lördag 8 januari 2011

Visar inlägg 2341-2370 av 3466.FörstaFöregående7778798081NästaSista.Jitka Holanová
Great Alev!!! :-D I am happy for you and for every turkish fans ;-)..and how much is 45TL? (and what is the name of currency?)
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Alev Canbulat
Jitka, it costs nearly 22 Euro ;) and thank you very much, i am soooooo happy too!! :)
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Out of the 3 most popular movies in the cinemas in Norway in the Easter-holiday, Alexander was in 2 of them.

för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
A page about the young norwegian contestants in the Menuhin-competition, which takes place from 16-25.april 2010. The final gala-concert on the 25th, is where Alexander Rybak takes part.

Many of the youngsters have had the same teachers as he has and one, has had Igor Rybak as teacher.

för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
This interview from the Street-paper OSLO, has been translated by hand here, some time ago, from the paper-version. Now, it is electronically archived and I used Google-translation on it. The first translation by Laila, was probably better, but its a damn funny interview.

för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Irina Kuvaldina
Alexander is nominated in the Russian award “Premia Muz-TV” 2010 as:
- Best male artist
- Best soundtrack (Superhero for the movie “Black Lightning”)
- Best breakthrough


The awarding ceremony will take place on June 11 in the Olympic hall.
Link for voting: (it’s needed to register on the site)


för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Bad reviews but good income for "Yohan" - Side2, 6.4.10


Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?hl=el&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.side2.no%2Funderholdning%2Farticle2875436.ece
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Ingegerd Claesson
VG is writing about Alexander being nominated for the Russian prize.


för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Ta bort inlägg.Ingegerd Claesson
The same news in Dagbladet, they seem to have done a little bit more research than VG has.


för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Ta bort inlägg.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Kari Bu, the journalist, who made the interview, posted a link on fans wall to the english version. The interview from the street-paper = Oslo. This is the real english version, not google-translation.


To the question, if she would tell a bit about how her impression was of him, that day, she wrote this:

Kari Bu:
Alex looked sweet and "nerdy" (in a good way) when he came in his glasses and anonymous outfit. He is a real musician who likes to practise, and I was surprised about how "normal" he was. I soon forgot that he was a star. What really struck me was how much he gives of himself to his fans. He is willing to work much harder than I would ever do, and ... Vis mereanswer a lot of mail. He really deserves his success. I apprecciated his honesty, he just says things without calculating what would be the "right" thing to say. Some of the press abuse that and make him seem a bit crazy. But he is just a person who dares to be himself. If everybody did that, we would be used to seeing the true human nature, and not just the polished version. I certainly prefer the truth. Alex looked great in his t-shirt, like someone you would want to cuddle. His manager (woman) tried to make him follow his schedule, while he wanted to spend more time with us (I think). He signed autographs for the photographer's kids and was very willing to give me the hug I asked for. He certainly knows how to flirt. But it must be difficult to be the actual girlfriend of such a popular and busy person. He also says that he wants to settle down before he chooses one girl for real. Good choice. He wants to make all kinds of music, not just the type that fits his image right now. I'm glad he has more passions that just "being popular". He really cares about music.
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Stamp collection to be issued on Monday
English: http://www.oikotimes.com/v2/index.php?file=articles&id=7830

What is this? It looks like a novel where Alexander is... murdered.

Norwegian: http://www.amta.no/lokale_nyheter/article5059223.ece

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amta.no%2Flokale_nyheter%2Farticle5059223.ece&sl=no&tl=en
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Tessa La
I found a Crime story about Alexander in amta.no:

chapther 1


chapter 2


chapter 3



för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Eva Martinova
It's disgusting, crude and outrageous! It is insensitive toward Alex and his parents...
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
About the concert in Turkey, article from CNN Türk, 8 April 2010

Turkish: http://www.cnnturk.com/2010/yasam/diger/04/08/istanbulun.buz.muzesi.23.nisanda.acilacak/571347.0/

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnnturk.com%2F2010%2Fyasam%2Fdiger%2F04%2F08%2Fistanbulun.buz.muzesi.23.nisanda.acilacak%2F571347.0%2F&sl=tr&tl=en
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Video report from CNN Türk about the Ice Magic museum and the concert.

för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Jitka Holanová
Eva..it really is Norwegian habit..look at it..in the part "Nordic countries"

för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Tessa La
@ Jitka - I have sendt a msg to here, and explained it to her. She didn't know about the norwegian easter tradition. She understands it know.
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
The Turkish TV (CNN Türk) report about the Magic Ice museum and the concert of Alex in Turkey is now on Youtube. It looks interesting.
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Alev Canbulat
the video shared by Yannis

contains same texts which written at


shared by Yannis again.
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
Another article for the Turkish concert.
9 Apr 2010 - 365 Gün Müzik ("Müzik" is Greek :D)

Turkish: http://www.365gunmuzik.com/konserdetay.php?id=212

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.365gunmuzik.com%2Fkonserdetay.php%3Fid%3D212&sl=tr&tl=en
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Alev Canbulat
more news about Istanbul concert, this new says concert will be for 4000 people.
also there is a video about Magic Ice.



för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
"Alexander Rybak opens fairytale ice center"
Article in English from the Norwegian embassy in Turkey - 9.4.10

för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
From the forthcoming interview to TV2. Explanations about the dramatic Facebook appeal about the messages. TV2 - 9.4.10

Norwegian: http://www.tv2underholdning.no/gkn/-de-begynte-aa-sende-meldinger-til-mamma-og-naboen-3179294.html

Googlish: http://translate.google.gr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=el&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tv2underholdning.no%2Fgkn%2F-de-begynte-aa-sende-meldinger-til-mamma-og-naboen-3179294.html&sl=no&tl=en
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
Link to watch Alexander in " Fredag" on TV2.no at april 9th , 18.55 CET
You can only use the link, if you have a password to the channel.

för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Amélie Delbecq
i hope on youtube later
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marianne Mata Hari Saietz
And those of you, who got my old password: It expired!
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Yannis Papadopoulos
The link at my post about TV2 was researched by Lisa Andersson.
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Marijke Arentsen
Thanks Marianne. I just saw Alexander with Arve Tellefsen.:-)
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Tessa La
Article in dn.no 10.4.2010 about EMI's profit on Alexander


för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.Hilde Målsnes
Interview on fredag last night, with english translation. Two parts, my first annotations, training session:) So sometimes the text is covering Alex and sometimes text is covering text .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTL7XfXc-Ic part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QJ5wm19S4U part 2
för ungefär 9 månader sedan · Anmäl.

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