söndag 9 januari 2011

Visar inlägg 3211-3240 av 3472.FörstaFöregående106107108109110NästaSista.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
A norwegian article, with a nice video of Alex and Bettan in X-factor boot-camp. The broadcasts with him will be next week, probably thursday and friday

för ungefär 4 månader sedan · Anmäl.Irina Kuvaldina
His answers to the questions during web-conference of e-motion.tochka.net, September 23th


för ungefär 4 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz

Kristina Ovcharenko: An article in the Russian magazine "Names" № 10 (October 2010)
Scan of the interview:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000234095044#!/photo.php?pid=472102&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=183104285643&id=100000510743804

1) What book would take with him on a desert island?
- A Playboy consider like a book:) If not, then I would read books about Russian history.
2) Recent events that struck you the most? Volcanic eruption in Iceland. Why not move it to another planet?
...3) In what historical era would like to live?
Ancient Rome. The Romans were majestic, hardy, surrounded by beautiful half-naked women.
4) Your favorite literary, theatrical or Action Hero? Bruce Willis in the role of "Die Hard" John McClain. He is unapproachable and cold, but at the same time fun and easy. And, of course, James Bond.
5) Who of of our contemporaries, most likable? I like Natalie Portman - for its wisdom in making life decisions and for her beauty.
6) What do you value most in friends? Devotion and understanding.
7) Your main character trait? Trying to control everything himself. In this romantic and simply impossible young man.
8) Your main drawback? Read above.
9) What kind of human weakness find the most excusable? The desire to be known and recognized.
10) With what of person would consent to stay in an elevator for a long time? Ani Lorak.
11) Which word or phrase is the most use? "Yes."
12) What was your most insane waste of money? Once rented a jet plane.
13) Do you love money? Yes, and money loves me too.
14) Your favorite pastime? Computer games and workouts in the gym.
15) What you get tired more often? Perhaps the hardest tire stupid people.
16) What are your favorite names - male, female? Maria, Marie, Alexander
17) Your favorite cites? New York, Minsk, Moscow.
18) What is your greatest achievement? I loved and was loved in return.
19) Gift to you I would like to possess? To play football.
20) What you do not have to be completely happy? A lot. I have a need to make others happy.
21) What is your life motto? I can not decide on the precise wording of life's motto for life. I live and I try to give joy to others!

Our Norwegian Byelorussian:

Born May 13, 1986 in Minsk. Mother - a pianist, his father - a violinist. When the boy was 4 years old, parents moved to Norway. The family settled in a suburb of Oslo. Graduated the School of Music, studying at the conservatory in Oslo winner of " Eurovision-2009 " in Moscow (387 points).
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Olina Novikova
Alex's web-conference with the fans organized by the Ukrainian site e-motion.ua. 23.09.10
Translated and subtitled by me.

Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZW4LsBL2Mc
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsWK1YB2RTM
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JskDPdS-BVM
Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgtnrJaMPaQ

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
Chinese article at sina.com
About Alexander's visit the beginning of November to China with Some Sunny Night (see his schedule).


***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fent.sina.com.cn%2Fj%2F2010-09-25%2F18403097328.shtml
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Alexander's Greek TV interview, 26.9.10. English subs by me, Russians subs could be added too.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
About X-factor:

***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tv2underholdning.no%2Fxfactor%2Fnaa-skal-finalistene-plukkes-ut-3299330.html
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Russian article about Kiev concert.
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Olina Novikova
About filming the video for Europe's Skies in Yalta


för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Laila Ulvseth
I stumbled across this in yesterday's paper:

Dagbladet (paper edition) Sunday Sep. 26, 2010


Alexander Rybak (24) is going to act handicapped marathon hero at the Chinese national opera. With dad Igor as conductor and mom Natasja on piano grande.

In a few weeks the family Rybak is packing their suitcases aiming for China. There ESC-Alexander is transformed to Opera-Alexander.
For three shows in Beijing and Wuhan he is going to have the lead role in the giant show "Some sunny night", written by the Norwegian composer Thomas Stanghelle. More than 200 artists is participating in the opera musical.
Stanghelle understands that many are surprised that Rybak gets the main role in a opera musical. - I was never in doubt. We have been friends and close musical partners since he was five and just arrived to Norway from Belarus, says Stanghelle.
Alexander Rybak is looking forwards very much to the show. - Ketil Moe has been one of my heroes. He made the impossible possible, he says.
Stanghelle believes the world will see a new Rybak, so far unknown for the Norwegian audience. - It's going to be exciting seeing him entering another person's fate, and follow it to death, says the composer.
On stage Rybak is going to play the now deceased cystic fibrosis suffering marathon hero Ketil Moe from Lillesand. His friend, the Chinese Mark Wang, was handicapped after an airplane accident and came to Norway on a scholarship granted by queen Sonja. He was one of the official torch carriers at the Beijing olympics. Wang will be played by Stanghelle himself, and he is followed on stage by his mother Turid and his wife Ingunn.
The composer is not alone in having his family on stage. - Alexander's father Igor is an experienced violinist and conductor. His mother plays the piano grande in the show, reveals Stanghelle.
Igor Rybak was also conducting the show last year, when it was shown in Lillesand during the 10 year's anniversary for Ketil Moe's death. That was the first time Alexander played the part as Moe.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Sara Anja
The interview with Alexander in the magazine Blå kors rusfri (Meaning No drugs or smth like that), is now available as PDF. Maybe someone have time to do a translation?
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
30-09-2010, Alex finally can go to Sisandra, to the school which won the Unicef competition. :)


***Googlish: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hitra-froya.no%2Fincoming%2Farticle1260243.ece
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ellen Nl
Polish article about No Boundaries.


***Googlish: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&sl=pl&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fmuzyka.interia.pl%2Fpop%2Fnews%2Falexander-rybak-otwiera-oczy%2C1537264&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&usg=ALkJrhiq4hpFKmj9ocNUpkRPygMeygCbQg
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Anglesina Est
About filming the new videoclip in Crimea, with photos: http://www.fm-tv.ru/muz_news/9384/view/

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Tessa La
Now it's possible to book a tour through a tour operator in connection with Alexander performance with The Stanghelle famely in Bejing in November.


för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Alexander would go to the UNICEF school concert this summer, but the weather stopped his helicopter (GR)

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
This article also says that 71 schools collected 1.2 million NOK for UNICEF in exchange for a chance to get an Alexander's concert
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Tessa La
Translation of the 1. part of the interview in Blåkors.

What is the big point of alcohol consumption?

The Norwegian fiddler, Alexander Rybak says he enjoys the role model status he seems to have achieved among children and adolescents. He regularly looking for good questions when the topic of alcohol and drug use is on the agenda.

It is not easy to get an interview with the famous son of Nesodden, Alexander Rybak. But in the end we got an one-hour talk in Oslo, on a nice sushi restaurant right next to Rybak's apartment at Aker Brygge. The weather was so summery that we could sit outside - and with that we got a slightly view both of the Oslo Fjord and his childhood home there in the distance.

Alexander Rybak is not so busy with newspaper interview now a days. The media pressure subsided shortly after this year's ESC in Norway and the launch of the CD "No Bounderies". But the activity and the projects are many, and within a set range of music genres. Right after our meeting at the Sushi restaurant was Harstad and a charity concert next stop on the schedule.Both Grieg and Alexander's latest single "Europe Skies" would be performed there.

What would you say are your musical project ? What do Alexander Rybak represents in the Norwegian music?

Alexander thinks for about 3 seconds: I feel the music industry tend to misunderstand what I'm doing. I am actually well educated musically, and I want my audience to see that. What I'm doing now is not just something I accidentally dropped in to. I have after all been doing different forms of music full time in about ten years already.

There are reports that say that there is a bit of a renaissance of violin playing at the local music schools.

I think it's tremendously cool that the number of fiddling playing children is rising. Many children and young people follow what I do, but I also see that my audience consists of almost all age groups. One time I said in an interview that I had fans from zero to a hundred years, and a woman at 102 contacted me and said that I also had to count her in.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Laila Ulvseth
Here's the rest:

Blåkors interview part 2

Laughter and smiles come easy from Alexander when he talks. The same laughter and the same smile that charmed all of Europe from a Moscow stage last year.
- Where are you heading musically in the years to come?
- I'm going to work on some more classical music in a while, but first I intend to get a little deeper into jazz. I am as a matter of fact schooled in that too!
Alexander reveals some of his strategy as an artist: - It's important to get a fresh project a couple of times a year. That way you keep up the attention from the audience. They get a reminder that you still exist and has something to contribute. My next project is the release of the single "Europe's skies" from my second album No Boundaries.
- Is it exhausting always to be on top?
- I feel I have personally dealt with the egosentric nagging of always being supposed to be on top. I have discovered that it's often more rewarding and exciting to use the "power" I've got as a star, to pull forth other musicians and talents.

Suddenly we have a short break in the interview as a young man comes over to our table to have Rybak's signatur. Alexander is generosity himself and dedicates the autograph to the man's step daughter. After what we hear, the lucky girl is one of Alexander Rybak's "biggest fans ever".
- I really enjoy having achieved some kind of idolic status for children and young people, says Rybak as the happy autograph hunter has thanked and left.
- I was an outsider among my friends, but an outsider who wanted something. I was in fact sitting alone practicing my autograph. Throughout my life I have the same way prepared myself becoming an idol for children and youngsters. It's about how you talk with them, using your normal voice and not cuddle around people. I believe that most of all you need to use your head and just being there.
Alexander says that his good friend the actor Dennis Storhøi has taught him a lot. - Dennis has been my model in daring to show ones human sides, he underlines.

Rolemodel status and the use of alcohol - what thoughts does he have about that? we wonder. The answer comes once more without hesitation.
- I can see the point in making a decision not to drink alcohol. I see that for many, that is the right thing to do. Many times I choose alcohol free drinks instead of alcoholic. Mozell (apple soda) instead of champagne.
Alexander doesn't consider himself a teetotaller, but says he consequently chooses the alcohol weak drinks.
- As you get older, you get more aware of your own limits on this area. I think it's important for parents not to try to teach young people. Listening and guiding is more important. I believe in asking "why" when it comes to using alcohol. That, rather than saying shame on you and ban it completely. And if you have to say no, it's important to practice how to say it in a nice, not hurting way. More and more often I ask myself: What is really the big deal with using alcohol?

- Is a very active artist often exposed to the pressure of drinking?
- I won't say so. After a while you learn to know the "way" of alcohol, and when the offer comes, I know what to say. I can get tired of media's expectations of how artists are supposed to be and how they should act when it comes to alcohol and drugs. I have noticed that the artists who has the most "fringed" reputation in media, the ones that are stamped as bad role models, might be the sturdiest and nicest persons in private. I remember a girl who thought I was stupid not to be smoking or drinking. With a lifestyle like that, of course you loose some friends, but at least you loose the right friends, smiles the 24-year old.

Then we say goodbye. Alexander Rybak has to continue the preparations for the next concert. He is going to be solist with the Divisjonsmusikken (Division music) in Harstad culture house - and the money goes to burn victim children in Ethiopia.
- Sometimes I ask myself if charity concerts really helps, unless the most famous artists performs. But when that is said, some concerts work - and they work well. I get more easily engaged in closer things. Support work for children in need engage me a lot.

The charity concert September 2. obviously was amont the ones that worked. The local newspaper could report that the concert and surrounding activities raised 1.000.000,- - with good help from a dedicated fiddler named Alexander Rybak.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Magda Szykor
I made a translation for video from article, posted here by Ellen. This one: http://muzyka.interia.pl/pop/news/alexander-rybak-otwiera-oczy,1537264

My first album was debut and I present there, the most important side of my creation. I figure it out that most of my audience are teenagers, so I thought, why not show them all kinds of music, so they can be open for other artist and music genres. That’s why I recorded very experimental CD. It’s experimental, but it’s catchy pop music.

Hmm.. well.. it’s not a song, it’s just a girl’s letter for me. It’s actually a real letter, Kaya wrote me, about her family, vacations, it’s a normal letter, but in the same time it’s one of the 5 000 letters I’ve received. This track is some kind of introduction for a next song, called ‘5.000 letters’.

The most important phrase in my song ‘5.000 letters’ it’s probably the part, when I want to read all those letters once again sometimes. Now, they’re part of my history.

Well… first of all, the song ‘I’m in love’ was originally perform by artist called John The Whistler. This version was so great, that when I heard it for the first time, I thought, it’s me, it’s exactly this repertoire I want to perform. Because this song is not very popular among your people I thought I can make this song well known. Now, lot’s of people know the song and I’m really glad, that I remember this song for a whole world.

With my new album I want to tell other people that it’s not necessary to be in the same format, you don’t need to do everything what artist needs to do. I like to experiment, I like to do what I want to do. I hope, young artist will learn something from my experiences.

Oh yes, this song is about my first kiss. It’s actually one of the girls, who are travelling with me, her name is Maria and I sing to her, that the one thing she will always remember is her first kiss.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Sonya Luzina
His answers to the questions during web-conference of KP, September 23th


för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Olina Novikova
The Ukrainian program Snidanok, 24.09.10 Recorded by Melekhov Vladimir

Interview. Translation and subtitles by me


Premiere of the Russian version of Europe's skies. Fixed by Yannis Papadopoulos

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.James Scott Rotramel
Facebook keeps growing, and Alex has moved up to number 8 on the list of most popular ESC artists:

1. 1,475,982 - Celine Dion (winner 1988)
2. 985,634 - maNga (Turkey 2010)
3. 452,303 - ABBA (winner 1974)
4. 420,030 - Lena (winner 2010)
5. 234,489 - Sakis Rouvas (Greece 2004, 2009)
6. 139,146 - Elena Paparizou (Greece 2001, winner 2005)
7. 127,514 - Anna Vissi (Greece 1980, 2006; Cyprus 1982)
8. 120,236 - Alexander Rybak (winner 2009)
9. 119,313 - mor ve ötesi (Turkey 2008)
10. 119,016 - Sertab Erener (winner 2003)
11. 105,745 - Lordi (winner 2006)
12. 87,471 - Arash (Azerbaijan 2009)
13. 71,286 - Ronan Keating (song for Denmark 2009)
14. 63,100 - Lara Fabian (Luxembourg 1988)
15. 57,996 - Julio Iglesias (Spain 1970)

This is as of September 29, 2010 - Alex was previously number 9 on the website http://www.eurovisionontop.com/morenewsarchive.htm , Alex and
Anna Vissi each moved up a spot, knocking mor ve ötesi down to number 9,
and Sertab Erener moved up very fast to knock Lordi out of the top ten.

So, we can see, still a lot of room to grow. Incidentally, I clicked on the Dima Bilan page and I don't think it is his official page, but it had around 19,000 fans.
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Sonya Luzina
Video from the filming of the video for Europe's Skies
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Mari Andersen
Small article from today at Sistranda school - more in tomorrows paper:-)

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Olina Novikova
Translation of the video posted by Sonya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fqx7exzaR:

Alex: So, here I’m on a boat… Eeee… I like Ukraine more and more, there are good people here. Where are we now?
Yana: In Balaklava.
Alex: In Balaklava. And tomorrow we’ll go to Sunduk (must be Sudak)
Yana: To Sudak!
Philatovich (a director): Tomorrow to Yalta.
Alex: To Yalta. So many towns, so little time… I love you very-very-very much!
Alex: There you see how hard I play. Which means I’m talented. I have broken a bow.
Philatovich (a director): I think, the song is just great. And the crew we have here is very international. Because the camera-man is from Russia, the director is from Ukraine, the artist is from Norway and I think I can say that it’s a global filming. We’re filming in Crimea.
Alex: Come on, one, two, three! (singing)
Philatovich (a director): Of course, it’s very difficult to work, because it’s hard to beat off people’s wish to take an autograph and to take a picture with Rybak, but we are handling this problem and continuing to film the music video.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ronja Laupitaja
Article about today's show.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Olina Novikova
Ukrainian TV-program Showmania, 28.09.10 People against Alexander Rybak.,


Woman: I think that Rybak is a singer of one song. He doesn’t have other hits except Fairytale which has become sensational on Eurovision, though it’s about time to have more.

Alex: When the song becomes very famous then, of course, no other song will become as huge as Fairytale. I mean, for example, myself. The same as Lou Bega, all the people think that he has only one song - Mamba number 5, you heard it, right? But those who are his real fans, they know that he has 5 albums. But since he had such a huge hit, everybody knew that it was his song. I’m very glad, because if the people said that – oi, he has many songs but he doesn’t have a single hit – then it would be much worse.

Girl: Why does Rybak dress in the same style all the time, he wears the suits in summer and in winter. Does he have such a style of a music teacher in a music school or what?

Alex: Well, I don’t know. I hope I don’t offend anybody with my clothes. If I do, they should say that, but I wear the clothes I like.

Girl: Lately you often can see Rybak together with Kozlovski, and I don’t understand is this a friendship between two guys or something more?

Alex: We are only friends. But being friends is not just “only”, it’s very important to be friends. So, I’m very glad that I have such a good and… how to say that?... creative friend.

Guy: Alexander is quite adult, but he has a childlike appearance. And he smiles on all his 32 teeth. It’s time for him to start behaving according to his age.

Alex: Oi, but in two years I will be quite old already. But when the people tell me this, then I’m very glad. Then maybe when I’ll be 26, I will be looking like I’m 22, and this will help me a lot, especially in my future projects.
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Sonya Luzina
Alexander Rybak speaks about books

Translation by Olina N.

för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.Milla Levoszky
Ahhh Spinoza! My favorite!
för ungefär 3 månader sedan · Anmäl.

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