söndag 9 januari 2011

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Translation of what Alexander says in the interview in Aftenposten, it is a little different from the story.



It has passed one year since Alexander Rybak won Eurovision Song Contest. After last year’s enormous attention, he is dreading a little to go on stage in Telenor Arena where he will sing half of Fairytale. According to the 24 year old, this is far from a comeback.

- Comeback, I would rather call it a drawback. It is not any big deal to sing in front of the same 130 millions who watched last year. And I gave 100 percent last year and told my story about a fairytale, but this year it is only a tradition. I have to sing once more, but in my head I am already on my next project.

After the whole world has turned their gaze away from Oslo and Telenor Arena, Rybak will release his new album. In case this will be his last pop album, he wants to show what he is capable of. The album contains therefore among other things rap, bluegrass and disco melodies.

- And even if you do not have to show all the genres on an album, I think this could be my last pop album, and now I have the chance to show how much fun you can have with a violin.

Although Rybak is disappointed about the level in this year Eurovision,

- I see only more trances and clowns,

he is very impressed with the Norwegian contributions.

- The Norwegian final was unbelievably entertaining, it was a real thriller. Many of those who participated could well have represented Norway, and won.

He has a huge belief that Didrik Solli-Tangen can ensure Norway one more Eurovision victory.

- In comparison with the other artists this year, I think he has a very good chance. I like him and German, the lady there is fantastic. I would like to invite her for dinner.

This should not be any problem, Alexander has bought himself a brand new apartment on Aker Brygge.

- I do not see the sea, I have view to the square.

What did you pay for it?

- I will not tell.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Olina Novikova
The solved riddle of the Alex's video greeting from Russia with a beard on.

He participated in an art project of the Russian photographer who re-creates the real art paintings on her photos . With that purpose she gets the celebrities dressed up and made up to make them look alike with the persons on the paintings.


Alex has impersonated the character from the painting of Pierre-Auguste Renoir “Self-portrait” 1876.



Woman: Sasha, would you like to drink something?
A: Yes, please. Tea.
W: Ok, of what color? (she meant green or black)
A: Blue. :D
W: That’s interesting. Blue tea, ok.
A: Whom didn’t I meet yet?
W: I’m Galina Ivanovna.
A: Nice to meet you. Sasha.
W: This is Alena.
A: Hello, Alena.

In the make-up process
A: I wonder, is it because I have the moustache and beard glued on, it’s impossible for me to smile now? Or in general, those who have a beard can not smile?
W: Certainly, lacquer (the gluing fluid she used to glue up the beard) does not let the skin moving.
A: (looking at the picture) Mmm, is this Kirkorov?
W: This is Kobzon (a Russian singer)
A: Is this his (first) name?
W: Joseph.
A: Kobzon?
A: Papa called me kobzon (LOL). Ah, no, he was saying… what was he saying?... pazcan (little boy.) :DD
W: Just a sec... OK, you can put (the glasses) on.
W: Carefully.
A: Can I see?
W: Of course.
A: Oh, it’s beautiful. But I don’t know… the way he has it… I don’t know… here he has such a little… pause…
A: I can not smile at all…

Dressed up in coat
A: May I here... just a little… I’ll take a look in the mirror.

On the set
W: So, Sasha, stand up there, please. Sideward.
A: Let’s go. I feel that it (the hat) is falling off.

Man: Lower your chin and tilt your head to the side.
(some instructions how to stand)

W: That’s it. Thank you very much.
A: Is it good?

After recording the greeting for facebook
A: So, it didn’t work out to smile, but thank you very much. It’s very good.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
It's in page 85. :)
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
Sorry, if I sounded "mean". It was a neutral comment.

You cannot know everything that has been posted already, of course. It happens to everybody.
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marijke Arentsen
Thanks to you all for all the translations again! :-)
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
The last part of the interview on P3 Morgen monday 3.5.2010

AR= Alexande
R1: The male reporter
R2= Female reporter
O: Opptur - I cant device their voices, sorry

O: En birolle funker det også.
AR: Du må ha hatt skikkelig uflaks med damer hvis du skulle ha hovedrollen i den sangen, og det er det ikke bare meg som kvalifiserer meg til altså.
O: Man kan ikke ha uflaks med damer man velger ut selv på internett. SÅ sånn sett har jeg vært veldig heldig.
R1: Vi skal prate mer med Morten, Thomas og Alexander. Det er bare å sende inn spørsmål til 1987 kodeord morgen. Nå skal vi høre på Michael Jackson med Black and White på NRK P3 – god morgen.

R1: Michael Jackson, Black and White på NRK P3, snart er klokken 9.30 på mandag morgen, og vi har besøk av Alexander Rybak og Thomas og Morten fra gruppen Opptur., som har gitt ut singel med Alexander Rybak ”Fela igjen”

AR: dadaa!
R1: Hæ?
AR: Jeg sa yes. Dadaaa.
R1: AR står og strekker seg i studio. Men er det mye stress for tiden?
O: Jeg lever godt under stress, for jeg er veldig rolig sånn ellers.
R2: Du virker som en rolig og bedagelig fyr.
O: Ja, Det er derfor jeg ikke slår folk også.
R2: Å, det er bare derfor.?
O: Ja
R2: Det tros jeg på. Alex, Alex? Nå begynner jeg å kalle deg for Alex for jeg følger jeg er blitt skikkelig kjent med deg. Hva er det du gjør når du skal slappe av.
AR: Jeg ser på TV-spill, og spiller dem også av og til.
R1: Sånn som i helgen, hva gjorde du da?
AR: Da gjorde jeg det samme, jeg slapper av. Men så er jeg jo ute av og til. Jeg var på bursdag til Christian Strand. Han fyllte 30 år.
R2: Ja
R1: Hvordan var det?
AR: Hvordan var det? Har du vært i bursdag før?
R1: Ja, men
AR: Der var mange folk, også mingler man.
R1: Jeg har ikke vært i bursdag med Christian Strand
AR: Men han var jo den som hjalp meg til å begynne med. Han hadde det første talkshowet jeg var med på.
R1: Såpass. Så har vi fått inn – jeg må bare ta det på sms 1987, kodeord morgen. Vi har fått inn mange spørsmål fra folk som lurer på noe. Alexandr, hva tenker du på at lille Hege Anette i Tangerudbakkener forelsket i deg, og hvorfor har du ikke svart på brevet hennes?
AR: Jeg har bare hørt om dette her. Jeg har ikke sett på Tangerudbakken, men jeg har virkelig lyst til å besøke henne sånn ordentlig, for nå føler jeg at fristen for å svare på brev er gått ut. Nå må jeg virkelig besøke henne.
R1: Du må faktisk besøke henne. Jeg satt og så på internett her for leden, og hun var velig bitter, veldig bitter.
AR: oi,oi,oi!
R1: Hun hadde gått hele veien til posten, med en lilla konvolutt, gjort seg flid, skrevet et fint brev og tegnet på.
R2: Hun elsker deg.
R2: Hun vil bli groupien din.
AR: Oi!
R2: Så her er det bare å stille opp på Tangerudbakken.
AR: Jo,jo,jo, Jeg har virkelig tenkt meg det. Jeg synes ikke sånt er kult. Nå har jeg jo svart på de nesten alle brev hittil, så det er litt dumt da –
R2: Det virker som du er flink til det?
AR: Det virker ikke sånn, hvis det er den eneste man følger med som har skrevet brev og ikke fått svar.
R2: Er du flink til å ta vare på fansen?
AR: Jeg vet ikke om jeg tar vare på dem eller ikke, men jeg sender hvert fall brev. Jeg prøver hvert fall etter beste evne å svare alle.
R1: Men Alexander, lover du alstå nå et personlig oppmøte på Tangerudbakken hos Hege Anette.
AR: J eselfølgelig. Det er jo ikke langt unna heller.
R1: Det er jo bare å rusle innom en dag.
AR: Det er nesten bare døra ved siden av.
R1: Vi hadde besøk her forleden av Bettan, som du kjenner. Dere har jo hatt show sammen og sånn. Og skal ha show i Tønsberg.
AR: Ja, nå orker jeg ikke mer sånn ”naildrop” (hørte ikke helt hva han sa ) Men vi er gode venner .
R2: Hun var her på fredag og stilte et spørsmål til deg i vår spørsmåls stafett. Er du klar for det?
AR: Ja
R2: Fra Live og Bettan: Rybak – hva er du egentlig redd for?
R2: Hva er du redd for?
AR: Jeg vet ikke jeg. Jeg er redd for at Bettan skal avlyse konserten av en eller annen grunn.
R1: Hvorfor skal hun gjøre det?
AR: Nei, ikke sant. Det er derfor jeg er redd.
R2: Er det ikke noe annet du er redd for her i livet, slanger, edderkopper?
AR: Nei.
AR. Jeg er redd for å såre folk. Jeg hater å vite at jeg er grunnen til at noen har det dårlig., og da teller det ikke at Feirytale spilles på radioen. Det er ikke sånt som jeg har dåårlig samvittighet for. Men hvis jeg har såret noen, det kan jeg ikke leve med, da må jeg med en gang unnskylde meg.
R2: Ettersom du føler på det, er det noe som skjer at du sårer folk?
AR: Nei, Det er heller det som ikke skjer. Jeg synes jeg har klart meg fint uten det. I hvert fall det siste halvåret. Men til gjengjeld har jeg måttet holde aviser glad og dere glad, og heller utlevere dårlige sider av meg selv. For de, altså Vg og Dagbladet ber jo om dårlige sider om andre, at jeg skal slenge dritt om andre. Og når jeg ikke gjør det så synes de jeg begynner å bli kjedelig, så da føler jeg at jeg må si et eller annet kjipt om meg selv. Og det klarer jeg, så det er ikke så farlig.
R1: Vil det si at du føler du må mate på med dårlige sider av deg selv for å tilfredsstille avisene?
AR: Ja, så de ikke ---
R1: Er du redd for å bli glemt?
AR: Nei, men jeg er redd for at de begynner å bruke meg til å såre andre, og da vil jeg heller ofre meg sel. Kan man si det?
R1: Si noe positivt om deg selv Alexander.
AR: Jammen, nei!
R1: Greit.
R2: Du er flink, det kan du vel si? Drit i Jantelov’s Norge. Du har jo gjort det kjempebra.
AR: Men min teori er at når man er artist--, noen artister driver og snakker om hvor flinke de er, mens jeg heller vil visa hva jeg gjør, så får heller folk bedømme om jeg er flink eller ikke. Så når du sier jeg er flink, så sier jeg : Tusen takk
R2: Vær så god.
AR: Jeg takker og bukker så pannebrasken sneier deg.
R1: Spørsmåls stafetten må gå videre. I morgen får vi besøk av Tome Damlie Aaberg. Fyr løs.
AR: Skal vi se. Jeg må få samarbeide med Opptur. Hva synes dere vi skal spørre henne om?
O: Jeg har alltid lurt på hva hun er redd for faktisk – bare send spørsmålet videre.
AR: Rett og slett: Hva er Tone redd for?
R1: Det tar vi i morgem i P3 morgen. Alexander, Thomas og Morten, tusen takk for at dere kom innom P3 morgen
AR: Takk
O: Bare hyggelig.
R1: Lykke til med ”Fela igjen” og hip hop karrieren, og for deg Alexander å begynne med noe annet enn pop etter hvert.
AR: Jo, takk for det.

O: A bit-part role works too.
AR: You must have had really bad luck with the ladies if you have star-role in this song, and it's not just me that qualifies to that.
O: You can not have bad luck with the ladies you choose for yourself on the internet. So, I have been very lucky.
R1: We will talk more with Morten, Thomas and Alexander. Simply submit your question to the 1987 code word morgen. Now we listen to Michael Jackson with Black and White on NRK P3 - good morning.

R1: Michael Jackson, Black and White on NRK P3, now's the time 9:30 on Monday morning, and we have a visit from Alexander Rybak and Thomas and Morten from the group Opptur., Who has released singles with Alexander Rybak "Fela again"

AR: dada!
R1: What?
AR: I said yes. Dadaaa.
R1: Alexander Rybak stands and stretches his body in the studio. Is there a lot of stress these days?
O: I live well under stress, for I am usual very calm.
R2: You seem like a quiet and lazy guy.
O: Yes, That is why I do not hit people too.
R2: Oh, it's just so.?
O: Yes
R2: I belive that. Alex, Alex? Now I start to call you Alex because I feel I really know you. What do you do when you relax.
AR: I look at video games, and play them sometimes.
R1: Like this weekend, what did you do?
AR: I did the same thing, I relax. But then I'm sometimes out. I was on the birthday party of Christian Strand. He filled 30 years.
R2: Yes
R1: How was it?
AR: How was it? Have you been to a birthday party before?
R1: Yes, but
AR: There are numerous people, and you mingle.
R1: I have not been to birthdayparty with Christian Strand
AR: But he was the one who helped me in the start. He had the first talk show I was on.
R1: Okey. Then we have too - I just have to take the SMS 1987, the code word morgen. We have received many questions from people wondering something. Alexander, what do you think that little Hege Anette from Tangerudbakkenen ( a norwegian reality Tv-program about mental retardation) is in love with you, and why have not you responded to her letter?
AR: I have only heard about this. I have not seen Tangerudbakken, but I really wanted to see her , becuase now I feel that the deadline for responding to the letter has gone out. Now I really have too see her.
R1: You need to actually visit her. I looked on the internet some days ago, and she was reportedly bitter, very bitter.
AR: oi, oi, oi!
R1: She had walked all the way to the post office , with a purple envelope, made a lot of efford, written a nice letter and draw on it.
R2: She loves you.
R2: She'll be your groupie.
AR: Oi!
R2: So you have to go to Tangerudbakken.
AR: Yes, yes, yes, I've really mean that. I do not think this is cool. I have anwered alomst all letters so far, it's a bit stupid then -
R2: It seems you are good at it?
AR: It does seem like that, if it is the only thing you foucus on those who have written letters and do not receive a response.
R2: Are you good at taking care of the fans?
AR: I do not know if I take care of them or not, but I certainly send letters. I'm certainly do my best of my ability to respond to everyone.
R1: But Alexander, you promise a personal visit at Tangerudbakken and Hege Anette?
AR: Yes of course. It's not far away either.
R1: It is just to walk in on some day.
AR: It is almost the door next to it.
R1: We had a visitor the other day, Bettan, who you know. You've had a show together and stuff. And you will have a show in Tønsberg.
AR: Yes, now I can not bear more like "naildrop" (could not hear what he said) But we're good friends.
R2: She was here on Friday and asked a question to you in our question relay. Are you ready for it?
AR: Yes
R2: From Live and Bettan: Rybak - what are you really afraid of?
R2: What are you afraid of?
AR: I do not know. I am afraid that Bettan will cancel the concerts for some reason.
R1: Why would she do that?
AR: I don’t know. That's why I'm afraid.
R2: Is there anything else you are afraid of in life, snakes, spiders?
AR: No.
AR. I'm afraid of hurting people. I hate knowing that I'm the reason why some people have it bad. And ålaying Fairytale at the radio don’t counts. It's not like I have bad conscience about that. But if I hurt someone, I can not live with it, I immediately have to excuse for it.
R2: Since you feel so strong about it, is this something going on that you hurt people?
AR: No, that’s what not happening. I think I've managed good without it. At least the last six months. But in return I have had to keep the papers happy and you happy, and disclose bad sides of myself. For those, that VG and Dagbladet asks about the bad sides about others, that I should throw shit about others. And when I don’t do that, they think I'm starting to get bored, so I feel I have to say something bad about myself. And I can, so it is Okey.
R1: Does that mean that you feel you need to feed on the bad side of yourself to meet the press?
AR: Yes, they do not ---
R1: Are you afraid of being forgotten?
AR: No, but I'm afraid that they start to use me to hurt others, and then I'd rather sacrifice my self. Can you say that?
R1: Say something positive about yourself Alexander.
AR: No!
R1: All right.
R2: You're good, you can probably say that? Fuck the Norwegian Janteloven. You have made great.
AR: But my theory is that when you are an artist --some artists engaged and talking about how good they are, while I prefer to show what I do, and then it people judge whether I am good or not. So when you say I am clever, I say thank you
R2: There you go.
AR: I thank you and bows as my foreheads touch you.
R1: The question relay must go on. Tomorrow we Tome Damli Aaberg will be here. Ask her a question.
AR: Let's see. I need to ask Opptur. What do you think we should ask her about?
O: I've always wondered what she is afraid of actually - just send the question further.
AR: Simply: What is the Tone afraid of?
R1:We get the answere on that P3 morgen tomorrow. Alexander, Thomas and Morten, thank you for drop by P3 morgen
AR: Thanks
O: You're welcome.
R1: Good luck with the "Fela igjen" and your hip-hop career, and for you Alexander to begin with something other than pop eventually.
AR: Well, thank you for that.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ronja Laupitaja
Alexander Rybak spille Alias på NRJ på Morgenshowet

On Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYUKY1vzP0Q
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Mari Andersen
More or less tha same as in the Aftenposten-interview - and some comments about Alex, thinking he has changed, and not in a positive way. "That’s a big change in attitude from the endearing and humble young man who leaped into the nation’s heart with his energetic violin playing, dancing and powerful singing. Now Rybak seems sour and keen to move beyond Eurovision. "

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord

Huge job you have done Tessa ! Thanks :)

About there you couldn't hear what he said. He said :

AR: Yes, now I can not bear more NAME-DROPPING. But we're good friends.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord

Alex was in the radioshow "Morgenshowet" on Radio NRJ yesterday :



Listen to the radioshow here :

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Ika Ikaika
they say it's funny :-/

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Yannis Papadopoulos
The same Greek source as yesterday repeats today that a televised interview of Alex is coming to the Greek TV.

"The Best News" - 5.5.10

Greek - http://www.thebest.gr/news/index/viewStory/15415

Googlish - http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thebest.gr%2Fnews%2Findex%2FviewStory%2F15415&sl=el&tl=en&swap=1 (notice that "Stevie Wonder" is how Google translates... Sakis Rouvas).

Since you were asking yesterday, Alex is not coming to Greece for this interview. And after today... why would he?
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
I THINK, this means a new gig on May 12th. It says, Alex is giving concert for 10.000 graduated students at a huge party ( Russefest) in Tryvann...

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Lene Hagen
@Marianne - it is a gig none of us will be able to enter as we are not Russ!
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Laila Ulvseth
@Marianne: Graduated students in Norway are called "russ", the word is derived from latin "cornua depositurus". After 13 years at school the traditions are getting drunk, playing too loud music and doing a lot of weird stuff. This sometimes includes rather naughty stuff.
But I'd say that our dear fiddler is indeed BRAVE and deserves FULL RESPECT if he really is to play for 10.000 drunken, raving russ.... and most of them might not like him at all.... he is just sooooo last year...
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Olina Novikova
Alex is very busy these days indead. Today he gave an on-line press-conference on the Internet for the Belarusian journalists. It has been long, but nothing new has been said


There is also a short video from the event on the site.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Dear Lene and Laila..I know all that...We have seen all these " Russerevyer", so it is not so hard to figure out. They do the same stuff here, after high-school, but maybe not with so specific rituals..usually, they just get drunk and some, dance around a specific statue in Copenhagen..thats all..and they drive around in big lorrys, decorated with green leaves and flowers..
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Olina Novikova
Translation of the video from the on-line press-conference from today


A: Of course, I have idols... or, I don’t know how to say it in Russian…
Journalist: Kumiri (Russian version for “idol”).
A: Hah?
J: Kumiri.
A: Kumiri? Oi, but it’s kind of in Arabian. (right, kumir – emir :) )

A: By the way, I have never before heard the Belarusians who sing so well in English. (he talks about the Belarusian representative on ESC, the band “3+2”) Anyway, I like the band very-very much. They have a very good English pronunciation, very good. And, of course, I like a lot the melody itself. And it’s good that you have changed the melody. (the song actually) Though, I don’t know, whose decision it was?
J: That was a decision of the Belarusian organizers, the management of the TV-channel.
A: Ah! Well done, organizers! The second song is much better. And I think, if they will perform it well, then it can become such like a Belarusian hymn.
J: How do you think, will they make it to the final?
A: I think, they will. I’ll be very surprised if they will not.

A: Then I like Germany a lot. I think it will be the toughest competitor for you. I mean an important competitor.
J: So, Germany is your favorite?
A: Yes, Germany is my favorite. She’s a very-very nice girl. I don’t know if you have heard her?
J: Yes.
A: It’s just there are many-many ballads this year, many slow songs with the violinists. So, Germany, of course, stands out of them. Because it’s a very… how to say it… a turning on song (he actually used a Russian slang word that I can’t translate properly).

A: Whom I’d share my life with? I’d say with a girl.
J: What kind of girl she must be?
A: Hah?
J: What she must be like? That girl.
A: Ah! Well… a blonde or a brunette.
J: So, for you the look of a girl is most important, not the soul?
A: No! Well, or a red one.
J: Do you have a girlfriend?
A: Hah?
J: Do you have a girlfriend now?
A: I don’t even know. (asking someone) Do I have a girlfriend? They say that I kind of have (a girlfriend)… sometimes.

A: I have bought an apartment on the seafront of Oslo. So, in May when everybody will come here… ah, it’s May already… so, when everybody will come to Eurovision I will be waving to them from the balcony.
J: How many rooms are in the apartment?
A: Well… Five? Five. Six. Seven. Seven!
J: Seven rooms?
A: Ah, no. Not seven big rooms. But two good posh rooms and a few rooms like bedroom, kitchen, two bathrooms.
J: Great. Do you live in the new apartment now or you’re furnishing it yet?
A: No, now I live at mom’s place yet.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
The NRJ- Morning show with translation. Can anyone put subs on the video?


The morning show on NRJ presents ALIAS!

We heard that the morning show with Ida in the lead managed 8 answers in Alias. Now It’s Opptur og Alexander Rybak's turn. Who will explain the words of the other?

AR: Do I do that?
O: You can do it.
AR: Yes
R: Alexander, Thomas and Morten. Are you ready? You have one minute to do it. You have to get
8 correct answers.
AR: Something you have to turn on to get light.
O: Light switch, switch?
AR: What is the thing with the light?
Ò: Bulb?
AR: No, but what is ---
O: A lamp?
AR: Yes, and if the lamp is not sitting?
O: stands. Standing lamp
AR: Yes

AR: If we are not children, what are we then?
O: Adult
AR: Yes
AR: Okay, if you - what are you hoesing wood with?
O: ax
AR: Yes. What are we standing on now?
O: Floor
AR: Yeah, okay - not humans, but
O: animal
AR: Yes, no, no, Oslo is a
O: city?
AR: Yes, my God
AR: Okay, many people who sing a
O: choir
Ida: No way!
AR: And if you do not sleep, you are `
O: awake
AR: When you say no, no, no, then
O: jester
AR: No,
R: The time is up, and Iwould therefore say that you got
8 points, and it is the same as they other..
IDA: It ties in Alias, pure and simple.
O: That was my 3-patted clap
AR: Makeout Competition
R: There' are not a sudden death competition.
AR: It was a nice start of the day
Ida: So good
R: for us, too.
O: I do not think it was a nice start to the day, I wanted to win this. We are winning proven.We're a little disappointed now because we had expected to win this..
AR: Just because we got an 1-in VG.
O: trample us even more down in the mud. We are inferior.
R: But it's been really nice to have you here, thank you for participate in all. Good luck.
AR: Good luck to you too.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Another birth-horoscope for the fiddler, made by some " wise " guy. Nothing, we couldn´t find out about, by reading the papers.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
An article from TV2.no 6.5.2010 about Alexander and Didrik and the talkshow "senkveld":


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Accordingto this article Alexander will be on Senkveld friday on TV2.no. But an article in VG, says he wont, and that he and Didrik met for a pizza last night. I hope Didrik made him a homemade one. This funny little world of rumours and mediagossip.

And he also will be at the bookrelease today in Oslo.

A better article about the same topic as the post above.



The article on VG.no


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Mari Andersen
Some nice stuff, Alex is used together with Henrik Ibsen as excample of norwegian culture and how it can draw more tourists to Norway. It's the former cultureminister speaking. (the tourist-buisness laughed a little about this, but he probably draws more people to Norway then Ibsen(just look at the Facebookies, even moving to Norway:-))

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Veronica Nord
More about the Alex and Didrik mess. Kjell Arild does a comment too :


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Marianne Mata Hari Saietz

Here is a video-link on the page, with an interview about the mess, with Alexander


för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
More about today's topic with Didrik (including nice pic): http://translate.google.ee/translate?hl=et&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.side2.no%2Funderholdning%2Farticle2899334.ece
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Anglesina Est
And some more news with video: http://translate.google.ee/translate?hl=et&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fmusikk%2Fgrand-prix%2Fartikkel.php%3Fartid%3D10005478
för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Translation of the interview on VGTV.no


I was together with Didrik yesterdayI. And the thing is that they were promised a very different interview than they ended up with in Senkveld, so they thought that it was not worth it, and Didrik did not know that I should be there.

R: (I can't hear what he says, but assuming he asks why Didrik resigned.)

The manager also decide a lot. We have rehearsed a number him and I, and it's sort of limit to how many times we canl perform the number.

R: What is the relationship between you?

AR: It's all right. We argue when we get up in the morning, but love takes over.

The only bad thing is that he compares me with Anna Anka, but what he is trying to say is that I like to tell about myself in the media.

R: Any conflicts between you?

AR: Of course not.

Is it bad to say that the competition is a bit more open this year?
No, damn that was not bice to say. It's between Norway and Germany, actually. There I said it.
It is not so Solli-clear. I think he sure will be, what's it called? - Top 5 . But my favorite is Germany.

She sings so good. I was so crazy in love the first time I heard the song, so I will surely invite her on a ---- date / dinner?

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Tessa La
Translation of the video on seher. no 6.5.2010 about Alexander and Didrik


Didrik Solli-Tangen was supposed to be on Senkveld tomorrow. And then he was informed that you should be on too, and he will not participate anymore. What do you think about it?

I got mail about this 3 days ago, where they said Didrik was in and that they wanted me too. I said that I would not talk about anything, just wanted to perform something together with him. And I sent an email with suggestions for songs. We got no email back, so we put it on hold.

And yesterday as I spoke with Didrik, and he said he called it off, but he had no idea that I should be with.
So this seems to be a management work. I also had a few managers last year which---, in other words do not have time to tell you about all the deals you get, and sometimes you will get hurt because ---. I nearly miss to be part of the film to the director of "Wanted" because my management thought that this was nothing for Alexander, so I fortunately know it from someone else.

But is there any enmity or bad feelings between you and Didrik?

No, no, no. We met last night.

R. What do you think is the reason that he (Didrik) cancelled?

AR. I suppose it didn’t fit with their plans. I also have my plans.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl
Olina Novikova
Alexander Rybak in the program “Good morning, Russia”, 06.05.10


Man: It’s only several days left till the beginning of the Eurovision in Oslo. The contests will take place in the biggest sport stadium in Norway - Telenor Arena where the world stars like Tina Turner, Andrea Bochelli, AC/DC, Metallica and many others performed at different times. The concert hall is almost ready now, it’s sat for the 23 thousands of viewers.
Woman: Until today Telenor Arena was closed for the press. And it happened that our program was the first one allowed to see how the preparation to the contest is going. This weekend I came back from Oslo where I met Alexander Rybak. Actually, let’s watch it.

In Telenor Arena

A: Well, do you like it?
R: I like it very much.
A: Me too.
R: I like that there is a lot of light.
A: It’s like New Year.
R: Yes, yes. Like Christmas.
A: A big New Year tree.
A: There was such a good show in Moscow with the screen, that they are not going to try to compete with that.
R: Repeat that.
A: Yes. So, they do something completely new instead. Without the screen but with much more of light.
A: I think that with those lamps they will be helping to each artist, you know? If the song is very sad then the stage will be blue. Light show will help a lot.
R: But it’s gonna be your stage, you will come out first, won’t you?
A: Yes.
R: Then go and take a look at least.
A: What’s it there to take a look at? (laughs)
R: Well, I think it’s very important for an artist what kind a floor is.
A: Is it?
R: Because when we were filming the children’s Eurovision, it was provided that the floor would not have been too slick; otherwise the kids could fall down while dancing.
A: Oi. But I’m an adult already, I won’t fall down.
R: Is it important for you what kind the stage is, what shape it should be?
A: No. The most important for me is a story. It does not matter to me - a stage, an amount of audience or how big a hall is. It does not bother me.
R: So, everything is all right with you?
A: Everything is all right with me.
A: Do you want me to lift you up?
R: Up there?
A: Yes.
A: Do you want up to the stage?
A: And!...
A: You can sit up now.
A: Did you like it? (:DD)
A: (after the helmet fell off) Just like I thought. So, here it is. This is how I’m going to stand, here is a microphone, there is a public and here I am. Well, it’s beautiful.
R: When is it the most scary to come out on Eurovision – being the first, the tenth or the last one?
A: I have forgotten it already. Eurovision is like my past life.
R: It’s only a year has passed since.
A: Now I look at Eurovision like I’m one of the public.
R: Do you make bets? What do you think, what country will win this year?
A: This year I like Germany a lot.
R: Do you?
A: Because I like such… (he tried to use a Russian slang word, but said it wrong at first, so the reporter helped him. And I don’t know how to translate it, so it will be-) the turning on songs.
A: I’m quite proud now to be a Norwegian. Well, and a Belarusian a little bit too.

Back in a studio.
W: Well, it was just a beginning. We will be telling you constantly on our channel how the preparation to the contest is going. And a little bit later in our program we will show you the full version of the interview with Alexander Rybak.
M: It’s only left to remind you that Alexander Rybak has brought the victory to his country last year. And now Norway takes the anniversary, 55th international song contest of Eurovision. The first semifinal will take place on the 25th of May.

för ungefär 8 månader sedan · Anmäl

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