You will play a concert here in Sandvika Storsenter. What are you going to play today?
A: Mmm, it will be a 20-minute program, I wonder if everyone is aware of that? They (Sanvika Sotrsenter) makes advertising like for a concert, but it's, it's a mini-concert. I hope everyone knows that, but it will be much signing afterwards probably...haaaaa ... eee ...anyway, there will be ..... Fairytale *hehe*.
(during Fairytale)
A: You know it.
*Hehe* .... too ... eee ... also all other such half-hits I have had, such as Funny Little World, which I love, Roll With The Wind, which is fun to sing along to. Heard that Hege Anette are here today, she from Tangerudbakken, so I'll probably do my part, and get her on stage one way or another.
(Clip from "Rudrevyen")
I: You have gone to Rud High School. Is it a bit like when you come back to Bærum and play here, is it a bit like coming home in a way?
A: Yes, but then you can say I come home all the time, because I like to work with those guys there. It's like the world's best High School teachers. It's very .. it's always a good atmosphere there, and I .... I took part in "Rudrevyen".
(Clip from "Rudrevyen")
So I have absolutely nothing against sticking up for Rud. And it's very nice that many Rud students have helped me. Like ...the girl choir from Rud *hehe*. It was nice. Okay.
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord
Last week, week 18, Alex and Opptur went straight into 5th place on the Official Norwegian Single Chart List :
This week, 19, they go down to a 10th place :
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord
Today Alex and Opptur will perform on a big "Russe" party at Tryvann in Oslo :
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Ingegerd Claesson
This isn't much but AR's show with Linda Lampenius next year is mentioned.
"Planerar nya skiva och showen ”The Magic of the Violin” med Alexander Rybak för nästa år"
"Planning a new album and the show "The magic of the violin" with Alexander Rybak next year"
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Ta bort inlägg
Ellen Nl
@Veronica... I try to find about the performing today from Alex and Opptur, but I can't find it in your link... ?
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord
@ Ellen. Good you noticed :) The link I posted doesn't go dierctly.
Here is the correct link :
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Helen Juvik
A bit about Moa
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
New CD Alex: "No Bounderies"
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Grete Strub
VG gave a 4 for the single
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Julia Bezbakh
2 parts of yesterday's radio-interview on NRK-P1 + premier of "Oah!"
Recording and video making by Sveta Plyasun, English translation by Tessa La. I've done Russian translation and both English and Russian subs.
Part 1.
Part 2.
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Lisa Andersson
Here's a link directly to todays program on Radionorge with Alex, but it is of course in Norwegian so... He is on in the beginning of the show, right after presentation and Cyndee Lauper - Time after time
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Julia Bezbakh
@Lisa, what time it starts?
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
It has been aired already Julia. You can hear it here again.
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Julia Bezbakh
Now it starts;)
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ellen Nl
Aaaah, that's what you meant. From 1:35 min. :)
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Translation of the statment from Valdres Sommersymfoni.
Sityhilelo to Norway, thanks to Alexander's fans
Thank You Facebook Fans
The Facebook Fans birthday collection of Alexander Rybak collected over 20 000 NOK to Playing for a Future.
The talented clarinetist Sityhilelo Gwenxane, 15, has just gotten his first passport. He needed that, because he this summer is going to Valdres and participate in Valdres Sommersymfoni along with 400 other young people. Orphaned Sityhilelo lives with his grandmother in a poor town-ship off Cape Town and if it had not been for Alexander Rybak, he had never come to Norway.
Alexander Rybak birthday is on 13 May and to please him, his fans on Facebook has collecting money for two weeks. The money does not go to Alexander himself, but to Playing for a Future, an aid project to provide children in poor parts of the world a chance to develop through music.
15-year old Sityhilelo from South Africa's slums are just one of them. But the money that comes from the birthday collection will cover all expenses for him.
It's probably not possible to imagine how much Sityhilelo, who have never been outside their country before, rejoicing.
For Alexander it is obviously an enormous pleasure to be able to contribute to helping others. Playing for a Future are on their second year. Each year a selected ambassador play for free in according to Valdres Sommersymfoni, and the income from the concert goes to the Playing for a Future. Alexander Rybak was the first ambassador in 2009, and the income from his concerts made it possible for three young people from South Africa and two from Bolivia to participate in Valdres Sommersymfoni in 2009. In addition to Playing for a Future send 60 000 NOK to South Africa to pay for music lessons for several children from the town-ships in Cape Town during the year.
Once ambassador for Playing for the Future - always ambassador. This year, Alexander get company in the Ambassador line by the clarinetist Felix Peikli, as also did well in Kjempesjansen 2006, where Alexander won. Felix Peikeli is currently studying at the Berklee College, Massachusetts, USA. It is one of the world's leading education places for jazz musicians. This two will participating in two concerts during the Valdres Sommersymfoni, the 26 and 27 of June.
In addition to incomes from the ambassador concerts, all applicants to Valdres Sommer Symfoni contribute to Playing for a Future with 200 NOK of the registration fee, and besides, it’s made a CD of the annual concert with the Norwegian Children's Symphony Orchestra, where the income goes directly to Playing for a Future. This year there will be children and young people from Vietnam, Brazil and Jordan in addition to Bolivia and South Africa. Concert with the Norwegian Children's Symphony Orchestra concludes the festival 4 July.
The symbolic gift will be presented to Alexander in connection with a rehearsal in Oslo Wednesday 12 May, on behalf of Valdres Sommersymfoni by Kathryn Hvinden Hals - one of the young musicians who is on tour with Alexander Rybak at the moment,.
- The fact that Alexander's Facebook Fans chose to raise money to Playing for a Future is just fantastic, "said Alf Richard Kraggerud, initiator both Valdres Sommersymfoni and Playing for a Future.
- We can not thank enough.
Rybak FaceBook fans gathered nearly 70 000 from 77 countries.
At midnight 13 May, they released their tribute to Alexander on this link:
More about the collection here:
and here:,
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ika Ikaika
Alex - Moomin (or rather Moomin's voice)? :)
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
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